The bastard Ronald Weasley

A/N: You know just by the title that this is going to be good.

Hermione was walking home to her flat she owned by herself. Nothing about the day had been good. She had gotten fired by her boss at the Ministry for 'being an overachiever' and Ron had broken up with her because 'you're not the arm candy I thought you'd be.' The nerve of that bastard.

Hermione angrily stomped through the rain. Of course she hadn't brought a jacket. She had her black jeans and and off the shoulder brown sweater. She was about to just apparate when she heard a soft whimper from the alleyway next to her.

Being Hermione Granger, she pulled out her wand and headed towards the noise.

"Who's there?" She called out.

A gasp was heard, so she could only assume this person thought they'd be alone. Whoever it was didn't seem to care, however. They just kept quietly sobbing.

Hermione walked forward until she saw him. He was leaning against the wall of a building with the streetlamo hanging over him, showing all the rain that was pouring. His elbows were resting on his knees with his fave buried in his hands. His blonde hair was wet and dirty in some places.

It was Draco Malfoy.

"M-Malfoy? What are you doing here?" She immediately questioned coming closer and pointing her wand at him. This day could not have any worse, yet it still had.

Draco didn't bother flinching away. He merely continued to cry into his hands. Hermione swallowed her pride and dignity along with what she thought might have been a fly before kneeling down in front if him, half in between his legs.

"Malfoy, whats wrong?" She asked softly.

"They killed her," he whispered in a strangled voice, "Decided she was guilty and just killed her. Executed her."


"Mum," Draco choked out with a sob, "They killed mum and now they're going to kill me."

"They can't do that, Malfoy. You were cleared of all charges," Hermione reasoned.

"They re-thought it and now I'm going the same way as mum in three days," He whispered grasping the sleeve of her jacket like a life force, "They're going to kill me."

"No, they won't," Hermione said forcefully, "They have no reason to. Unless they have solid proof they can't do that--"

"Weasel," Draco cut her off, "He put me at the scene of multiple crimes and claims the wand was in my hand when the victims died."

"He did what?" Hermione screeched, "I'll kill him. What the hell is wrong with him? First he slaps Ginny for getting pregnant, dumps me for not being a sex toy, and now he's trying to get you killed?"

"Go back to that second one," Draco said whipping up to face her with a broken look.

"Don't worry about it--"

"I said go back to that second one," he repeated.

"I wasn't the perfect little girlfriend who would cook him fancy meals made from scratch every night and spread her legs whenever he wanted," Hermione mumbled.

"He has no right to treat you like that. You can put him in Azkaban. The law is on your side. No woman should be treated like that, especially not you."

"Why not? I obviously deserve it for some reason," Hermione sighed, "I guess it was just my form of dicispline."

"No. You're perfect. He's the one who needs punishing," Draco said forcefully.

"But I've been a downright bitch lately. I mean I've been snapping at my boss who fired me, I've not paid Ron much, and now I'm sitting here ranting about my problems when I'm supposed to comforting you--"

Draco had enough if her talking. He was dead in three days and he needed to do a few things before he died. One of those things was to kiss the love if his life. And that's what he did.

He reached forward and kissed her, tangling his hand in her hair while holding her close to him. The rain ran over them, but neither seemed to care. There was nothing more perfect about this moment.


(Did I spell this wrong?)

Hermione fell to the floor after reading the article. Even after all this time, she had always felt the warmth of his lips against her own from that cold rainy night. I guess the night hand turned out so bad after all.

She placed a hand on her swollen stomach and whispered, "You're dad was a good man, Scorpius. He was innocent even after all this time. He was always innocent and would be been proud to raise you... If only he could."