A Kiss

I watched as she walked down the corridor by herself, out on prefect duty. I had failed to show up for it. Technically I was here, but not doing my job.

Truth be told, I couldn't. See I had been forced a love potion by my friend Theo for a bloody dare, and now I was obsessed with Granger. I couldn't control what I did just basically watch my body.

It would only end if I missed the person I was obsessed with, and that was never going to happen. Or so I thought.

Because of this bloody potion I am now way behind in class and my body rarely eats or shows up at quidditch. So I had to break it.

Granger peeked into a classroom and I took my chance. I quickly came forward and pushed her in, closing the door behind me with a locking and silencing charm.

"Malfoy? What the hell! Where have you bloody been?" She started ranting once she stood.

I could tell she was angry since her fjsts were clenched and there was a small crease on her forehead.

"Shut up," I growled unable to control myself.

Granger shut her mouth and looked at me oddly, "What's up with your eyes?" She asked, "T-Theyre pink."

I mentally groaned. She didn't know what it was so it would make this worse.

My body walked forward and granger walked away from me as I got closer. Soon she hit the wall behind her and whipped her head to look. I tried to but I couldn't stop myself.

I leaned up against her with my arms trapping her to the wall. She looked up at me quite frightened but her fave softened the second she saw the fear in my eyes.

"Cant--- control--- potion," I managed to cough out while pain exploded throughout my body.

I looked down to find her staring up at me. I have to admit. She was bloody beautiful. She was biting her lip softly, something she does when she nervous, and her eyed were widened. She had a slight flush across her freckled cheeks and her hair was falling messiky in her face.

I reached up out if my own accord and brushed some of the hair behind her ear causing her to turn even redder. Then the potion took over again.

"You look cute when you blush," I whispered in her ear and I could feel her cheeks get warmer.

I slowly drawer back and surveyed her appearance. She had a large cloak on but I could she a green shirt and black jeans underneath.

"You should wear Slytherin colors more often," I smirked.

"W-What do you want?" She finally managed to say.

I smirked and bent down so my face was pretty much touching hers. I could tell she could feel the movement of my lips ever so slightly brushing her own as I spoke, "You," I whispered watching her breath hitch.

I leaned in a bit a met my lips fully with hers. The potion lifted immediately, but I lingered a moment against her cool, soft, vanilla tasting lips before I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," I said quickly, "Theo put me under a potion and I became obsessed with you and the only thing that would break it was a...kiss."

She looked at me oddly before glancing down at my lips.

"That's fine," she whispered.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to kiss her so damn bad I thought I might've died resisting any longer.

My hands reached up and grabbed her face as I pressed my lips to hers again. She kissed back immediately resting he rhands on my chest and I felt a tingling feeling erupt like crazy where her small hands were placed.

After what seemed like a lifetime but was only about a minute in reality, we pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other.

"W-What was that for?" She asked swallowing nervously.

"I'm not quite sure," I admitted.

"That's fine," she said repeating her words before kissing me again. I felt myself melt completely to her, not even caring that the door had opened.


"Damn it. This rooms taken," Weaslette groaned, "Come on Blaise." She said dragging my best mate out of the room.

"Let's do this again sometime," I whispered looking into Hermione's eyes.

"That sounds perfect," she smiled slipping her hand into mine as we exited the room.

Sorry this ones a little short but hopefully the cuteness makes up for it.
