Trapped Together Part 6


"So what do you think Dumbledore meant by 'Everyone will know what has happened here'?" Hermione asked as Draco entered the bathroom and joined her in the large tub.

"Not sure," Draco shrugged, "I mean I have a theory but I very much hope I'm wrong."

"Mind sharing?" Hermione asked.

"Well, look," Draco said grabbing something off the wall. It was small and black, "Its a muggle camera."

"You don't think they're watching us, do you?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe. And there's no classes today so it could be that the whole school has been watching," Draco said, "But I don't think that would be true. They'd have to cancel classes for two days," he added at Hermione's face of horror.

"Right. That can't be it," Hermione nodded as she leaned back and closed her eyes, "I can't believe Blaise woke us up at six!"

"Take a nap," Draco shrugged, "You got twenty minutes."

"If I fall asleep now I'm never waking up," Hermione groaned.

Draco laughed at her expression earning a glare from her before she walked over to him.

"Don't laugh at me," she said playfully swatting his shoulder.

"Or what?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Or I'll.... I'll..." Hermione said trying to think of something.

"I got an idea," Draco said turning her to face him, "How bout or this?" He questioned as leaned down and kissed her.

"Mm," Hermione grinned, "Very smart idea."

"Figured," Draco said.

"Hey Draco I had a quick question-- AH! NO! THIS IS NOT MY DAY!" Blaise shrieked as he entered looking at a book at first before he looked up.

"Blaise you suck," Hermione sighed pulling away from Draco who turned to glare at Blaise.

"DRACO WHAT WAS THAT?" Blaise screeched, ignoring Hermione's comment.

"Uh, kissing her?" Draco asked.

"Well that was hard to tell!" Blaise exclaimed, "But must you?"

"Its pretty hard not to," Draco shrugged, "She's too tempting."

"I'm taking that as a compliment," Hermione said.

"Hush, Mione, I'm scolding Draco here," Blaise said, "No more kissing! At least wait until I die and will never have to see it again!"

"Well, moods been killed," Hermione sighed climbing out if the tub and throwing a robe on.

She grabbed her clothed and left the room closing the door behind her.

"Blaise, what was that?" Draco asked exasperated.

"What was what?" Blaise asked, "You sucking her face off."

"Why must you interrupt?" Draco groaned rubbing his eyes, "Do you know how hard it is to keep from pouncing on her every second of every day?"

"No," Blaise mumbled.

"Exactly. You don't know how torturous it is to not be holding her in my amrs and playing with her honey curls that just fly everywhere or--"

"I get it!" Blaise cried, "You like her, I get it!"

"I don't like her, mate," Draco sighed, "I bloody love her. And I'm not exaggerating one bit. I siriusly love that witch so much."

"Just try not to kiss in front of me. Its kinda gross," Blaise smiled, "But other than that you have my full permission to marry her and have children."

"Blaise, first off I don't think I'd need your permission. If she wanted to marry me and you said no she would have you in a grave faster than you could change your mind, and second of all, she doesn't exactly like me that much. I mean a family and a life with her sounds so bloody amazing but I don't think its something she'd want." Draco sighed.

"You never know," Blaise pointed out seeing how much his friend loved Hermione, "How do you know she wouldn't want to wake up in your arms every morning, or have you to come home too, or even just to sit with on the couch and watch one of those muggle movie things? How you know she wouldn't want to? That she wouldn't want you?"

"I bullied her her entire life until four days ago. That should be enough reasons on its own," Draco said.

"And you should know she's forgiven you and is way more than willing to give you another chance," A voice called from the other side of the door, "And you should also know, that a life as Blaise described sounds bloody perfect to me as well." It added before the sound of feet walking away sounded.

"Maybe your right Blaise," Draco grinned, "Maybe your right."


"Its ten!" Blaise suddenly exclaimed causing everyone to jump.

"It is?" Hermione asked looking at her muggle watch that came with her outfit for that day(a black mid thigh length skirt, black tights, and a grey sweater.)

"Yep, and there's the door!" Pansy said pointing to a red and green door that suddenly appeared on the wall.

"Well let's go," Harry said jumping up.

Everyone followed quickly and gathered in front if the door. Harry carefully turned the handle and pushed it forward. There was a long tunnel with a few torches lighting the way.

"Looks like the passages in the dungeons," Pansy shivered as they walked in and started the walk.

"How far does this go?" Blaise groaned after ten minutes of walking.

"To right here, idiot," Hermione said pushing open the brown door at the end and stopping, "Oh shit."

"What?" Ron asked pushing her out, "Oh hell."

The six exited to be faced with the entire school sitting around, everyone having a sleeping bag and snack with them as they all either watched the six enter or a large screen that showed projections of the room they had been staying in.

"What the hell?" Pansy and Hermione shrieked causing everyone to turn to them.

"Ah, you're back," Snape said striding towards them, "We thank you for your entertainment over the past few days-- and before you freak. It automatically shades the screen so we can't see when you are less than decent clothing wise."

"YOU WATCHED US?" Pansy shrieked.

"AND WITHOUT OUR CONSENT?" Hermione joined.

"Yes and yes," Snape nodded, "It was too good of an oppurtunity."

"You-you," Hermione started, "You insufferable, greasy, toe rag!"

"Well that's a new one," Snape said amused.

"Idiots!" Pansy said folding her arms before something dawned on her, "Wait you've seen everything?"

"Yep," Neville smiled coming next to Snape.

Pansy turned bright red and looked down avoiding his gaze.

"Well that's no fun," Neville said placing two fingers under her chin and forcing her to look at him, "You were Sirius?"

Pansy nodded not looking at him.

"Perfect," Neville said as he leaned down and kissed her.

"OH MY GOD!" The entire hall screamed.

"Yes! It happened!" Hermione cheered.

"This worked better than expected," Snape mused before striding out of the hall.

"Well seems everything worked out," Hermione said to Draco as the other four found the people they liked and kissed them.

"Not exactly," Draco said.

"It hasn't?" Hermione asked looking up at him.

"No," Draco said shaking his head, "There's two things wrong. First, I never got to ask; Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Well duh," Hermione said grinning.

"Great," Draco said a sly smile creeping up his face, "And second it doesn't seem fair that they all get to kiss each other."

"You are such a kid," Hermione laughed as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hm, good," Draco said leaning down and kissing her, both unaware that the hall had gone silent.

"Oh come on! I said when I'm not looking!" Blaise cried before running out, "I'm trying mouthwash!" He screamed as the hall started laughing at him and cheering for the new couple.

And that's the end! This was such a blast to write-- wait does anyone say blast anymore? Might just be my parents... Oh well who cares anyways? I hope you guys enjoyed this six part one shot. Seems like a lot when you think about it, especially since some of the parts could be split in two.

Thanks so much for reading and I might do more of these multiple part ones in the future!
