Game Night

"Ginny, no. I'm not playing," Hermione said sternly as Ginny approached her in the library.

"Why not mione? Its just a few seventh years. Gryffindor and Slytherin only. Think of it as house unity," Ginny reasoned.

"Don't care," Hermione said turning the page of her book, "I'm not playing."

"What's so bad about a game night?" Ginny whined.

Hermione raised am eyebrow to her and Ginny huffed.

"Fine. Tell you what, come play and you won't have to help Ron on his homework for a week!" Ginny offered.

Hermione thought it over while pretending to read. It wouldn't be that bad, but with Ginny you never know. As much as she wanted to decline, helping Ron with homework was no fly around the quidditch pitch. He complained and whined the whole time and Hermione usually ended up doing all the work while he took the credit.

"Alright," Hermione sighed closing her book gently and placing it in her bag, "I'll come. But Ron doesn't get the tiniest hint from me once break ends."

"Yes!" Ginny cheered grabbing hermione- hand and racing out of the library, earning a glare from Madame Pince.

"Gin, slow down! Where are we going?" Hermione panted.

"Room Of Requirement." Ginny answered as she stopped at a wall on the seventh floor.

She walked past three times before opening her eyes to find a door had appeared. She grinned widely and pulled Hermione in, sealing the door behind her.

"You're late!" A voice called out.

"Sorry, Pans," Ginny apologized pulling Hermione forward, "I did it though. Hermione is here!"

"How'd you do it?" Another voice asked and Hermione looked to see Blaise Zabini sitting on the floor in a circle with the other people.

"Told her she didn't have to do or help Ron with his homework for a week when school starts," Ginny shrugged.

"What? No? I'll fail," Ron complained.

"Don't care," Ginny smiled sitting down and pulling Hermione with her.

Hermione took a look around too see who was there. It wasn't a lot of people, but a decent amount. There was Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, Ginny, and herself.

"Let's begin!" Ginny said smiling devilishly, "How bout kiss, marry, avada kedavra?"

The group, excluding Hermione, nodded their heads and Ginny started the game.

"Ron! Lavender, Hermione, and Romilda Vane." Ginny smirked.

"Uh," Ron said thinking quickly, "Marry Hermione, Kiss Lavender, and avada Romilda."

"Interesting," Pansy smirked.

Ron shrugged before speaking, "Blaise. Millicent Bulstrode, Daphne Greengrass, and Pansy."

"Only one decent one there, Ron," Blaise grimaced, "Marry Pansy, Kiss Daphne, and Avada Bulstrode. Let's see... Hermione! Time to welcome you to the games!" He said with a wicked laugh.

Everyone raised an eyebrow to him while he just shrugged, "Okay, let's do.... Ron, Cormac Mclaggen, and Draco."

Hermione gave a disgusted look at the last two names before answering, "Marry Ron," she said immediately to no ones surprise since she hated the other two,  "Uh, kiss ferret and Avada Mclaggen."

"Kiss ferret?" Ginny repeated stunned.

"Better than marry," Hermione explained.

"Why not avada?" Harry asked.

"Have you met Mclaggen?" Hermione asked dumbfounded, "He made it his sole purpose to get me under as many mistletoes as he could. Worse day ever."

"Okay that's unserstandable," Harry grumbled.

Hermione nodded, "Let's do you, Harry. Luna, Cho, and Parvati."

Harry gave her an odd looks before answering, "Avada Cho," Ron started laughing his head off, "And I guess Kiss Parvati and Marry Luna."

Everyone turned to Luna who was busy swatting her hands in the air and appeared to not have heard his answer until she smiled at him before retuning to her air hitting.

Harry looked as though he was rethinking his answer, but moved on, "Lets have a bit of fun," he smirked, "Malfoy. Moaning Myrtle, Ginny and Hermione."

Malfoy looked at the two girls as though debating in his head before he looked back at Harry and answers, "Kill the ghost, Kiss she-weasal and marry bookworm."

Everyone stared at him for at least two minutes before he explained, "The ghost is straight up annoying and its a given to kill it. She-Weasel is related to the Weasels and I'd die in less than a day, and bookworm here is decently smart enough to stay out of my way. Unless I want her," he said throwing her a wink at the end.

Hermione blushed slightly and looked away.

"That's disgusting," Ron grimaced.

Malfoy shrugged before turning to Pansy, "Pans, Cornelius Fudge, Mundungus Fletcher, and Filch."

"Marry Fletcher, Kiss, Fudge, and Avada filch," she answers immediately.

"How'd you decide so quick?" Theo gaped.

"Simple," Hermione answered for her, "Fletcher is a thief and can steal stuff for her, kissing fudge is good for blackmail, and filch is a part so killing him was a given."

The boys gapes at her while the three girls looked impressed with her quick logic.

"I feel like you could take over the world one day," Blaise said.

"I'm working on it," Hermione smiled innocently and everyone scooted away, "I'm kidding. I'm not like Voldemort."

"Never know," Pansy shrugged, "Now let's see, who has gone yet? Theo! Daphne, Astoria, and Ginny."

"Tough," Theo said, "I'll have to say... Marry tori, kiss Ginny, and Avada Daphne. Now Astoria... Draco, Harry, and Finnigan."

"Marry Draco, kiss Harry and Avada Finnigan," she said after a moment, "Last one, Ginny! Harry, Thomas, and Blaise."

"Marry Harry," Ginny said instantly, "Uh, kiss Blaise and Avada Dean."

"Avada Dean?" Ron exclaimed.

"It'd be awkward to kiss or marry him," Ginny shrugged, "Next game! Let's do Would you rather but the Slytherin Version."

"What's the Slytherin Version?" Hermione asked.

"Oh right you're never here!" Ginny said, "Basically you ask a would you rather question and which ever one the person would rather do, they have to do it or strip a piece of clothing."

Hermione's eyes widened slightly, "This is exactly why I don't like coming," she mumbled under her breath.

"Let's begin!" Ginny said and a bottle appeared in the middle. She reached forward and spun it, "Theo! Okay, would you rather Tell Snape you're in love with him, or Dumbledore you're gay?"

"Dumbledore! Definatley Dumbledore!" Theo exclaimed. He exited the room and returned a bit later, "Done!"

"I'll ask tomorrow and see," Harry said.