
This is gonna be cute and short.


"Okay, Kayla, just a few more more houses, okay?" Hermione panted.

The little girl from the orphanage she had adopted nodded her head abd raced ahead. Even though Hermione was only twenty two, she couldn't resist the eleven year old girl once she saw her. Hermione had left England a year after the war at only eighteen. She was set on finding her parents. When she couldn't, Hermione cut all ties to the wizarding world and moved to the US, including her boyfriend.

Hermione suspected he was the reason she adopted Kayla. Kayla had platinum blonde hair that was thick and curly. She had pale skin, a little lighter than her ex's, and brown eyes. Hermione fell in love with Kayla because she looked like the perfect cross between her and Draco Malfoy.

"This one!" Kayla decided, her American accent still dominant. Hermione knew it would never leave her. It surprised many parent sat Kayla's school that Hermione was british and Kayla was American.

Kayla took her mother's hand and started up the path towards a house fully decorated with tombstones, ghosts, cobwebs, and skeletons. Halfway up, Kayla let go and raced to the door, knocking sharply three times. The door swung open to reveal a tan girl with ebony black hair dressed in the female Slytherin uniform and a long Slytherin cloak.

"Happy Halloween!" The girl said, throwing candy in Kayla's bag.

"Are you a Slytherin!" Kayla shouted in excitement. Seeing the robes in person made her practically jump for joy.

The ebony haired girl look startled momentarily before grinning hugely. "Yes I am. I'm guessing your mum or dad went as well?"

"Yeah, mom did. Mom!" Kayla called out for Hermione to come, "But she was a Gryffindor. And I won't go to Hogwarts. I'm not a witch," Kayla pouted by folding her arms.

"What's wrong Kay . . . Parkinson?" Hermione gaped. She stared open mouthed at Pansy.

Pansy stared right back. After a moment, she regained her posture and turned back inside. "Blaise, Draco! You're going to want to see this!"

A tan skinned man was at the doorframe in seconds. He wasn't the same as Hermione remembered him. He'd take the glamour charm off. Instead of dark skin, he now had a light tan. His hair was also lighter and his eyes were a soft hazel.

"Sis!" Blaise shouted, throwing her arms around Hermione, almost tackling her to the ground.

"Oh my gods, Blaise," Hermione gasped.

She held him tightly before pushing him away. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Language Mom," Kayla chimed in.

"You swore the other day. Now we're even," Hermione waved her off.

Kayla rolled her eyes. She turned to Pansy and asked, "Do you have a bathroom? I've been out here for hours getting candy."

"Uh, yeah," Pansy mumbled, "Follow me."

She led Kayla inside, bumping a into someone on the way in. Kayla and the other boy made eye contact momentarily before eyeing up each others hair.

"Natural or dye?" Kayla asked.

"What," The boy said as she left the room, following Pansy.

"We moved here a few months ago. We're just done with England and everything. Theo came and married some girl, Emma (I MARRIED THEO, LIFE ACCOMPLISHED!!!) I think her name was, a couple years ago and he said we should come here if we wanted to escape life. Our neighbors told us about this cavity celebration and Pansy fell in love with it," Blaise explained.

"Who's we . . . " Hermione trailed off seeing the blonde exit the house.

He stopped and stared at her before slowly saying, "Granger?"

"Malfoy," Hermione breathed, her heart still fluttering in his presence even after three years.

"Why are you," Draco started but immediately stopped. He came closer and gently touched her arm. "You're . . . you're here."

"Yeah," Hermione muttered.

Draco and Hermione started a staring competition of sorts. Blaise looked between them before groaning and walking inside, yelling to Pansy to watch the cheesy moment so he didn't have too. 

"Um, you look really nice," Draco said, a blush staining his face.


They were silent for a moment more.

"You know what, screw the formalities," Draco said, cupping her face and kissing her.

Hermione wasn't disappointed. His kiss hadn't changed one bit and she loved it.

"Ew, mom! At least warn me I'll be getting a sibling soon," Kayla grimaced coming out with Pansy and slapping a hand over her eyes.

"Salazar, have I missed you," Draco breathed, resting his forehead against hers.

"Me too," Hermione agreed.

"So a kid," Draco started. Hermione nodded so he continued, "Who has the same color hair as mine and your color of eyes?"

Hermione blushed. "That's cute, Mione," Draco smiled, kissing her again.

"I call naming my brother or sister!" Kayla shouted.


I haven't updated a real one shot in a while, so here one is. Hope you enjoyed