Booty Shorts

Saw this on the internet and thought it would make a cute, short, but still cute one shot.


Muggle version!

Blaise danced down the halls. Not in elaborate turns and leaps, but in a more 'I-ned-a-bathroom-right-now' dance. He hurried into the men's room. The need to pee immediately left when he saw what was in front of him.

His best friend was leaning against the wall. He wore a black hoodie and . . . bright red booty shorts. To top it off, Draco was on his phone acting as if it was casual. Blaise gaped at him for a moment.

"Dude, what the hell? Last I saw you were wearing sweatpants!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Hm? Oh, hey Blaise!" Draco waved looking up.

"What are you wearing?" Blaise all but shrieked, shielding his eyes.

"Your sister was dared by the Weaslette to wear these today," Draco explained

"Mione was . . . Why are you wearing them?" Blaise asked, loosing his mind.

"She has a test in Chemistry. Mr Snape would fail her instantly if she came in without full length pants," Draco said.

"So you offered to switch?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Draco nodded, "I got another thirty minutes before she's done."

Blaise just stared at him, from the neck up. No way was he looking at that again. *insert dramatic shudder*

"And she was okay with this? It's Mione!"

"She was okay with this. It's my best friend," Draco mocked, "In fact she promised to buy me a ferret, not sure why but I'll take it, claiming I was 'the best friend anyone could ever have'."

"You are so stuck in the friend zone," Blaise mumbled.

"Better that than enemy," Draco shrugged with a sad smile.

Blaise rolled his eyes and left, intending to use a different bathroom.


I know this was a bit random but I thought it was cute.

Also, if you haven't sent already, Trapped Together (the full book) has been postes. There is two chapters so far but I will be updating soon. Love you all!!!

---- Emma ❤