I Love You

Hermione stood frozen over the counter. Oh gods, what had she done? She couldn't believe she let it slip. It wasn't her fault, though. She'd trained herself to do it. Saying 'I Love You' right before someone left was habit.

You see, Hermione's parents had died in a car crash. The last words she had said to them were 'I hate you'. They'd gotten in a huge fight. It haunted Hermione that the last words she had said to her parents when they were alive, they weren't true. Ever since then she would always say I love you, just in case something happened.

Now, she wished she hadn't taught herself too.

Draco slowly turned around from where he had stopped at the portrait hole. Were his ears tricking him, or did Hermione Granger just say 'I love you' to him? He took a step forward before shaking his head slightly.

"What . . . did you just say?" He asked slowly and quietly.

"I didn't say anything," Hermione reaseoned playing dumb.

She quickly resumed the homework she was doing at the kitchentte counter. No matter how hard she tried or how hard she focused, she couldn't remember the answer to save her life.

"I'd believe you if it werent for the fact that you're forgetting the answer to 'What is the levitation charm?'. You've known that since first year," Draco reasoned.

He took a couple steps forward. Hermione tensed under being caught. She wrote down the answer quickly before setting her quill down.

"What did you say, Granger?" He repeated.

"I didn't mean to say it," Hermione defended stubbornly.

She turned around, stamping her foot once. Her arms were folded across her chest. Her hair was dishevlled as though it knew that she didn't need the extraness. Her hazel eyes were blazing in anger; towards herself or him, Draco didn't know.

"It was reflex." She continued, "W-When my parents died we had gotten into a huge argument. Ever since then I always say . . . that when someone leaves just in case, you know. They die. At least I wouldn't have that guilty conscious that they died hating me."

By the end of her small speech, Hermione's eyes were glossed over. Her voice had gotten softer and was much quieter. It had gotten to the point where Draco had to stand in front of her to hear the words coming from her mouth.

"Oh," Was all he could say.

He truly understood where she was coning from. Draco didn't blame her for saying it to him as he left. It was habit for her, and if he was honest with himself, he kinda liked it. If she always said I love you when he left, now that was something he could get used to.

"Sorry," She mumbled turning red.

The flush crept across her cheeks and down her neck. Draco reached forward and pulled her into a hug. Hermione was stiff at first, but slowly relaxed and hugged him back.

"It's fine. We're cool," He promised, releasing her from his grip.

Hermione nodded and leaned against the counter. Draco went back to the door and turned the handle to open it. Before he left, however, he turned back to Hermione.

"By the way," he called with a smirk, "Love ya' Granger."

Hermione laughed as he began shutting the door. He, however, didn't miss her calling back a quick, "Love ya' too, Malfoy."

Draco grinned to himself. He could definitely get used to tha—

"Something you want to share?" A very amused Blaise Zabini asked standing in front of the portrait hole with Theodore Nott.

Draco blinked. Well, this could take some explaining.