Chapter 11 Pt. 1 (Updated)

Draco couldn't help it but chuckle at the ecstatic girl exiting the shop completely ignoring that she had left him standing in the middle of flower shop alone. Alicia was truly and genuinely excited to visit her mother.

Draco walked towards the door to meet Alicia outside the shop when he felt a presence watching him. He stopped and turned around. Standing behind the counter was Mrs. Fillins, watching him with disappointed eyes and a frown on her lips.

He knew why she looked at him this way. Everyone knew that look when they break their mother's hearts. It was exactly what Draco was seeing in front of him, the disappointment of a mother.

Years ago when he was in a loving relationship with Hermione they came across a botanist who was searching for a rare flower in the mountains near Hogwarts. It was also by fate that the botanist they had met was one of their missions during Auror training. After their mission they found themselves loving the sweet lady botanist and eventually welcoming her fully into their lives.

He stood still unsure of how to act in front of a woman he respected and now let down. He badly wanted to explain himself, but his Malfoy pride was keeping him from utterly the words of forgiveness.

His lips formed a straight line trying to keep a straight face, but looking into the old botanist's eyes made all his barriers collapse. He dropped all his emotional walls and quickly enveloped the woman in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, my boy. My sweet, sweet boy." Mrs. Fillins shushed as she comforted Draco's quivering body.

"I'm so sorry." Draco buried his head on the small woman's shoulder trying to stop his tears. "I want to make things right. I want to see her. I want to apologize." He hiccuped.

"It's okay." She kept repeating softly trying to soothe him.

When Draco finally calmed down he slowly let go of his grip and stood to wipe his tears. Mrs. Fillins carefully cupped Draco's face to look at his pained grey eyes.

"Brace yourself, my dear boy. Don't turn back. Face it." She said giving Draco one final hug before disappearing into the back room.

He knew what she meant. He turned his back years ago and decided to hide from the issues at hand. This was his moment. This was his time to make things right and fix what he had broken all those years ago.

Draco took a deep breath and composed himself before exiting the small flower shop. Upon stepping on the sidewalk he searched for Alicia. He turned to his right and saw a blonde hasty walking towards the Godric Hollow graveyard.

He picked up his pace and followed Alicia's route. Once he had caught up with the young girl he noticed that she was standing in front of two gravestones.

"Hello," Alicia spoke as he placed the flowers on the gravestones. "I'm sorry we haven't visited in awhile, but I am sure Uncle Harry will be here tomorrow. Aunt Ginny told me in her last letter that they'll be here before noon." Alicia explained as she bent down to the grave's height.

There was a moment of silence before Draco placed a hand on Alicia's shoulder.

"I actually brought someone with me." Alicia started. "Draco Malfoy. He's our potions master at Hogwarts. He came with me to visit mum." Alicia explained her eyes gleaming with happiness, her usual steel grey eyes were warm and hints of blue appearing.

"I almost forgot!" Alicia exclaimed and pulled two Hermione flowers from the bouquet she was holding and placed both on their grave. "These are Hermione's flowers. Mrs. Fillins and I made them last summer."

There was a moment of silence before Alicia stood up and smiled down at the gravestone.

"Bye. I'll visit you again. We have to see mum, now." Alicia touched the gravestone one last time and turned to face Draco.

A new form of excitement flowed through Alicia's veins and ran past Draco with a laugh. Draco watched as the young girl running towards the furthest part of the graveyard.

"This way professor!" Alicia yelled at him as she noticed him still standing on the spot where they previously stood.

The distance Alicia had placed between them made Draco lazy to even walk that far. With one step he apparated and lanced next to her in an instant.

"We can always apparate, Alicia. We are in a Wizarding Village after all." Draco pointed out with a chuckle as they walked the stone path.

"As much as do I love magic, doing the simple things in the muggle way is still best for me," Alicia answered making Draco remember the same words from Hermione years ago.

"Where is your mum?" Draco asked cutting his nostalgia short.

"She's over there." She pointed at the tree on the furthest part of the graveyard.

Draco followed her beeline and saw nothing but a Willow Tree. As they were approaching closer to the tree Draco noticed a gravestone behind the willow. The idea popped into his head, but dear Merlin he hoped he was wrong.

He stopped in his tracks and let Alicia move forward. She was slowing down. Draco's heartbeat began to rise, despite the snow on the ground and the freezing temperature he began to sweat. Draco slowly approached, his eyes not leaving his student.

"Hey, mum." Alicia finally spoke and placed the flowers near the gravestone.

Draco fell on his knees as he read the engraving wide-eyed.

"No." He begged softly.

This can't be happening. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He kept repeating in his head that this was all a dream or he was hallucinating, but each time he opened his eyes it was the name that stared at him. It was not a dream and certainly not a hallucination. What he was seeing was true.

Hermione Granger is dead.