Lock Him Up

"This so all your bloody fault!" Hermione screamed.

"How is this my fault? You're the one who cast the spell!" Draco argued back.

"You're the one who literally tried to kill me! Its called self defense!" Hermione screeched.

"Okay its both our faults then," Draco reasoned.

Hermione opened her mouth to retaliate, but Draco put his hand over her mouth. A smirk plastered across his face as he looked down on her.

"Now, now Granger. Don't want to give me another reason to harm you, do you?" He asked huskily.

Hermione gulped and step away from, "Don't touch me ferret!" She exclaimed.

"Only in my dreams," he said winking at her.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope. Just bored," He shrugged.

"Fine. How so we get out of here?" Hermione asked.

"How should I know--"

"This is your manor. You get me out." Hermione argued.

After Voldemort had been killed, all death eaters fled to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa had tipped off the Order of the Phoniex and currently death eaters were being rounded up. Hermione, of course, landed the unlucky job if finding Draco.

She had managed to find him before the house shook and both fell down into wall. It had crumbled away, sending them down a large hole, before closing. Luckily the end of the large hole had been a slide so neither had been harmed. Only trapped.

"Why would I get you out?" He smirked.

"Because we both know I can hex your balls off in less than a second if I was angry enough," Hermione said in a sickly sweet tone.

"Wa- What? No you wouldn't," Draco spluttered.

"Wouldn't I?"

Draco growled, actually growled, at her. He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the wall. His arms were on either side of her head to prevent her from leaving and he gently stepped on her toes so she couldn't kick him.

"No, you wouldn't," he whispered.

"Oh I so would," Hermione retorted no the least bit fazed by their close proximity, "Give me a reason to kill another death eater, and trust me, I'll do it."

Draco slightly lifted her off the ground, pressing his knee against the wall so he could keep her eye level with him.

"I dare you to call me that again, Mudblood," he whispered dangerously low.

Hermione let out a small laugh and struggled slightly against his arms before turning, "You're a death eater. Nothing but a monster. You've killed people, Malfoy, tortured them!"

"Do you know why I did it?" He whispered.

"Nope. Don't care either."

"Would you do anything for your family?" He growled and when she nodded, he continued, "I do this to keep my parents alive. No, they're not the best people-- far from it, but they're still my parents. I have to keep them alive."

"There are other ways," Hermione reasoned.

"Don't you get it?" Draco exclaimed dropping her back down to the ground and leaning against her, "You don't get a choice. Its take the mark and serve him, or die along with everyone you love. I would have killed people, innocent people, because I didn't serve for him. At least this way I could keep people alive. Fake deaths and send people into hiding."

Hermione swallowed hard. She didn't think Draco even realized just how close he was to her. She didn't think he knew he was holding her hips to keep her from leaving, or that he had relaxed against her, or even that his face right above hers and if either moved an inch, they'd make contact.

Draco smirked to her realizing what was happening and how uncomfortable she was. He tighter his grip on her slightly and leaned his body closer.

"Something wrong?" He whispered.

Hermione shivered as his hit breath made contact with her skin, "No," she said trying to stay confident but her voice defied her.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, "There's nothing I can do right now that would make you scared?"

"No," she whispered.

"Challenge accepted," Draco whispered.

He wasn't sure why he was doing it, but he wanted her. That was all he knew. He wanted her.

Draco leaned forward the slightest amount and connected their lips together. His eyes closed before him as a spark shit through him and his body heated up. He slowly kissed her at first and was about to pull away when he stopped.

Hermione's eyes had fallen closed under the impact and sparks were shorting through her. She tried to resist but found it to hard to fight the urge. She kissed him back.

Draco was shocked when he felt her lips begin to move against his, but he wasn't complaining. He began to kiss her fiercer, needing to memorize the feeling of her body pressed against his, her lips on his, everything about that moment he needed to memorize.

And just as quick as it had began, it all ended. Someone grabbed Draco and threw him off Hermione. The said girls eyes snapper open and she stood in shock at what had just happened.

"Hermione are you okay?" Harry asked worrdiely.

"I'm fine," she choked up, trying to ignore the tingling in her lips or the burning urge to stun Harry and pull Draco back to her.

"We were worried," Harry sighed pulling Draco up, "What do we do with him?"

Hermione looked at Draco and grey met brown. He was pleading with her through his eyes, knowing she was the one to decide his fate.

"Let him," she started before changing her answer, "Lock him up." She whispered.

Draco looked at her in horror. He didn't think she would go as far as wish him to Azkaban, and he certainly didn't think that after what the had just shared. He knew she had felt the same spark she had. He knew she wanted more like he did.

But she sent him away.

It was because if that choice that Hermione was now hiding out in the back listening to the service, with tears in her eyes.

"We are here to honor the passing if Draco Malfoy who killed himself while in Azkaban."

Hermione closed her eyes silently wondering how much better life would have turned out for the both of them had she kept him free.

A/N:  So I haven't been getting many ideas for one shots, so I thought how to fix that? I've decided that Im going to try and write one shits based off fan arts. I also won't be updating every single day but a little more spread out.
