Trapped Together Part 5

A/N: I'm back! I've fixed it up and I'm now able to post again. There will be a Part six out tomorrow so be ready. Thanks!

"Well you certainly took your time," Hermione said as Blaise walked into the kitchen, eyes red and swollen.

"Why didn't anyone tell me you can't put shampoo in your eyes?" He asked stamping his foot against the ground.

"Uh I don't know, common sense?" Pansy asked pulling out a bowl.

Blaise scowled at her and walked over to Harry and Ron and started talking with them.

"Harry! Stop!" Hermione said suddenly, "Look at the label."

Harry quirked an eyeborw but looked at the label of the box he was holding before turning to the recipe.

"Is there a difference? They both say baking on it," he asked.

"Harry! There is a huge difference between Baking and baking Hermione sighed, "Use the other one."

"Fine, fine," Harry said switching boxes.

"What's seasoning?" Pansy asked as she and Blaise read over the recipe of the lamb chops they were trying to make.

"Its the spices on it. Like salt, pepper, cayenne and others like that," Hermione explained as she cracked and egg with one hand into the bowl without getting any shells in whilst measuring a third a cup of milk.

"How do you do that?" Ron asked staring in awe.

"Do what?" Hermione asked looking up as she tossed away the shell and closing the milk jug.

"Multitask everything!" Ron exclaimed, "You're better than mum and she uses magic."

"That's for me to know," Hermione smirked.

"She's smirking!" Harry and Ron exclaimed dropping their spoons, "Run. Its never good."

"And you say Voldemort's over dramatic," Hermione mumbled under her breath pouring in some sugar.

"He was! Don't you remember '" Harry exclaimed while mimicking the over dramatic hand movements on Ron, touching his forehead.

The Slytherins stared while Hermione burst into a fit of giggles.

"I remember that," Hermione laughed, "You told us during a DA class."

"What's DA?" Pansy asked.

"Dumbledore's Army. It was the club we illegally organized to learn defensive and offensive spells since Umbitch wouldn't teach us-- or let us to magic for that matter."

"Um- Pansy repeated before laughing, "That is the best name I have heard for her since Dol-- - res. You know? Dolores-- Oh I know! She is no longer Dolores Umbridge. She is now Dol-toad-res Um-bitch."

"Pansy, I think you should go lie down or something," Draco said.

"No! I can't do this alone! She stays!" Blaise said.

"Don't mess it up," Hermione warned dumping the mixture into a 13" x 8" pan and placing it in one of the ovens.

"No promises!" Blaise said as he knocked over a glass of water and it fell to the floor shattering.

"We're going to be here forever," Hermione groaned walking over to Draco and taking the small container out of his hands, replacing it with a different one.

"Sorry," he smiled.

"Its alright. Just again mistake salt for sugar. Its the worse thing you can do," Hermione warned.

Draco threw his hands up in surrender, "I promise, I promise."

"Good boy," Hermione smiled standing on her toes a kissing his cheek.

"You missed," Draco said.


"You missed," he repeated with a smirk while Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and Pansy, Blaise, Harry, and Ron were quietly discussing how much that they were 'goals'.

Hermione crinkled her nose as she tried to figure out what he meant, "You're so cute when your confused," he laughed while she turned pink, "I'll give you a hint." He added before leaning down and placing his lips on hers.

"Oh," Hermione said quickly before wrapping her arms around his neck while his circled her waist.

"Wow that was just too cute!" Pansy squealed before rushing over to the stove where a pot of something yellow was bubbling over.

"Malfoy - we - need - to get back - to work," Hermione attempted to say between him kissing her against the wall he'd managed to push her to.

"Just a - little while - longer," her responded.

"Okay," she moaned as he slipped his tongue into her mouth expertly.

"We might as well keep working," Ron sighed, "They'll be busy for awhile."

"Unfortunately," Harry sighed, "Where'd Blaise go?"

"He was just he-"


"Found him," Pansy said looking up from the stove where she was cleaning the yellow liquid.

"Dear Merlin please someone help us," Harry mumbled turning around to add corn meal or was it corn starch? Meh, just put a bit of both.


"HARRY! DID YOU USE CORN MEAL OR CORN STARCH IN THIS?" Hermione shrieked from the oven where she had been investigating a burning smell.

"Uh, both?" He said shyly.

"YOU WHAT?" Hermione screamed turning to face him, "You are so lucky that wasn't in there any longer or it could've broken the oven!"

"Calm down," Ron said, "I made extra of whatever they are. And look place it down and we're done."

Ron walked over and put the large plate of corn rolls on the metal table. They disappeared and the list was complete.

"That was a lot of work," Blaise sighed.

"You did two things before giving up," Pansy said slowly.


"Mione did over half of it and your complaint about helping with two things," Harry said, "You really need to sort out your priorities."

"Did you just quote me?" Ron asked.


"A new note!" Pansy exclaimed from the living room.

Everyone walked in tiredly and Pansy grinned to herself when she saw Draco pull Hermione down to sit in his lap.

"What's it say?" Blaise asked shooting daggers at Draco.