Chapter 12 (Updated)

"Mum fancied you, didn't she?" Alicia asked, brining Draco's frown into a smile.


End Flashback

It was that very day he started to plan his way to break Hermione Granger's thick walls.

"Uncle Blaise! Aunt Pansy!" Alicia squealed at the sight of the couple approaching.

Alicia ran towards the couple and quickly wrapping her arms around them. Pansy and Blaise smiled warmly at their god daughter. She had grown so much since the last they saw her on Platform 9 ¾.

Draco watched the scene unfold. It has been years since he last saw his friends. But he did recall Blaise and Pansy attending his wedding.

Blaise was his best man and Pansy was one of Astoria's bridesmaids. Pansy was furious when she received the invitation. Draco Malfoy had the audacity to invite them after the recent events that caused a rift on their friendship, but nonetheless since they were all childhood friends and because of their family connection they had no choice but to attend.

Pansy placed a tender kiss on Alicia's forehead. Every time she looks at Alicia she would recall Hermione's pained features when they would mention a certain blonde.

"I'm so happy you're here!" The girl squealed in excitement and pulled them towards the bench.

"Slow down, sweetie." Pansy laughed at her overzealous god daughter.

"I brought someone with me to visit mum!" Alicia explained as she pulled her godparents.

Despite the couple having the urge to hex Draco on the spot, they couldn't do it, not in front of the sweet girl at least.

"Professor, I would like to introduce you to my godparents, Blaise and Pansy Zabini." Alicia introduced.

"There is no need for introductions my dear." Pansy said flatly. She tried to hide her venomous tone, but Draco Malfoy knew her too well not to notice.

"Draco." Blaise acknowledged with a stiff nod.

"Of course, of course." Alicia realized. "I recall Scorpius mentioning Professor's friends back in the day."

"Yes, back in the day." Pansy said bitterly making Draco stare at his childhood friend.

Despite the tension felt within the three Slytherin Alumnus, Alicia's smile made the tension disappear even for a little while.

Pansy stepped forward and placed the bouquet of flowers on the gravestone next to Alicia's flowers. 14 years and she still felt Hermione's sadness, how could she not forget when she the pregnant witch spent her first first trimester on her guest bedroom in her flat in muggle London.

Silencing Charm or not she could hear still hear Hermione's tears from across the flat. No matter how hard Hermione tried to hide it people who knew her can see past her facade, but no one dared to speak of it.

Pansy shot Draco a glare, but her features instantly softened upon noticing the sadness in Draco's eyes. Just like Hermione, she knew Draco too well, she knew all of his weakness, his strengths and his deepest secrets.

Draco knew how Pansy and Blaise despise his actions all those years ago, but what could he have done? The Malfoy name was in danger. If he wasn't under a blood oath he could have easily left and married Hermione.

"Pansy, darling."

It was Blaise who spoke noticing his wife's silence. He cleared his throat when it was not enough to snap his wife out of her flashbacks.

"We have to meet Alexander at Diagon Alley. He might leave without us, you know how impatient that boy gets." Blaise added with a small chuckle.

"I wonder where he got that from." Pansy laughed which also set off Alicia's laughter and surprisingly Draco joined in as well.

"Will I see you before the year ends?" Alicia asked after she released her Godmother from a warm embrace.

"I am not entirely sure, darling, rest assure after we'll see you before school starts." Pansy assured the young Slytherin.


Draco and Alicia were standing near the fountain in Godrick's Hallow, ready to apparate back to Hogwarts. He held out his arm for Alicia to take and just a snap of a finger they had already disapparated from the charming village.

Upon landing on the fine carpets of the Slytherin's Common room, Alicia immediately took the armchair and tried to regain her equilibrium. She might like flying, but apparating was something she hated to do, until absolutely necessary and preferably in a life or death situation.

"I'm glad that you were able to come with me Professor." Alicia smiled at Draco who was now sitting on the armchair next to her.

"It was my pleasure, but it is still a shock." Draco admitted sadly. The pain of seeing Hermione's grave came rushing back.

"It's ironic isn't it?" A portrait from them common room spoke which Draco and Alicia acknowledged. "A Great War Heroine and a powerful witch triumphed over the Dark Lord taken by something so mundane."