
This was requested by . So here we go. Hope you enjoy, and if you ever have any suggestions either comment or message me what you'd like to see. Also, Part 5 of Trapped Together will be up tomorrow. Thanks!

"Please, come on Mione! You have too. You're the best swimmer Gryffindor has, and everyone knows it," Ron pleaded.

"Ron, I don't swim for races. I hate them. And its in the Black Lake, do you know how.many unknown creatures are in it? Many are undiscovered. And swimming across it will take hours!" Hermione defended.

"Exactly why Gryffindor needs you," Harry argued, "No one in the school is as good as you. It'd take everyone else around tow hours but only take you one!"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted causing all of Gryffindor who was secretly watching the argument to jump, "Do not side with him!"

"But mione-"

"No buts. I'm not doing it." Hermione growled.

"You don't have to help us with our homework for a month," Ron offered.

"There's no way-- that's actually fair," Hermione said thinking it over, "But what happens if there are ant weird animals or such?"

"Well, its a no wands thing so we kinda just hope for the best," Harry said quietly.

"No way. Not doing it," Hermione declared.

"Two months? Three months? The rest of the bloody year?" Ron said yelling the last one.

"The whole year?" Hermione asked shocked since it was only September.

"Yes," Harry agreed quickly, "We will never ask to copy or answers. We might ask if you can check spelling and stuff since we suck at that, but we will do everything else on our own."

"I.... Fine," Hermione said throwing her arms up, "Fine I'll bloody do it."

The whole of Gryffindor erupted into cheers. They had literally the best swimmer in the school participating. They'd be sure to win the grand prize of 1,000 house points and no homework for a week.

"You all were listening?" Hermione asked turning to everyone.

"Uh maybe?" A fourth year girl asked "It was quite interesting. Harry and Ron always cower away and do their best to beg."

"Well, that is true," Hermione sighed, "Well its over. You all can go back to whatever it was you were doing before."

The group slowly dissapated, but no one seemed to happy in missing any drama.

"So who's in it?" Hermione asked her two friends.

"That would be a question for us," Seamus said as he and Dean lifted Hermione up and placed her on their shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"Dunno," Dean shrugged.

"Okay," Hermione said slowly whole rolling her eyes, "So who is for which house?"

"Well there's you, Harry, Ron, Dean, and I got Gryffindor. Luna, Michael, Terry, Padma, and someone named Elizabeth for Ravenclaw. Hufflepuffs got Ernie, Justin, Hannah, and Susan. And for Slytherin you got Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, and Greengrass Junior." Seamus said.

"Malfoy's doing this? Huh. Didn't flag him as the swimming type," Hermione said.

"I think he was tricked into it," Dean said, "Overheard a conversation between Goyle and Parkinson."

"Weird," Ron shrugged.

"We should probably go to bed. We already told Dumbledore you'd do it and just hoped you'd agree. We have to be in the Great Hall by seven." Harry said.

"What?" Hermione screeched and people came running down to see what was happening.

"Yeah," Ron said clearing his throat, "Dumbledore asked Harry and I who was doing it a few days ago so he could get the uniforms that we have to wear prepared. And we gave him your name?"

Hermione stared for a minute, "Dean hand me that book, will you?"

Dean nodded and handed her the large book next to him, still keeping her uptight on his and Seamus' shoulders.

Hermione took the book and held it for a moment before eleaning forward slightly and hitting Harry and Ron the head with it.

"Good riddance," she sighed opening it to a random page, "To my room, boys." She Instructed to Deana and Seamus as she began reading, and fearing her book hitting their heads, they listened.


"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Hermione screeched down the hallway in front of the great hall as he and Ron ran in frantically.

Hermione followed shortly after not caring that everyone was there, "YOU BETTER FIX THIS RIGHT NOW OR THE BOY-WHO-WOULDN'T-TAKE-A-HINT-AND-KICK-THE-BUCKET  WILL SOON BE THE BOY-WHO-STUPIDLY-DIED-BY-A-THE-HANDS-OF-HIS-BEST-FRIEND-WHO-KILLED-HIM-WITH-A-BOOK-ABOUT-LEARNING-RESPECT!!!!" The Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and the two other Gryffindors laughed at this while the Slytherins stood with their jaws dropped at Hermione's sudden temper.

Harry gulped and nodded, raising his wand. He pointed it at hermione- hair that he had hexed a bright pink and fixed it back to it's brown color, frizzy it in the process.

"Bloody idiots," Hermione mumbled taking out her wand and casting a charm she'd invented to tame it to soft curls before turning to a highly amused Dumbledore, "Sorry about that, Professor. I rather hate pink."

"All is well," Dumbledore smiled winking to her.

Hermione smiled back, and with a sigh, took the only empty seat next to Draco.

"Well, we had a student get us your uniforms. I apologize in advance. I shouldn't have had a Slytherin Female pick these out. Get changed in the door to your right, there are separate areas for males and females, and wrap up in the cloaks before coming to the Black Lake no later than nine. Understand? Great. Have a fun time," Dumbledore said handing out packages before leaving quickly.

Everyone tore open the bags to look at their outfits. Hermione frowned when she looked at hers. She looked around and saw that all the girls had gotten swimsuits that definatley were better.

"Who chose these?" She asked out loud.

"Pansy, why?" Theo asked.

"Did she know who was participating?" Hermione asked him.

"Yep. Why?" Theo asked again.

"Hex her for me?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Are you going to keep asking why?"

"Yep. Why?"

"Theo! Shut up!" Blaise exclaimed, "Stop with the 'Why's?' You do it too much. Granger what's wrong? Actually, no. Let me guess. You did something to her and she got her revenge?"