May 2nd

Today is the day. May 2nd 2018. Today marks the twenty year anniversary of the Battle Of Hogwarts.

Let's all take a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the final battle.


Remus Lupin

Beloved Son, Husband, and a Father who would have raised his son amazingly.

Nymphadora Lupin née Tonks

Daughter, Wife, and Mother who will be missed in both kindness and humor.

Fred Weasley

An amazing son and beloved brother. Will his spirit forever live on in our hearts.

Colin Creevey

A brother and son who was lost all to early, trying to help his favorite hero Harry Potter. He is the only one to receive a signed photograph from Harry himself, which is places on his grave with a permanent sticking charm

And countless others whose names of some are still unknown to us.

This day reminds us that we can still be strong. We can fight for what we believe in and win even with many heartbreaking losses.





Now on a happier note, Happy 19th Birthday to Victorie Weasley! ❤