Son of a Veela and a Seet Part 2

"What have I done?" Hermione asked herself.

She hurt him bad and she knew it. Of course she didn't understand what it was like needing someone so bad but not being able to have them for six years and then losing control, but she wished she did. In that moment she felt terrible. As if it was her heart that was slowly breaking.

"Go get him, Mione," Pansy said seeing the conflict of emotions spread across her face.

She nodded and raced up the stairs, straight towards Draco's room. She knocked twice and it was opened a moment later.

"Come in," Draco called.

She walked in and the door closed. Draco was lying on his stomach with his face in a pillow, a bucket of ice cream next to the bed as well as potato chips.

He sat up with a heavy sigh and turned to face his visitor, his face showing anger and happiness at the same time..

"Can I help you?" He asked roughly while throwing the ice cream and chips away before stalking over to her, his tall frame towering abiver he head.

"I-I," she stuttered. What did she want to say?

Draco scoffed, "Can't even give me a good reason. I suggest you leave before I lose control again. Wouldn't want you mad at me for killing myself further," he growled.

She stepped back at the sudden venom in his voice and his four poster bed frame. Draco smirked at her and stepped up so he was leaning against her again.

"Not gonna run?" He asked eyes flickering between black and grey. You could tell he was doing his best to fight of the Veelas effects, and he seemed to be winning.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly and his eyes snapped to the silver grey, remaining that way, "You're right. I-I didn't know. I was just scared. You don't normally act the way you do and i-it scared me. I'm really sorry. I should've looked at it from your point of view."

Draco smiled softly at her, "Thank god. I thought you hated me after that," He sighed looking down at her and immediately regretting it.

Her shirt was so large that it was hanfin off of one shoulder and her hair was falling out of her ponytail, giving the illusion that she had just gotten out of bed. But nonetheless, he thought she looked beautiful.

"You nerd to wear green a lot more," he whispered in her ear, "You look really hot. I'm also going to apologize in advance if you don't leave this room quick enough, and that too is soon on the floor."

Hermione leaned away from him slightly as his eyed turned black. She felt bad knowing she had triggered this to happen, but couldn't stop the bubble of fear rising in her stomach.

Draco seemed to sense it since Hus eyes started flickering again and he managed to snap out of it, but not before his lips hit hers.

He froze momentarily before pulling away from her, nervous of what her reaction would be.

Hermione inhaled sharply when his lips came onto hers, but was confused BT how much she liked that they were on hers. He pulled away and she knew that he had stopped his Veela-Seer part for the time being. She looks into his eyes in confusion, breathing heavily, before looking back down at his lips.

She grabbed his face and pulled him to her, crashing her lips onto his. Draco's reaction was immediate when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

After awhile, Draco managed to pull out if his Veela-Seer part he'd slipped into and gently pulled away from the kiss. He smirked slightly when he spotted Hermione's T-shirt on the ground.

"Told you it would end up there," he said.

"Shut up," Hermione mumbled missing him again to which he happily responded to.

He was more surprised that his Veela-Seer side didn't take over again that night. But Draco knew why from what he had read. It would stop if his mate wanted him back.