
"Wait! Hold it!" A voice exclaimed.

Without thinking of looking up from her phone, Hermione stuck and arm out in between the elevator doors. She felt the weight of someone entering a koment later and retracted her arm. She continued clacking away on her phone, answering the dozens of emails she had.

Hermione was the CEO of a large muggle company. The wizarding world offered very few different jobs, so after the war she had conmpleted her muggle education. The company she owned was a muggle software company that specialized know privacy apps. They protected PC users from risky sights and identification theft on online sights.

"Granger?" A startled voice cried out.

Hermione froze her typing. She hadn't heard that insufferable voice in nearly five years. But what was he doing here? A pureblood standing in a muggle elevator in a muggle company.

"Malfoy," She replied cooly, slipping jer phone into her pocket anf slowly turning to face him, "What are you doing . . . here?"

"I'm the Junior CEO's personal assistant," He mumbled.

Of course he was. Hermione hadn't physically been in this building in about a year. She was too busy traveling around trying to set up more locations and earn grants.

"Brilliant," She replied, sarcasm dripping in every sentence.

"Why are you here?"

"CEO. I started this," She stated curtly, "So I would very much apprciate it if you wouldn't address me as Granger. Here I am Sylvia Jones."

Draco merely nodded and turned back to his thoughts. He had never seen the CEO before. Just his luck that it would be Hermione, the one girl he's been in love with since first year. He didn't share his love for her, but didn't hate himself for it. She was a strong and independent woman, and honestly, Draco couldn't think of a better person to fall in love with.

There was a sudden rumbling. Both Hermione and Draco snapped out of their thoughts and shared a glance. The elevator began to shake furiously. Alarms began blaring and it got dark instantly.

"Granger, what on Earth is happening?" Draco exclaimed, grabbing the bars on the sides to steady himself.

Hermione did the same thing nefore responding. "Earthquake," was her whispered reply.

The alarms continued to scream and the elevator continued to buck them around. Hermione knew that it was only a matter of time before the cabkes would snap and they would plummet. Draco had gotten in at floor twenty and they had gone up about three of four floors. Being magical, they probably wouldn't die, but it woukd be extremely painful.

A snap sounded from above. Hermione screamed out profanities while Draco looked at her puzzled. He was about to question her reaction when the elevator began to fall and he got his answer. They were thrown up to the ceiling by the speed of the fall. It only took a minute for them to come crashing down as they collided in the underground parking lot.

. . . . .

Draco awoke to dust and smoke. He coughed several times nefore manahing to cober his fave with a cloth. It wasnt perfect, but it was a little better. He waved his arms around and cleared the dist as best he could. His body was covered in sweat and a thin layer of dirt. Dried blood sploched over his body and clothes, but the worst was a small pool next to him. Only it wasn't his blood.

Withoit paying any mind to the major headache he had, Draco sat up quickly. His whiye button down shirt had a large tear down the side. From his knees down his trousers had been ripped off. That was unusual. The fall woukdnt have been able to do that.

"Finally awake I see," A raspy voice came.

Draco whipped his head to the right to see Hermione half sitting half lying against the wall. She had sonehiw removed his blazer and lied it over herself. He couldn't see the full extent of her injuries, but a large gash was on the upper right side of her forehead.

"W-What happened?" He groaned, forgetting about the small pool of blood.

"Earthquake. There's very little reception in here, but from what I've managed to see . . . it's said to have been around and 8.6 or 8.7. We've been stuck down here for nearly three days," She explained, "I don't have my wand and I tried , but it seems you don't either. I managed to cast a charm so we didnt die and I've succeeded in a couple water charms to, but that's about it."

"Are you okay?" He asked immediately agter she was down explaining.

Hermione hesitated but repsonded back. "I'm fine."

"You're also a horrible lia— dear hell, is that blood?" He said noticing a darler patch on his blazer. His eyes traveled down to the small pool of blood seeming to seep slowly from it.

Hermione shut her eyes tightly. "The fall was fine. I broke both my legs and strained my arm. It was the aftershocks. I had landed funny. I was using the bar as support, but it had broken off.One of the aftershocks was pretty bad and it . . . I've contained it a bit but I cant do much and neither can you. It would take to much energy and might kill us."

"Granger," He said slowly, not knowing where this was going and not liking it either.

"I've given myself an hour tops if paramedics don't find us soon," She continued.

Draco had enough of her stalling and gripped his navy blue blazer. He pulled it off of her. Hermione's grey shirt was soaked completely in blood. The worst part, however, was a large metal pole sticking out of her stomach. She was breatging heavily. Draco knew she had lied about the hour thing.

"How long do you have?" He asked sternly.

"I said an ho—"

"Hermione, don't fuck with me," Draco growled.

"I'm not in much of a position to do so even if I wanted," She stated hoty.

Draco glared at her. "Fifteen minutes," She mumbled giving up.

Draco stared. He loved her, and here she was saying she was going to die. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't.

"No. No, you aren't dying. Not today," He decided.

"Malfoy, there's litetally nothing we can do! A building collapsed above us, our phones only flicker in oland out of use, and if either of us do magic; it could kill us." Hermione said shaking her head.

"But you cant just die!" Draco exclaimed.

"Why do you even care?" Hermione asked exasperated.

"I . . . I'd be out of a job," He said deciding to go with that excuse.

"Wow, the literally building you work in just collapsed and your worried about me dying for a job? This won't be rebuilt for almost a year most likely," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Still," He mumbled hanging onto it. She wasn't going to die so there was no use in telling her.

They fell silent after that, not finding anything to say. It had been nearly rented minutes when Hermione hissed in pain and clutched her chest.

"Granger?" Draco asked whipping around towards her.

"Fine," She managed to choke out.

"Hey, stay still. I'm sire they'll get us out soon," Draco tried to assure her.

Hermione shook her head and cleared her throat. "Not for awhile. We're at the bottom. Its going to take a long time."

"What spell do I use?" He asked reverting to the only option he had.

"No, you can't. It would end up killing you—"

"I don't care, what's the spell?" He asked again.

"Malfoy! Performing that spell will give me your life. I am not being the cause of your dea—"

"And I've told you," He growled, "I don't care. What's the spell?"

"You don't care that you would die? What's wrong with you? Why are you even willing to give your life to save mi—"

Hermione was cut off yet again, but this time not by his words. Draco cupped her face and pulled her close, kissing her. he pulled away after a moment and rested his forehead against hers.

"There are so many reasons, Hermione. You don't even know," He whispered closing his eyes. "Please, just let me do this for you. What's the spell."

"Commutatione vitae," she whispered.She whispered.

Draco kissed her fiercely again and this time she responded. Hermione didn't realize how much she actually felt for him until that moment. She hated that this would neber happen again.

"," he whispered.

There was a flash of pink and green light. The pink hit Hermione, instantly healing her while the green hit Draco. It exchanged his life for his.

Hermione turned her head away from the now lifeless body of Draco Malfoy. It didn't matter who he was or what he had done in the past, Hermione would forever be in debt to Draco Malfoy.


"And that," Hermione sighed as she finished the insanely long story, "Is how you got your name. Ron wasn't very happy when I suggested it, but I won't in the end."

Hermione and Ron's thirteen year old daughter stared open mouthed at her mother. "You're kidding me."

"Yeah I totally am, I just liked the name," Hermione rolled her eyes. "It's true. That is how you, Draconia Rose Granger-Weasley, got your name. You see, your friend Scorpius was bron after the incident a couple months. I became pregnant shortly after the incident. That's why you're the same age."

"So you cheated on dad?" Draconia asked, still shocked.

"In a way, I suppose," Hermione shrugged.

Draconia just started even more. "I gotta go tell Scorp and Al!" She exclaimed running off.

"So that's why you were so insistent on that name," Ron spoke from behind her.

"He saved my life. It was the least I could do," Hermione sighed.

"Well, I for one am also eternally greatful for him. I never knew he gave his life for you," Ron said.

Hermione snorted. "I think that would ruin the Malfoy image, don't you think?"

"He worked in a muggle company."

"True," Hermione laughed.

"I really am thankful for him," Ron said seriously. "I truly am."

"Me too," Hermione smiled looking in the direction where her daugjter had run off.