Forced Wedding

"Mione, you look beautiful," Ginny gushed as Hermione stepped out from the bathroom in her long white dress.

"Its nothing," Hermione said with a fake smile.

"Are you kidding?" Luna gaped, "You're a goddess marrying the man of your dreams!"

Hermione looked away at that. She wasn't marrying the man of her dreams. She was being forced to marry someone she didn't want to in fear for her and her families life.

"Mione what's wrong?" Ginny asked, "You can tell us."

"You can't tell anyone, and you can' anything about it," Hermione whispered.

"Of course," Luna said.

"If I don't marry him, he'll kill me and my family," Hermione whispered, "I have no choice."

"What?" Ginny shrieked.

"So I was right! You do want to marry Draco!" Luma smiled.

"What? I-I didn't say that," Hermione stuttered looking up but couldn't keep the blush off her cheeks.

"You do?" Ginny asked, "Aw that's so cute. Good girl fell in love with her bully! Is he a softie inside?"

"Yeah," Hermione smiled, "The best."

"Well what do we do?" Ginny said suddenly worried.

"Nothing. I marry him," Hermione said sadly, "Let's just go. The wedding starts in ten minutes anyways."

"Mione are you sure?" Luna asked, "We could always send him to the ministry."

Hermione shook her head, "He's a lot smarter than we've ever given him credit for. He'll find a way out."

Ginny and Luna exchanged looks but nodded anyways before the three left the room.

"Hermione! Oh you look fabulous," Molly smiled as she exited the room.

"Absolutely amazing!" Fluer grinned, "He's a lucky man."

Hermione gave a weak smile, but couldn't stop the single tear that rolled down her face in an elegant way. In a few moments she'd be trapped to the man who uses. Who abuses her. Threatens her safety. And she was going to be married to him.

"What wrong?" Molly asked wiping away the tear.

"Oh, um, I uh, j-just nervous I guess," Hermione replied clearing her throat, "I'll be fine."

"Okay, then. Let's go!" Molly said excitedly hugging her soon-to-be daughter in law.

The four girls made their way down to the yard of the Burrow where the wedding was set up. Guests were in their chairs and the boys were at the front waiting for it to start.

"Ready?" Molly asked her.

Hermione nodded glumly and took Arthur's arm. Since her parents memories were gone, Arthur had offered to escort her down the aisle and Hermione accepted.

The music started and the bridesmaids went down followed by the flower girl (Victorie) and ring person (teddy). Then Hermione started her walk down the aisle. When she got to the front, Arthur kissed her cheek and wished her luck before taking his seat.

"We are gathered her today to celebrate the joining of two souls." The minister, Blaise Zabini, started giving Hermione a look that clearly said 'don't do it', "Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. If there is anyone who objects to this marriage, please speak now or forever hold your silence."

Hermione gulped nervously while Luna and Ginny exchanged a look before the both said, "I object."

Heads whipped over to them from there spots and Blaise had trouble containing a smirk.

"You object?" He asked them.

"Yes," Ginny said.

"And why is that?" Ron snapped angrily.

"Because you threatened her," Luna said calmly, "To kill her and her family if she didn't marry you."

"I would never," Ron exclaimed, "Hermione, tell them it isn't true."

Hermione looked into his eyes before looking over at Blaise who shook his head the slightest. She looked at Luna and Ginny who had pleading looks on their faces before she turned to the crowd and saw him. Hiding in the back stood the man she truly loved. Draco Malfoy.

He looked at her and mouthed 'its your choice'. Before averting his gaze to Blaise instead, determined not to look at the woman he loved standing in a white dress across from her groom... Who wasn't him.

"I..." Hermione started, "Its true," she whispered.

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?" Molly screamed grabbing his ear and pulling him out of the tent, still screaming at him.

"Now, since there is no wedding anymore. All of you can leave if you wish," Blaise smiled throwing an arm around Hermione's shoulder, "Let's get you out, Granger."

Hermione nodded and allowed Blaise to steer them clear of the crowds of people with questions or trying to leave. They managed to reach the back, and Blaise motioned for Draco to follow them.

He nodded and discreetly followed the two until they reached a field with a single person pacing.

"Did you do it?" He asked as soon as the three arrived.

"Do what?" Hermione asked.

"Save you from the bastard," the boy replied in a 'duh' tone.

"We did, Theo," Draco said, "Weaslette and Loony were perfect."

"Wait what?" Hermione asked turning to fave the three boys.

"They knew already. We told them before hand so they could stop it. We just didn't know if you would go along with it," Blaise explained.

"So you spilled my secret that I trusted you with in hopes if the small chance your ridickulus plan would work?" Hermione asked eerily calm.

"Yes?" The boys grimaced st how bad it sounded.

"Idiots!" Hermione cried before throwing herself at them and hugging all three tightly, "Stupid idiots. Thank you."

"No problem, Granger," Theo smiled as she released everyone except Draco.

"You gonna let go?" Draco asked looking down at her.

"Where's the fun in that?" Hermione asked.

"You fail to surprise me, Granger," Draco laughed.

"That's kinda the point," Hermione shrugged.

Draco smiled at her before leaning down and capturing her lips with his in a passionate kiss.

"Should we be here?" Blaise asked Theo.

"Duh," Theo replied quietly, "It'll be so awkward for them when they realize that we are here."

Blaise laughed quietly while hitting Theo upside the head, "You really need to find a girlfriend."

"Meh, too much work. Its better to watch others and make them uncomfortable," Theo reasoned.

"Hermione," Draco said slowly as they pulled away and rested their foreheads together.

"Draco," Hermione mimicked.

"I love you."

"I love you," Hermione responded with a smile.

Theo gave a girly shriek and jumped back pointing, "THEY SAID THE L WORD! THEY SAID THE L WORD! LIFE IS COMPLETE!"

"Theo, shut up," Hermione and Draco said together rolling there eyes and turning to face their friends.

"Sure thing, Dramione," Theo smirked.

"Let's go," Blaise said, "Before he gets any crazier. Hey you think that he's normal when he's drunk? I don't know either, let's go see!" He rushed out grabbing everyone's hands and apparating them to his house.

"What complete idiots," Hermione groaned as the boys sprinted inside leaving her to trudge up the lath by herself in a adding down with no wand.