Son of a Veela and a Seer Part 1

He wanted her. He was fascinated by her every movement and he knew why. The way her hair bounced as she stood from the dining table at the end of every meal, how her eyed widened slightly when she was scared. All of it was hypnotizing to him.

All he wanted was her. To hold her in his arms, to run his hands through her hair and see just how soft it was. He wanted to kiss her and feel her small rose colored lips against his own.

"Draco.... Draco!"

He was brought back to reality by the simplest of words. His name. Although it wasn't being said by the one girl he so desperately wanted to hear it from.

"Draco mate, what's going on? You've been constantly zoning out for six years now. Ever since we repeated seventh year," Blaise Zabini sighed.

"Is... Is everything okay?" Pansy asked him worriedly, "Blaise and I are scared something's wrong."

It was time. He had to tell them. He was going to die from keeping this secret in so long.

"I... Is bookworm here?" He asked.

"No. She went out with Gin and Luna," Blaise said, confused as to why Draco was talking about his sister.

"There's something I need to tell you," Draco said shakily. It was now or never, "My bloodline isn't as pure as we say. There's Veela blood and Seer blood in it. I have both the genes in me. I'm a Veela and a Seer. But the combination is dangerous. I don't need to bond myself to my mate because of the seer blood, but I can't make normal predications and stuff from the Veela blood."

"Okay, so why do you keep zoning out?" Blaise asked deciding to freak out about the information later.

"The seer blood makes me see visions but not about the future. About my mate. There's only one girl I can truly fall in love with. I don't have to mate with her because of the Seer blood. And the Veela blood keeps me from getting normal visions. Instead I get really strong fantasies, you could call them, about my mate." He explained.

"So you think about her constantly?" Pansy asked.

"Yes," Draco breathed as the familiar scent of Vanilla and Cinnamon entered the room with a girl.

"Hey," the girl smiled. Her curly brown hair was swept up in a ponytail with a few strands to frame her face, and she wore faded jeans and a baggy green shirt.

"Green?" Blaise said amused by the color.

"George tested a non removable stain kit on my shirt without my permission so he lent me this, hence why its four sizes to big." She explained whilst magically sending her bags to her room.

He was watching her. Everytime her hair bounced, it made him ache with a passion to just hold her to him. Every time a smile reached her lips as she was talking made him want to kiss her even more. He truly loved her and needed her.

"Draco... Draco!" Pansy exclaimed snapping her fingers in front of him.

"Hm?" Draco asked breaking out of his trance.

"You were staring off into space again," Pansy explained as Blaise and Hermione started laughing about some random thing.

A smile subconsciously made its way onto his face as he watched her dimples appear and her eyes get slightly smaller.

"Is she..." Pansy trailed of watching him.

"Yes," he responded, "And its pure torture knwoing I can't have her."

"Maybe not," Pansy said before standing up, "I'm making dinner by hand tonight. Blaise become help me. Mione, can you stay and make sure Draco doesn't blow anything up?"

"I doubt he would, but if it makes you feel better then yes," Mione said as Blaise rose with a groan.

"Hermione save me from the tortures of cooking!" He exclaimed as Pansy dragged him away.

"Good luck!" Hermione called laughing before turning to him, "You're staring again." She sighed.

"I don't try to," he said quickly breaking from his trance.

Hermione nodded and stood, walking over to a bookshelf. He got the sudden urge to push her against it and have his lips on hers. He knew he could never have her, but maybe he'd be able to get a single kiss and satisfy his dangerously growing need for her. He knew he couldn't though. But his Veela side wouldn't have it, and took over.

Slowly rising he walked over to the bookcase where he was standing. He reached it and stood behind her, fighting the urge to push the shelf over and lie her down on top of it and kiss her until he died.

Hermione had decided she wanted one of the new books she had bought and turned around only to face his chest. She looked up confused and took a small step back when his eyes turned black and filled with lust.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked slowly.

"I'm dying inside from this. I just need a little dose to keep me from shaggung you senseless," he said in a soft growl.

Hermione's widened for a moment as she took another step back, fully hitting the bookshelf.

He smirked softly and leaned in, pressing his body against hers with an arm on wither side near her waist.

"Just a little dose," he whispered in her ear.

"Stop," Hermione said on the verge of fear from his sudden advancement, "Malfoy stop."

"Oh Malfoy's gone," he whispered again, "Once I'm done with you, you can have him back."

"What do you mean he's gone?" Hermione asked hoping that Pansy or Blaise would walk in.

"In his Veela part. And Seer part. I've taken over him for now. You'll get him back soon, but for now..." He trailed of bringing his face level with hers, "I need to satisfy my cravings."

Hermione gulped and tried to break free but found she was no match for his inhuman strength. She only had one option and she was terrified of the person before her.

"Fine," she said, "Fine."

He smirked and lowered his head to the crook of her neck. He sniffed her first before kissing her soft skin gently as he moved along her collarbone and up the side of her neck to her jawline.

Hermione kept her eyes closed, although a small part of her was slightly enjoying it. She had always thought he was definitely handsome and this just seemed to be a dream.

He pulled away from her slowly and looked at her face. She seemed scared and kept her eyes closed.

He was fighting the Veela part in him and trying to regain control over himself. After two minutes of standing there he managed to do just that.

"I-I'm so sorry," he said quickly, removing his hands from her waist, "I'm sorry. I-I, I'm sorry." He kept repeating.

"Y-You're a Veela and a Seer..." Hermione said, quite stunned.

"I am," he said hanging his head down to look at his feet.

"Okay, what was that about?" She exclaimed, wandlessly placing a silencing charm on the room.

"What was what?" He asked looking up.

"Almost having sex with me against the wall! What was that?" She asked stepping away from him since he had let her go.

"The Veela," he said slowly, "Y-You're my mate but the Seer blood allows it so I don't have to mate with you or be with you to live. I just can't resist you in any way."

"Can't you control it?" She asked.

"I-I'm sorry, really I am. I wasn't trying to," he said softly.

Hermione sighed in frustration and lowered her voice so she was yelling anymore, "Look, you can't just do that. I get the whole Feels and Seer thing, I've read about it, but that doesn't mean you can push me against a bookcase and kiss me!"

"I'm sorry," he cried with his voice rising, "I'm sorry okay? I've done my best! I've done all I could in the three years you've lived here and this is the first time I've lost control of myself this bad! You say you've read about it? Well then you know that all I can do is think about you. During the day when I'm trying to be normal and when I'm sleeping. You know all I can do is think about you and ways I want you! Six years I've known you were my mate, six years. Six years I've had to keep myself from dragging you to some random room and tying you down just so I can have you. I've tried really hard, but you just don't get it, do you? You just don't understand how hard it is for me to be trapped in thoughts of you for six years and being able to do nothing about it. I'm sorry that I lost control after six years of torture. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself from falling so damn hard for you. I'm sorry," he said whispering the last part.

He shook his head, "And now I've just told you everything, great," he sighed before stalking out of the room.

Hermione stood frozen to the spot. Blaise and Pansy came in, having heard the whole conversation by removing the silencing charms.

"Is that true?" Hermione asked when she sensed there presence, "All he does is think about me? Keeps himself from doing what he wants to me?"

"It is," Blaise said, "I sent a Patronus to his parents. Apparently it kills him not being able to basically kiss you every second of every day. Normally in bad situations, the Veela-Seer just gets limits on their mate. Its not recorded his bad it is to not be able to touch your mate, especially in a non romantically way, for so long."

"What have I done?" Hermione asked herself.