Hidden In The Crowd-- Clip

A/N:  So this is something I randomly thought of for another book I'm currently writing, its unpublished at the moment, and I decided to write it here so I can come back and insert it Intl the book when I need it, but I thought you all would enjoy it so here you go.

Hermione, Draco, and Neville attend a muggle highschool in the USA.

Draco's lip curled in anger as he towered over Hermione. The entire school was watching their heated arguement that neither remembered how it started.

"DON'T YOU EVEN SAY THAT!" Draco practically screamed at her. None of the teachers were doing anything, all secretly finding themselves enjoying the intelligent arguments between the two.

"WHY BLOODY NOT?" Hermione asked backed looking up at him while he looked down. They almost face to fave by now.


The crowd fell silent. Everyone seemed to understand he had crossed a line even though no one knew what he was talking about. Neville looked like he was going to walk up and punch Draco, but Hermione beat him to it when she laughed dryly.

"Mudblood?" She asked dangerously calm, "That's the best you got? That word doesn't affect me anymore. I've given up on it. I didn't know what it was until second year when a blonde haired, arrogant jerk used it on me. I stopped caring when people called me that in fifth year, but do you know when I was truly over it? Want to know. I can show you if you'd like."

Hermione ripped up her left sleeve and held her arm our slightly so he could see the word.

"The moment your aunt touched that blade to my skin and forever embedded that word into my skin I stopped caring completely. I gave up on this word then. This word is just a way to make you and others feel superior when your nothing but the same as us. Same as me. Its just a word to describe people like me. The people you think are the scum at the bottom of your shoe." She whispered before yanking the sleeve back down and looking up to see is he'd try and retaliate.

"I don't think you're scum at the bottom of my shoe," he said softly.

"Then what? What the hell am I then?" Hermione demanded.

"You," Draco said brushing a piece of hair behind her ear and letting his hand linger on her face, "You are so much more." He whispered through the silence, being heard by everyone.

His other hand came out of no where and he was suddenly holding her facr. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips for a moment before pulling away.

"So, so much more," he whispered again before walking away into the building.

Hermione stood there frozen with one thought running through her mind, 'I was just kissed by Draco Malfoy. And I want him to do it again.'