Magic For A Kiss Part 1

The eight fell silent. Ginny smirked triumphantly and twirled her wand in her hand. Harry and Ron looked absolutely joyful. Blaise and Theo wore smug looks. Pansy rolled her eyes at them while Hermione fought down laughter.

"I. Hate. You." Draco growled, glaring harshly at the female ginger.

"Oh, I know," Ginny laughed glancing at the clock. "It's midnight! Quick, before Filch comes."

Everyone looked up to the clock. Their weekly game night always ended at midnight, right before Filch would search the seventh floor. It gave them enough time to sneak down the opposite staircase he would use and return to their dorms.

Ron and Harry sprinted off to Gryffindor Tower along with Ginny. Blaise and Theo joined Pansy on the rush down to the dungeons. Hermione and Draco, however, went to the fifth floor where the Head Dorms were located. Upon entering the room, Hermione lost control and started laughing like crazy.

"Shut up, Granger," Draco grumbled.

"Zabini, and shut up?" She laughed, "Malfoy, Ginny just hexed you to not be able to do magic until you kiss the person you like!"

Magia Oscula, also known as Magic Kiss in Latin. Ginny herself had invented the spell, and it was quite popular around the school. Ginny was the only one who used it. Normally, if you cast it on someone they would use it on you, when they got their magic back, as revenge. Ginny was safe seeing as no one dared hex the girl and creator.

The way the spell worked was quite simple. The victim of the curse could not do any magic until he or she kissed the person they were romantically in love with.

"Thanks, I hadn't noticed," He replied dryly.

Draco inwardly was cheering. He knew he was in love with the very girl laughing at his situation. Maybe he could use this to his advantage. He would get her to fall in love with him, and then kiss her. When he did he would then magic up some sort of light or something so she would know and then confess her undying love to him.

"Hello? Earth to Malfoy!" Hermione exclaimed waving her hand in front of his face.

"What?" He automatically snapped.

"No need to get snappy," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I said, who does the little ferret have to kiss?"

"Wouldn't you like your know," Draco smirked.

"Duh, that's why I asked," Hermione snorted, "So, come on. Tell me who. We're friends now, no secrets!"

Draco softly bit down on his lip. He couldn't just tell her. He glanced down at her to see her waiting expectantly. They were friends. She only thought of him as a friend. They only way to do this would be to trick her into liking him, hopefully loving.

"No idea," He shrugged, "And I can't exactly go around kissing everyone."

"That'd be a sight to see," Hermione smiled, "Well, if you need some help finding out who she is just ask. I've always got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Draco nodded to her. He knew he would have to do her silly little tricks. If he didn't it would just look suspicious. Draco thought about it. He needed to make a steadier plan in order to do this. He could ask Blaise or Theo, but they would probably laugh at him and tell him to grow up and kiss her. He needed someone who would truly understand.

He wasn't good enough friends with Harry or Ron, and Draco doubted they'd be any help. A name popped into Draco's head. And then two. Draco made sure Hermione was in her room with the door shut before letting out and audible groan.

It would be torture, but he was going to ask Pansy Parkinson and Ginny Weasley to help him get Hermione.

. . . . .

Pansy entered the library, looking down at the parchment in her hand. She had received an owl that morning to come here after dinner. She followed the instructions and went straight to the back and turn left. She found the bookshelf with books about hidden passagways. She pulled out the one on the bottom left. The shelf disappeared and Pansy jumped through before it closed.

"You got one too?" A voice started her.

Pansy turned to see a fiery redhead sitting on one of the three chairs around a fireplace. It seemed incredibly homey to be hidden in a dark library.

"Yeah. Do you know who sent it?"

"That would be me," Draco responded slipping through the bookcase. "I see you found the place."

"Cut to the chase. Why'd you call us?" Pansy asked.

"Its about that damned hex Weaslette cast. I need help," Draco admitted lowering himself into a chair opposite Pansy and Ginny.

"Us?" Ginny asked in pure disbelief. "How could we help? Hermione would know how to figure out who it is. She has knowledge of love portions, spells, plants, and some sort of muggle hippietism."

"Hypnotism," Pansy correctsd having seen a hypnotist perform of the summer.

"Yeah that," Ginny waved her hand.

"It's not finding who that's the problem. She doesn't like me in that way at all. If I were to kiss her it would be extremely embarrassing," Draco groaned.

He rubbed a hand hand across his face. Ginny gave him a sympathetic look, although she didn't regret casting the hex at all. It made for very nice drama at Hogwarts. Pansy meanwhile was sitting in deep thought.

"Who is it?" The ebony haired girl finally asked.

"Dont laugh. Um, its . . . Granger," Draco mumbked quietly.

"Zabini," Both girls corrected automatically.

"Wait!" Ginny shrieked jumping up, "You're in love with Hermione?"

"Thank bloody Salazar that this hideaway has a silencing charm," Draco groaned, face buried in his hands. The pale ferret was completely red on his cheeks and neck.

"Yes! Blaise owes me a galleon," Pansy grinned. "Sharing a common room would make you grow close. It was bound to happen at some point."

"That's all mighty fine and all, but I can't exactly walk up and kiss her. She'd underatand immediately why. And thanks to your surprsingly amazing skills, I can't kiss anyone else excpet Granger. She'll make me prove the hex was lifted if I even tried to kiss her," Draco explained.

"So, what do you think you should do?" Pansy asked.

Draco explained to them his plan. He would get Hermione to actually like him so it wouldn't be weird. Then, kiss her as a confession and pray to every Hogwarts founder thats she says 'I love you' back.

"So you're going to seduce her?" Ginny deadpanned.

"What? No!" Draco shook his head violently, "I don't want he to just like me in a sexual way. I want het to actually lile me . . . like how I like her."

"I may have just fallen in love with you from that," Ginny cooed. Pansy gave her a look and Ginny laughed. "Relax, I got Blaise."

"Do small things to show you care. I know you'll end up seducing her in a way, but also do simple things." Pansy instructed, "Leave a small meal waiting for her if she's running late. Offer to carry her books and help with homework or studying. Mione can't resist those things."

"Alright, yeah that might work," Draco nodded.

"Now go to bed. We have classes tomorrow."

"Great, this will be fun," Draco said sarcastically.

So, like the Trapped Together one shot, this will have multiple parts. In total this will be a 4 part one shot.
