How George Weasley Would Pass

Yeah, I know its not Dramione. But before you leave thinking 'Ah hell nah, this girl is just trippin me' let me explain briefly. So its midnight right now and I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I had this really random thought. Something I think would definitely happen at some point.

Tell me if you agree that this would happen.

Scenario: George Weasely is in St Mungo's deathly I'll. He's on life support, refusing to die without his twin brother next to him. The original Fred is the only one he remembers but no one looks like him. George is suffering majorly and needs to pass but he refuses without his brother.



Teddy looked around the hall of the hospital. George shouldn't be this stubborn. He was suffering on life support. But everyone could see where he was coming from. He was suffering Demensia and couldn't remember anyone or anything. Except Fred.

George kept saying he wasn't going to die unless Fred was there with him. Teddy wanted so bad to find a solution but couldn't. Rose and James had spent countless hours in many libraries trying to figure something out. James was in a library! This was big. The closest thing they had come up with was polyjuice, but George remembered 20 year old Fred. They didn't have hair from him.

How could they get a Fred there if no one looked like Fred..... No on looked like Fred. It clicked. He knew how to do it.

"That's it!" He exclaimed earning the attention if all his cousins, children, neices, nephews, and the couple aunts and uncles still alive.

"What's it?" Fred the second asked.

"Go say goodbye to Uncle George. I know how we can help him pass," Teddy whispered.

Roxanne and Fred glared at him, not wanting to test their emotions. The sincerity in Teddy's eyes however caused them to walk into the large room. Everyone followed and wished a final goodbye to the prankster.

"I know what you're going to do," Victorie smiled softly coming up and wrapping her arms around him, "Thank you for this. I know he wasn't blood related or anything, but thank you."

"He's my uncle. No matter what," Teddy whispered kissing her softly.

Victorie smiled before leading their two children in to say goodbye to Grandpa George. Bill had passed from a curse before Teddy and Victories children were born, so George became an Grandpa to them.

Teddy took a deep breath. He wouldn't get to say goodbye. He knew it was selfish to want to keep that, but George was like another dad. He had Harry but George was also his dad. And he wouldn't be able to say goodbye.

The room stood quiet. Everyone had said goodbye telling George that he would come of life support soon. He had replied with his usual 'Nuh uh. I'm not going unless I have Freddie with me.' They just smiled sadly to him and waited.

A moment later the door burst open and in walked the original Fred Wealsye in his pinstripe suit at age twenty. Just how George remembered.

"Ayo Georgie!" He grinned pointing his fingers in a fun like motion towards his twin as he skipped in.

"Freddie! You came!" George smiled struggling to sit up.

Roxanne came forward and helped him up so he leaned against the headboard. George opened his arms begging for a hug.

Fred obliged and rushed into his brothers arms.

"Its been too long," Fred chuckled as he pulled away.

"It has. Fred I'm dying," George said sadly, "These people said so and when they stop the machine thingy I can't breathe."

"I know. But dying schmying," Fred said flipping his hand forward, "Just means pranks on Merlin and Dumbledore and oh ho ho! Prnaks on Snape again!"

"Will you be there?" George asked taking his brothers hand as the doctor switched off the machine.

He looked up at Fred with such need in his eyes that Fred almost burst into tears. He his his sadness and grinned.

"I'll be waiting for you," he promised.

George nodded as the oxygen left him. His eyes blinked a few times as the life left him.

"I love you Freddie," He whispered.

"I love you to Georgie," Fred whispered as his brothers eyes closed and he stopped moving.

The heart monitor went flat and the entire room went into silent tears.

Fred kept a death grip on George's hand as his facial features slowly began to change. Within moment Fred Weasley was gone and in his place stood a crying Teddy Lupin.

"I love you George." He whispered.

And just to hit you in the feels even more:

In heaven

"Freddie!" George gapsed grasping his twin. In during all his memories were restored along with keeping the ones of his time as a Dementia patient.

"Georgie!" Fred scrwmae holding onto his brother.

Remus and Tonks stood off to the side, silently crying and thanking his son. They had been with Fred for so long and understood the need George would have to die besides his brother. It was Fred's deepest regret. Not dying with his twin there.

"I can't believe Teddy did that," George gasped looking down into the hospital from his perch in the clouds.

"He did," Fred whispered knowing he'd forever be in debt to Teddy for letting George not suffer the same loneliness he had.

"Thank you Teddy. Thank you," George sobbed clutching the stuffed blue teddy bear that had appeared out of no where.





So what do you think? I swear something like this would have happened. Also, let me know if your in tears. Like literally not internally. I no I cried so much writing this.

Just a note. I don't mean to ridicule or make fun of Dementia in anyway. I know how hard it is. My great granfma had it for a long time before she passed. There were times when she wouldn't even know her own daughter with whom she lives 24/7 with.