tagged again

I was tagged by So here we go!

1)  Emma

2) Maiden, soon to be sworn (hopefully)

3) None

4) 5ft 3½inches

5) October 12th

6) On Wattpad Ivy, Iresine, and Angi. Irl, I have four others

7) Uh . . . does my 8 year old cousin count? If you're a boy, please contact so we can become best friends and I have someone to put here

8) Run Run Rudolph

9) Thanksgiving. Fuck that holiday.  Tragedy (death or almost death) on that day for the fourth year in a row

10) Just now. My sister Mads bought this dumb ass toy where you have a ball attached to a string and you have to throw it up and balance it on the other part. I went on and on about how it was hand made by Satan and god help us all from that toy

And my 20 peeps to tag are:

And that's all I'm doing cause wattpad is acting up