For The Best

"Good morning, everyone. Today we are gathered to party with the souls of two people I loved dearly. My sister, Hermione Granger and my best friend, Draco Malfoy. They were . . . they were amazing people. And even though they did love each other, they knew it would never work," Blaise paused to choke down a sob.

"No one will ever understand what it's like to lose your sibling and the person you stood by for years. But . . . I'm not the one who had it the worst. We're having their service now, ten years late for a reason. Draco and Hermione, their four year old daughter couldn't grasp that they were gonna. Now that she's fourteen she has made the decision to hold a service and tell us how it all happened. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rose Zabini-Malfoy.

Rose left the arms of her best friend, Scorpius Greengrass, arms. She shakily went to the front podium. While tears were running down her cheeks, she still looked strong. She inhaled shakily and spoke.

"I loved them, I did, I do. I don't want to — not after how they died. But in the end they were still my parents. I still have to love them. They story of how they died, I don't think anyone will be prepared for this. But here it is . . . ”

.Hermione was facing Draco, fighting back tears. He already had them streaming down his face as he begged with her.

"Hermione, no. No. You cant just leave me!" He protested.

"Draco look at the facts! Half the world hates us, targets are on our backs already. It isn't safe for you, for me, for Rose!" Hermione screamed while the four year old stood in the doorway, completely unseen.

"Then take me with you. You can't take just take Rose and run," Draco pleaded.

"I can, shes my daughter," Hermione argued.

"And she's mine too. Just because we didn't plan it, doesn't mean she's not."

"I'm going, and that's final," Hermione said.

"God dammit, Hermione. Won't you just forget your pride for a moment? I don't care if you don't want me coming. I love Rose and I love you!" He screamed.

Hermione paused. He had never told her he loved her. She had said it plenty and she knew he loved her. But he had never verbally said it before.

"It's for the best," She whispered.

"For the best my arse!"

In a moment of rage that shocked everyone, Draco grabbed the nearby kitchen knife. .

Rose was full blown crying now. Scorpius walked up and rubbed her back, hugging her as she continued. 

.He walked up and shoved the blade threw Hermione's stomach. She gasped and looked down. He did too, horrified by what he had done. Draco's eyes widened as tears started falling faster.

"No. No, no, no, no, no," He rushed, "No I didn't just do that!"

He pulled it out and Hermione fell to the floor. Draco fell down next to her, cupping her face. "I'm sorry. I didnt mean it. No!"

He fumbled around for the wand he disnt have. "Draco," Hermione gasped out, "Draco."

"What?" He asked.

Hermione recahed out and took the knife from his hand. Draco thought she was going to cry, but she stabbed him. Right in the same spot he had done her.

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you too," He said back.

The two slowly loss conscious before their breathing stopped. .

"And I dont know why they did it. They said they loved me, but they . . . ” Rose gave up on speaking.

Blaise came back up. "I don't know either why they did this. They both had reasons to live, ways to do so. It could have been war instincts or some craziness. But they were both loved, dearly. May you Rest In Piece, Hermione and Draco."


So, What do you think??

----- Emma ❤