Trapped Together Part 1

"Mr Potter! Mr Malfoy! Snape screamed, "DETENTION!"

"But sir-"

"No buts!" Snape screeched.

Harry huffed and turned back to his work while Draco rolled his eyes and went back to his conversation with Blaise.

"Mr Zabini! Detention! No talking," Snape commanded.

"Yes sir," Blaise said calmly.

"Don't worry Harry," Ron whispered trying to get Harry to cheer up.

"Don't worry? I have detention with two Slytherins! That says worry!"

"I'll threaten them if you'd like," Hermione offered, "They've listened to me ever since I hexed their robes pink."

"You'd did that?" Ron asked.


"Mr Weasley! Miss Granger! Detention." Snape screamed.

"We get it," Pansy muttered under her breath unfortunately loud enough for Snape to hear her.

"Parkinson! Detention. All of you here at six tonight!" Snape demanded.

"Yes sir," The six sighed in unison.


"Ronald Weasley! If you are not down here in one minute I swear I will tell Snape you were trying to ditch!" Hermione screamed up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

"You wouldn't," Ron called back.

"Watch me," Hermione challenged and a moment later the common room door was slammed shut.

"She's doing it!" Harry called.

"Bloody hell!" Ron screeched running down the stairs and the two boys sprinted to the dungeons where Hermione was waiting for them outside the door with the Slytherins.

"Doors locked," Hermione said casually.

"S-Snapes not h-here?" Ron panted and Hermione nodded, "Thank Merlin. I thought you were Sirius."

"I was," Hermione smiled innocently.

"Godric you could be Slytherin," Harry muttered.

"What was that?" Hermione asked dangerously quiet.

"Nothing!" Harry and Ron said.

"Thought so," Hermione growled.

"Follow me," Snape said exiting the classroom and walking down the halls.

The six followed quickly to keep up. Snape stopped outside a portrait of Albus Dumbledore. He whispered something and Dumbledore opened the door. Snape motioned for the children to enter and they did.

"You will all stay in here until Tuesday night. You will be excused from classes until then. Its Friday so you have four days to work out your problems. Goodbye," Snape said before closing the portrait.

"He's kidding," Pansy gaped.

"He's not," Hermione sighed running her hand over the door with her eyes closed, "Ancient magic is on this to keep us in. Only Snape van enter if he has the password and says it in a correct tone of voice."

"How do you know that? I doubt any of us brought our wands," Ron gaped looking at the Slytherins he shook their heads.

"Idiots," Hermione muttered, "I did bring my wand, but its simple really. There's a slight repelling feeling that causes pain when you touch the door and Snape whispered a password, Albino, in a tonw of voice he never uses."

"And that's why she's the brightest witch of her age," Blaise declared proudly.

"Not now, Blaise," Hermione sighed.

"Blaise?" Pansy repeated, "First name?"

"Oh, uh, y-yeah?" Hermione stuttered, "We were um, potions partners in uh, fourth year."

"You know, you are horrible at lying," Draco sighed leaning against the wall, "Just say the truth."

"I'd prefer not to," Hermione smiled casually.

"I'm hungry," Ron complained.

"When are you not?" Harry asked.

Ron scowled at him, "There's got to be food in here somewhere, right?"

"Most likely," Pansy said looking out at the room.

They were in a room with cream walls and cream furniture with hardwood floor made of wood with a wax coating. There was a single fireplace and a few bookshelves. The wall farthest them had two doors and to the left was a small opening to anither room that showed signs of a kitchen.

"What's in here?" Harry asked opening the door on the right.

There was a large bathroom with two sinks, three stalls, a large tub and a dark glass shower.

"Looks like a bathroom, Harry," Hermione replied.

"I knew that," Harry said.

"Problem!" Pansy called from the next room.

Harry and Hermione exited the bathroom and entered the next room. It was the same the first room but had three long sized beds and two large oak wardrobes, one labeled girl and one labeled boys.

"Three beds?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," Blaise sighed, "We'll have to share- a note?"

"A note," Draco repeated taking it from Blaise's hands and reading it out loud.