Trapped Together Part 4

"What?" Draco asked.

"Go," Blaise said, "Talk to her."

Draco tried to protest but Pansy stomped on his foot and threatened to introduce his mini Malfoy's to her knee if he didn't man up and go in.

Fearing the wrath of Pansy's knees, Draco scowled at the group and knocked twice before walking in. Hermione was sprawled out face up on her and Draco's bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face.

"Granger?" Draco asked slowly.

Hermione made no movement. Just a small grunt to show she was listening. Her eyes drooped close for a minute before she opened them with a sigh and turned to face Draco.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why what?" Draco asked already knowing the question.

"Why did you... You know," Hermione said.

"Fall for you?" Draco asked hoarsely.

"Y-Yeah," Hermione said swallowing hard and facing the ceiling again, "That."

"Well, I don't know," Draco sighed sitting on the foot of the bed, "It happened in third year when you punched me, like I said. I just was so shocked. You were the first person to ever stand up to me. I guess I admired you for that."

"You did?"

"Yeah. You were just so strong and I kinda liked that you put me in my place. I really deserved it but no one had done anything about it until you came along," Draco said smiling slightly.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Hermione asked slowly.

Draco hesitated for a minute before answering, "No." He sighed, "I knew you wouldn't return the... Feeling, and I didn't want to bother you. You hate me anyways."

"Not true. I don't you. Just not that fond of you, although j have to say. You've changed that quite a bit," Hermione smirked.

"I have?" Draco asked.

"Oh yes," Hermione smiled sitting up and moving next to him, "You made quite the example back in the kitchen this morning."

Draco caught on and his eyes widened slightly as he turned to face the smirking Gryffindor.

"I have to admit though, I was quite surprised to learn that you are almost in love with me," she said laughing when he blushed bright red, "Aw, are you blushing?" She teased.

"No," Draco said unconvincingly as he looked away.

"You totally are," Hermione said her sweet laughter filling the room.

Draco couldn't help but stare at her grinning as she laughed.

"What?" She smiled realizing Draco was staring.

"Don't hate me," He said.

"Why would I-- oh that makes sense," she said mumbling the last bit as Draco's lips pressed against hers.

Draco smiled a bit at her comment as she kissed him back. Draco slowly turned his body so he was now parallel to her. He wrapped his arms around here pulling her body close so she was pressed against him as their mouths moved in perfect synchronization, both intoxicated by the other.

Draco smirked when he heard a slight moan emerge from Hermione as he gently lowered her down onto the bed, hovering over her.



What do you think they're doing?" Garey asked bordely. It had been twenty minutes since Draco had entered rk face Hermione and neither had come out yet.

"Dunno," Pansy shrugged rising to her feet.

She walked over to the door and pressed her ear against it. She waited awhile before her eyes widmeddand she jumped three feet away from the door.

"What?" Ron asked looking io from the game of tic-tac-toe he was plating with harry in the ashes of the fire pit.

"T-T-They," She stuttered, eyes wide and jaw hanging open, "No! No, no, no, not thinking that." She scolded.

"Pansy?" Blaise asked unsurley as she started slapping her head.

"Yes Blaise?"

"You okay?"

"Yep. Just very bad mental pictures that I do not want," Pansy grimaced.

Blaise raised an eyebrow and approached the door pressing his ear against it for five sexodns before standing up straight, wide eyed and face pale, and walking back to the couch.

"What?" Harry and Ron asked.

"Listen for yourself," Pansy groaned.

The two boys shared a look before shrugging and jumping to their feet. They had barely put their ears to the door when they heard a loud noise from inside and practically spromyed away.

"Don't tell me..." Ron trailed off.

"Yep," Pansy said, "Yep."

"Let's have lunch!" Blaise declared, "Lunch and then reading about anything that does not have a male and a female."

"Agreed," The three said before grabbing random books off the shelves and running into the kitchen.


"Hey guys," Hermione smiled exiting the room.

"Hey," Harry said half smiling.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked taking a seat on the couch.

"We may have listened through the door?" Blaise asked.

"You listened to me snog the ferret for half an hour straight?" Hermione asked dangerously calm.

"Wait you only kissed? Thank merlin!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Blaise Zabini!" Hermione shrieked throwing a pillow at him, "How dare you even think that!"

"You didn't do it right?" Harry asked holding his hands over his face.

Hermione took a book, pulled his hands down, and whacked him on the head, "No, Harry. Definatley not! We talked, kissed, and talked some more."

"Alright," Ron said as Draco exited.

"Why's everyone staring at me?" He asked suspiciously as he sat next to Blaise.

"They thought we did t" Hermione said.

"Really?" Draco asked, "I'm guessing either Pansy or Blaise got that idea into Potter and Weasley's heads?"

"Maybe," Blaise grinned.

"Not surprised. You always think I'm shaghing some girl," Draco shrugged.