
"Its a simple yes or no question. Do you have the money or not?" He screamed.

"N-No sir," Hermione stutterer, faltering under his raging complexion.

"Then get out. You are six months over due on rent, get out!" The landlord screamed.

Hermione nodded and got up, leaving the room quickly. Who would've thought? The famous war herione, brightest witch of her age, Hermione Granger homeless at twenty one with a newborn child. So much for a simple muggle life.

That was three years ago. Life hadn't been much better for Hermione. She had given up magic after the war. It was too much for her. Having her wand was just a constant reminder of the horrid experiences she had been pushed through. Her and her son, Jason were still homeless.

Hermione could've gone to her old friends, but she didn't. She couldn't bear telling her friends about her failure. So here she was, sitting on a park bench while Jason ran around the small playpark, thinking of where they could sleep that night.

Hermione's eyes darted to the gated entrance of the park when she saw a human being. He was tall with pale skin and blonde hair. Even from her seat far away from him, she could see his grey eyes shining as they scanned over the park. Hermione had one thought running through her mind when his eyes landed on her, 'Shoot.'

The man walked over and sat next to her, not saying anything. He just silently watched all the kids running around the playpark.

"Long time no see, Granger," He suddenly spoke up.

"Malfoy," She replied curtly, shifting away from him, "What are you doing here?"

"I just bought a house a few blocks down. Thought I'd scout out the neighborhood. So, I assume you live around here?" He asked with a smirk, leaning back.

"Not exactly," Hermione answered. He raised an eyebrow but she didn't elaborate. Like hell if she were to go spilling her life to a sworn enemy.

"Interesting. So what brings you here?" He asked.

"Mummy!" A little brown haired boy with blue eyes and freckles excalimed running up and putting his hands on Hermione's knees.

"Ah, there's the answer," Draco clicked his tongue.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I'm hungry! I want food," The little boy  Jason, stated.

Hermione bit her lip and sighed deeply, "I don't have any right now."

"That's what you said yesser-- yesder-- yesterday!" Jason complained taking a few attempts to get his wording correct.

"I know I did," Hermione breathed rummaging around in her pockets quickly and pulling out a five pound bill, "Five . . . um, w-we'll get you something in a bit. Alright?"

"Okay," Jason exclaimed before running off on his chubby little legs.

Draco stared after the boy. He noticed that the small child was skinnier than most of the other kids on the playtoy. Draco's gaze slowly shifted to Hermione. Her hair was thinned and she too looked quite skinny.

"Happen to see any small shops on your 'scouting'?" She spoke up.

Draco quickly cleared his throat and replied, "No. There's only houses around."

Hermione cursed slightly under her breath, "So an hour walk back into the main part of town, lovely."

"You can stop by my place if you want," Draco offered, "I'm sure Pansy and Blaise wouldn't mind. And its a lot closer than the nearest food shop."

Hermione was silent. She didn't want to admit that she truly needed the help he was offering. She was too stubborn. But the twenty four year old witch didn't want her son to starve. He hasn't eaten in nearly two days whereas Hermione had gone almost a week.

"Fine," She sighed.

"Great," He smirked, "Grab the kid and I'll take you."

"The 'kid' has a name. Jason," Hermione scowled slightly but went and got him anyway.

Draco led them down the road a few blocks before they arrived at his house. It was a two story, four bedroom, three bathroom home. Hermione couldn't help but envy him. He had an entire fortune at his hands whereas she could barely manage enough to feed herself and Jason.

"This is your house?" Jason gaped.

"Yes it is," Draco nodded.

"Its huge!" The child cried tilting his head all the way back to see the top.

"There's three people living in it. It has to be big," Draco explained opening the door.

Hermione hesitated breifly before walking in. She was met with an amazing smell upon entrance. The room they came in was a simple living room with a couple couches, armchairs, and bookshelves. Hermione could tell by the layout that Pansy must have designed it.

"Draco, that you?" A girls voice called.


"Great," She sighed walking in, "Blaise is an idiot. He decided it would be fun to show off his cooking skills and make lunch. There's enough for the entire Weasley family! Oh, hey Granger. Mini Granger's kid."

"I like your hair," Jason stated gaping at the long, ebony colored hair running off of Pansy's scalp.

"Jason, watch your manners please," Hermione scolded gently.

"He's fine," Pansy grinned squatting down, "Aren't you a big ball of cuteness?"

"She's nice. I like you," Jason decided reaching his arms up.

Pansy lifted him off the ground and onto her hip, "Aw. I want a son," She complained before turning her head and calling to Blaise, "Blaise! If I'm not marries in the next two years, you and I are having a son!"

"I'm gay, woman!" He called back.

"Do you think I care?" She asked before turning to Hermione, "So what brings you here?"

"Him," She said pointing to Draco.

"The kid wanted food and it's an hour walk," Draco shrugged as explanation.

"That's fine, come on. Luckily Blaise made extra," Pansy smiled leading them away.

It went on like this for five years. Draco would always take a walk to the park at noon. He'd discover Hermione and Jason there and invite them for lunch. They would end up staying until nearly midnight, always turning dowm the three Slytherins offers for a ride home. Hermione couldn't help but jump for joy everyday at noon. She couldn't get a job or even find money. Noon was the only time she was able to feed Jason. She thought life would be fine. Until he found out.

"Hermione," Draco said slowly.

"Yes?" She asked looking up from her conversation with Pansy.

"Is Jason eating properly at home? He's insanely skinny and underweight," Draco explained.

"None of your business," She stated turning back to Pansy.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at Blaise. Hermione never his anything from them. Yet, here she was completely avoiding a simple question.

Later that night, Hermione and Jason said their goodbyes and then left. Draco put on a jacket and followed them out, being sure to keep his distance.

"Mum? Where are we sleeping tonight?" The eight year old asked.

"Well, we were at Pansy's all day so I didnt get a chance to scout out the area again. We'll have to use the park benches again," Hermione said, turning into the shaded part of the sans park.

"But they hurt!" Jason groaned, "Can't we ask Aunt Pansy if we can use her couches?"

"No," Hermione exclaimed loudly. Jason jumped back at the sudden raised of voice. Hermione lowered herself to a whisper and said, "Remember the stories of the big castle over the lake? The one where everyone could perform magic. The creatures? The stories of the famous boy, Harry Potter?"

"I remember," Jason nodded.

"Honey, they're real. Lucy Heaven wasn't Harry's best friend. I was. And Dylan Mover wasn't their enemy, Draco is - was. I can't just admit this. They may be nice but who is going to stop them from reporting me? If anyone else found out, they'd take you away from me," Hermione whispered.

"But I don't wanna leave you," Jason said.

"I don't want you to either," Hermione said, tears spilling down her face.


When Hermione and Jason arrived at noon the next day, Draco pulled Jason aside.

"I know," He told the boy, "You don't have a house, do you?"

"Yes we do," Jason said immediately.

Draco shook his head. "Jason, no one here is going to take you away from Hermione. If anything we'd help you. Both of you. But you have to tell me. I can't do anything until you say the words."

Jason looked at Draco with a pleading look that almost broke the older boy into tears. "Help us," Jason whispered, "Please."

That night, after an entire day of the normal games and food, Hermione called Jason in to leave. Jason ran out in a pair of fuzzy pajamas. Hermione gave him an odd look.

"Where did you get those? Did you raise Blaise's room again, Jason what did I say about that?"

"Actually, they're for him to sleep in tonight. Here," Draco said coming into the room, "I followed you two last night."

Hermione stared at him in shock and a slight bit of betrayal. "Jason, go have Pansy read you a story."


As soon as Jason has left, Hermione exploded. "What the hell, Malfoy?"

Draco winced. She hadn't called him Malfoy in years.

"I trusted you! I wasn't even doing to come back that first time, but you insisted. Why would you follow me? That's my life. Its none of your concern!"

"Yes it is," Draco argued, "You're here daily. We feed you both twice a day. Pansy has gone as far as to claim you as some some of sister, of course I'm doing to help."

"I don't need your help!"

"Well you're doing a fine job on your own."

Hermione groaned and spun around, facing away from him in frustration.

"Look, Hermione," Draco said lowering just voice, "I care about Jason. I care about you. You're both a part of us now. Of me. I can't just let you live like that when I can help. Please."

Hermione turned back towards him. "Why did you even invite us back that day five years ago?"

Draco gave her a long look. "I don't tell if.j can tell you. But . . . I can definitely show you." He kissed her.

"And the prince and the princess kissed and lived happily ever after," Pansy said from the doorway.

"That was to cheesy," Jason said.

"Yeah, I thought so too. Mario kart?" Pansy suggested.

"You're on!"