Trapped Together Part 3

"How drunk did we get?" Harry groaned slowly sitting up and clutching his head.

"You drank five bottles of firewhiskey," Draco said from his spot on the bed with Hermione.

"How were you not drunk?" He exclaimed.

"Unlike you five, I was smart enough to take a hangover potion and quite a few sobering potions before we started," Draco smirked as Ron, Blaise, and Pansy woke up.

"Why must people talk in the morning?" Ron groaned.

"Potions are in the kitchen," Draco said, "If you can make it there," he muttered quietly.

"Shut up!" Pansy groaned getting up and wobbling out of the room.

"No thanks!" Draco called to her.

"Is mione awake?" Blaise asked.

"Nope," Draco said looking down at the sleeping figure on his chest and smiling slightly.

"Woah! Is Draco Malfoy smiling?" Pansy asked when she walked back in holding a basket full of potions.

"No," Draco said quickly dropping his smile and looking back at his book.

"Whatever you say Draco," Blaise rolled his eyes accepting a few potions from Pansy.

Draco scowled at him before lookinhlg back down at Hermione and shaking her slightly, "Granger!"

"What?" Hermione groaned.

"Wake up."

"No," she groaned again hiding her face in his chest.


"Bloody ferret."

"That's me."

"Oh really? I had no idea!"

"That's why I said that."

"No, you'd said 'That's me' not 'that'."

"Wake up."

"Bastard," Hermione said sitting up, "God that hurts."

"Here. Sobering and Hangover. It'll take away the pain and restore your memories of what happened," Pansy said handing her two potions.

"Before you drink those, promise not to punch me again?" Draco asked.

"Sure," Hermione said suspiciously before drinking the potions.

Her head instantly stopped hurting and the room stopped spinning. It took a moment but the memories came back of yesterday.

"Oh my god," Hermione exclaimed.

"What?" Blaise asked.

"I-I kissed a ferret-"

"It was a dare-"



"Must you call me a ferret?" Draco sighed standing and moving out of Hermione's punch range.

"Yes," Hermione smirked.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Pansy said, "You kissed him twice? But wasn't he the only one who wasn't drunk?"

"Oh god," Hermione groaned placing her face in her hands, "I snogged a conscious ferret twice!"

"But wasn't it only on the couch when we played truth or dare?" Ron asked a small tone of disgust.

"And then before we went to sleep," Hermione said from her hands but it came out muffled.

"Oh," Blaise said since everyone was unsure of what to say.

"Well, um let's get on with the day then," Pansy said going to their wardrobes and opening them to reveal the swim suits and the days outfits.

After an hour and a half everyone had showered and they were eating breakfast.

"What are we supposed to do today?" Ron asked with a mouthful of eggs.

"That's disgusting Ronald," Hermione grimaced as she pushed around her food having only eaten a few bites.

"Eat," Ron said noticing her lack of appetite, "Please, Hermione. You're starving yourself."

"I'm fine," Hermione smiled to him.

"He's right mione," Harry sighed, "You haven't had much since breakfast yesterday. Just at least eat this."

Harry reached over and offered her a large roll that was the size of her fist.

"That's huge," Hermione gaped.

"Its a roll."

"I'm fine Harry," Hermione smiled placing the roll back on his plate, "Honestly."

Harry and Ron looked at the two male Slytherins that were sitting on either side of Hermione and seem to be telling them something with their eyes. Blaise and Draco seemed to understand since they nodded and put down their forks.

Blaise slowly stood up and walked behind Hermione's chair before he pulled it back a large amount and held her down to it.

"Blaise what are you doing? Let me go!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Sorry Granger," Draco said sitting in the chiar he had pulled in front of her, "You're eating."

"No I'm not," Hermione growled.

"Open up," Draco smirked.

Hermione kept her jaw tightly closed and glared at him. Draco raised an eyebrow at her and she didn't move a muscle.

"I'll kiss you again," He said.

Hermione opened her mouth to retort, but was cut off when Draco shoved the fork into her mouth. Hermione glared at him in a way that would kill if looks could kill.

"You're mean," she growled once she had swallowed the food.

"Why do you think I'm in Slytherin?" He asked with a smirk.

"Bloody ferret," Hermione mumbled before looking up at Blaise, "Can I leave?"

"No. You need to eat that entire plate of food," Blaise said in an older brotherly way.

"Blaise," Hermione groaned.

"Hermione," wise mimicked, "Eat."

"Can't make me."

"Actually, we can," Draco smirked.

"Really?" Hermione challenged looking back down at him.

"Yeah," Draco said leaning back in his chair.

"I'd like to see you try," Hermione said bravely, managing to free her arms and folded them across her chest.

"Hermione, now is not the time to bring up your Gryffindor courage," Ron sighed.

"I don't choose when I use it," Hermione defended using Ron as a distraction.

"Yes you actually do," Ron started to explain but stopped when Hermione jumped up.

Since Blaise was busy listening to Ron's story, he had loosened his grip on Hermione's shoulder and so she had jumped out of his grasp, stepped up onto the seat of the chjar and then the back of it and jumped over Blaise before turning back to face everyone.