Chapter 10 (Updated)

These were some of the words Hermione used to vent out her frustration on Draco Malfoy. Alicia had found it slightly amusing and entertaining. After reading through her mother's journal, she hated the sixteen-year-old prick who insulted and humiliated her mother. If she could go back in time she could have punched him right in the nose.

It was last night when she finished her mother's sixth-year entries. Hermione ended with the Hogwarts entry with the death of Dumbledore and the fake locket that Harry and the old Headmaster found in the cave. On the last page of the journal, Hermione wrote her decision to be with her friends and go about the world to find Horcruxes and destroy them.

It was Christmas eve afternoon Alicia was in her dorm preparing for her journey to visit her mother. She pulled a scarf and a pair of cream gloves from her trunk to match her thick brown coat. After securing her hair into a single braid she buttoned her coat and tucked the ends of her scarf inside her coat.

With one last check on her appearance in the mirror, she grabbed her shoulder bag and placed her wand inside her boot for better access in case something happened.

Alicia always visits her mother during the holidays, her birthday which was also Hermione's death anniversary. Ginny tried to persuade her to change her birthday after Hermione's death day, but she never agreed. Alicia wanted her original birthday since it was the only thing tying her to her loving mother.

Visiting her mother was always a special day, but it was most eventful that someone outside the family joined her. Draco Malfoy was coming along to visit his ex-lover. It may sound awful, but Draco found it comforting to know that Hermione was doing well with her life.

Alicia took a turn the corridor to the Potions Room. Once she neared she found the door slightly ajar. She knocked on the door twice waiting for her request to enter to be acknowledged.

"Professor?" She knocked for the third time and pushed the door slightly to peeped her head inside to find her Potion's master behind a stack of books and papers.

"Sir?" Alicia entered the room and made her way to the desk.

"Sir." She repeated once she was standing feet away from the desk.

Draco finally looked up looking annoyed that he was interrupted, but when he realized who dared to interrupt his study.

"Alicia." He spoke.

"I apologize for interrupting sir, but I did knock," Alicia explained.

"Oh, I must have been deep in research." Draco awkwardly chuckled.

He studied his student wearing thick winter clothes. Only then he realized that it was the afternoon of Christmas Eve. The day when they'll visit Hermione. He almost forgot about it. He had been busy with his book for the last few days. The deadline for the final draft of the book was drawing near and it did not help when the Ministry was closely following his work.

"I must have forgotten." He sighed and held his forehead in his palm. "I'm sorry Alicia. Give me a few minutes to finish this work." He said and gestured for the young girl to sit and wait.

"No need to apologize, sir." Alicia smiled warmly at her professor.

With a few wave or his wand, the scattered papers around the desk area were now neatly piled on the mahogany desk. The books were back on the shelves and the few potions bottles were back in the classroom cupboard.

"Trinkey!" Draco called out and with a faint pop, a small house elf with big grey eyes appeared in front of his desk.

"A house elf!" Alicia's exclaimed joyfully as she watched the little house. It was the first time she's seen a house elf outside the kitchens.

"Master Draco." The small house elf bowed. "What can Trinkey do for Master?"

"Please fetch my coat and a pair of gloves from my quarters," Draco instructed.

The small house elf nodded and disappeared and returned after a few seconds. The small elf handed the thick black coat and black leather gloves to her master. Draco thanked the faithful house elf before dismissing her to continue her duties.

"I did not know you have a house elf inside the castle," Alicia spoke after Draco wore his gloves.

"Well, Trinkey was a house elf back in Malfoy Manor, but after the war, we set them free. Despite being free Trinkey is very loyal and still loves to serve the Malfoy line." Draco explained.

"Shall we?" He asked and offered his arm for Alicia to hold.

"Sir, we can't apparate," Alicia informed remembering the anti-apparition charm around the castle and grounds.

"Don't worry." Draco chuckled and nudge Alicia to hold his arm. "I had to ask permission and the Headmistress was happy to approve."

Alicia smiled and took Draco's arm and told him the location.

"Hold on tight," Draco said.

In an instant, they were like inside a tight tube, but it was possible for everything to twist, turn and stretch. Draco was used to such use of transportation, but Alicia was not. She remembered hating the mode of transportation due to the after-effects of its use.

When they landed, Alicia immediately found an alley and began to vomit the contents of her brunch. Despite bringing out all the contents of her stomach she still felt as if thousands punched her stomach.

"First time?" Draco asked when Alicia returned to his side. He offered her a bottle of water.

"No, but I do despise the experience." Alicia gulped the contents of the bottle to diminish the taste to bile from her mouth.

Draco laughed and studied the area where they landed. "Godric's Hollow." He said. "You live here?"

"No, sir," Alicia answered. "I live with the Weasleys in the Burrow. Uncle Harry wanted Mum to stay here since it is closer to Uncle Harry's parents." Alicia explained as they walked towards a flower shop around the corner.

"I see." Draco nodded.

Alicia smiled and opened the door of the small flower shop. As they entered the shop she was greeted by a familiar warm and motherly voice.

"Is that Alicia Granger I see?" A woman stepped out of the counter and scanned her new costumers. 

Alicia giggled and enveloped the middle-aged woman in a warm hug. "It's good to see you, Mrs. Fillins. How are you?"

"Oh, my dear." Mrs. Fillin's kissed her cheek. "I have been well and you?"

"Never better." Alicia smiled and returned the light peck on the cheek. "I have missed you so much, nanny."

Mrs. Matilda Fillins was once Alicia's nanny and Hermione's faithful caretaker when she was bedridden during pregnancy. Once Alicia was born she offered to care for her when the Potters were busy eradicating the remaining members of Voldemort's movement.

Ever since the battle of Hogwarts and the death of the Dark Lord, everything was expected to fall into place, but sadly it began to get worse. The office of the Minister of Magic was constantly fought over and the power vacuum in the Ministry threw everything into chaos.

Mrs. Fillins eventually became Alicia's first teacher. She had taught Alicia how to read, write and draw.

"It looks like you've brought a friend." Mrs. Fillins noticed the sound of the bells ring as the door opened. "You never bring a fri-" Mrs. Fillins' eyes widened when she saw who entered her flower shop.

"Mrs. Fillins, this is Professor Malfoy, he's the Potions Master in Hogwarts." Alicia excitedly introduced as she gestured to the man standing beside her.

"Hello, Mrs. Fillins." Draco greeted with a warm smile.

"How are you, Draco?" the flower shop owner greeted with a tone of familiarity which Alicia noticed.

"I am well." He answered. "How about you? It has been 15 years?" He said unsure of the time passed.

"Indeed, my boy. Indeed." Mrs. Fillins nodded and faced Alicia who was curiously watching their interaction. "I assume you are looking for flowers for your mum?"

"Yes and for Uncle Harry's parents," Alicia replied with a giggle and immediately ran towards the flower displays.

"I have the perfect flowers for Hermione. Wait right here." the shopkeeper disappeared through the back door behind the counter.

As they waited for the shopkeeper to return Alicia faced her curious looking professor. Since she had noticed the familiarity her curiosity kicked in.

"Professor, I was not aware you know Mrs. Fillins."

"It has been years since I last saw her, but she is an old family friend," Draco explained. Alicia knew better not to pry.

The back door opened and revealed Mrs. Fillins appeared holding three bouquets of flowers.

"For Lily and James." She handed the usual white lilies and clumps of white primroses.

"You always have the most beautiful flowers." Alicia smiled and inhale the sweet scent of the flowers.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Remember these?" Mrs. Fillins showed her the next bouquet.

Alicia placed the bouquets of flowers on the counter and pulled a flower from the bouquet Mrs. Fillins was showing.

She studied the beautiful magenta colored flora and tried to recall where she saw the flower.

"Of course!" Alicia exclaimed. These were the flowers that Alicia and Mrs. Fillins bred last year. "The Hermiones!"

"Yes." Mrs. Fillins nodded. "Those just bloomed recently. The cold weather does wonders for that particular flower."

"Mom would love these." Alicia sighed as she smelled the flowers. It reminded her of Hermione. She still had the bottle of her mother's perfume in her room in the burrow. It was Ginny's gift to her on her eleventh birthday.

Draco almost froze when he got a whiff of the scent. He never thought he could actually smell it again after years. The scent brought him comfort and warmth. Hermione was his sanctuary and her scent alone brought back many memories of their time together.

Alicia rummaged inside her purse to pull out a couple of galleons for the flowers. Mrs. Fillins raised her hand to stop Alicia from placing the money on the counter.

"Oh no, dear." She spoke sweetly and tucked a strand on Alicia's cheek. "Consider them as a gift. I have a feeling today is a beginning of a story. Say hello to Hermione for me."

"Of course, nanny and Thank you." Alicia gave her nanny one last hug before Mrs. Fillins disappeared in the back door.