Chapter 13 (Updated)

Draco had called upon a house elf to bring tea and pastries from the kitchen to the Common Room, seeing that they had come from the cold, the warmth of the common room fireplace was not enough to combat the lake’s low temperature.

They drank their tea in silence. Draco was still in the process of accepting Hermione’s death. Imagine fourteen years of ignorance! It was unacceptable. It made his stomach turn. He always thought she was happily burying her nose on a thick book near a fireplace or reading a book under a tree.

He drifted to the thought of the sweet girl curled up on the couch holding the cup of tea with both hands gripping the warm porcelain cup for her dear life. This sweet girl grew up without a mother by her side and what’s worse, she journeyed the world without evening knowing her father. It was a cruel upbringing for such an innocent girl.

If the young Granger was not around the common room would fall victim to his rage and eventually mending all the room before anyone caught wind of the aftermath of his outburst.

“What is that?” He asked noticed her fingers playing with a pendant.

Alicia turned to her Professor and smiled weakly. She placed her teacup on coffee table and slowly unlocked the necklace from her neck. She slowly placed it on her palm and watched the common room fire reflected through the silver.

“It was my mother’s,” Alicia started. She offered the necklace to Draco which he held his hand to reach for the small item. “Aunt Ginny gave it to me before the year started. It was my mom’s. She thought it was a good idea for me to hold on to it. It really did help. Overtime when I would get really anxious over a test I would just grip it with my hand and think about my mom.”

Draco unraveled the silver chain and let the green pendant dangle. It was an emerald pendant decorated with a silver snake surrounding the outer corner of the pendant. A faint bell was ringing in his head. The pendant slowly dangled and turned showing the engravings. His eyes widened. This small trinket that was in the possession of the young girl was a gift he gave Hermione all those years ago.


“I think it was from my father.” Alicia added.

Draco froze immediately.

“Did Ginny say it was?” Draco asked placing the pendant back on Alicia’s open palm.

“No, but Aunt Ginny said that this necklace was special to Mum.” Alicia answered.

Draco watched her try to lock the necklace around her neck, but struggled to lock it around her neck.

“Let me.” Draco offered.

Alicia smiled and handed the necklace to him. He placed the necklace around his neck he remembered the day he gave it to Hermione. It was exactly a year since their first date and he decided to give her something special, something to commemorate their first anniversary. The necklace was a sign that he would marry the witch and promise a life together.

.” He remembered Hermione’s sweet voice as she complemented his taste in jewelry.

“.” He smiled admiring the woman wearing the necklace. “.”

“There.” Draco smiled after he clasped the lock securing the necklace around Alicia’s neck.

“Thank you, Professor.” Alicia smiled admiring the pendant around her neck. It was truly an elegant piece of jewelry.

He gave it to Hermione and now Hermione gave it to her only daughter. Why would the witch even give her daughter something he gave beforehand, unless he young witch standing before him was actually his daughter.

He began to do the math in his mind and it was clear that the almost white blond hair, alabaster skin and grey eyes were only within the Malfoy bloodline and no one else. It was what made their family name known.

A faint pop caught the two by surprise. A small elf was now present in the room along with them. Alicia remembered the house elf from when Scorpius was given his weekly rations of sweets from his grandmother.

“Giddy” Draco acknowledged. “What are you doing here?” he asked facing the small elf wearing a cute black tux with matching black shorts.

“Mistress has asked Giddy to come to Hogwarts and send Master Draco a message.” The elf, named Giddy replied.

“Mother? What is her message?” Draco usually receives a letter from his mother when his presence was needed in the Manor, but seeing she sent a house elf it must be of utter importance and urgency.

“Master must see Mistress before he departs for France.” Giddy answered with a small nod.

“I see. Please tell mother that I will be joining them for dinner and will stay in the manor before I depart for France.” With that the House elf disapparated leaving them in the common room once more.

“Well, thank you again for joining me, Professor. It has been a long day.” Alicia smiled sensing the urgency of the matter. “Wish Scorpius a Happy Christmas for me.”

“Of course.” Draco nodded. He watched Alicia leave the common room for the dorms, but then he realized that only a few Slytherins were staying in for the holidays and as far as he was concerned the Slytherin common room was far from a Christmas aura despite the whole area covered in Christmas ornaments and a warm fireplace. He also wondered why she didn’t spend the holidays with the Potters or the Weasleys.

“Alicia!” He called out his voice startling the young girl. She turned around and to his horror the cheery girl was replaced by a broken girl who’s only a few steps into breaking into tears.

Quickly Alicia wiped her tears and smiled at her professor. It was the most spurious smile she could muster.

“I know I am merely your professor and I am sure Potter would throw a fit when he finds out, but would you like to spend christmas with us?” He asked, but he was only met with confusion and barriers.

“I don’t believe I follow.” the fifteen year old admitted, her smile dropping into a straight line.

“Come with me to France. You can spend the holidays with us, with Scorpius, Astoria and I.” He explained urging her to agree with his suggestion. “Astoria always wanted a girl at the home. I’m sure you would get along well.”

“Uncle Harry knows I’ll be staying here for the holidays.” She thought. She just owled Harry last night about her plans and she just got a reply this morning.

“I’ll floo him right away. I will explain to him and I’m sure he’ll agree.” He pressed, but young Alicia was still unsure.

“How about this, I’ll call for a house elf to help you pack while I speak with Potter and we’ll meet in my office. I’ll be using my floo to call him.”

“Alright.” Alicia smiled this time it was genuine.

A small pop echoed inside the common room and there stood a small elf with green robes and a small silver ribbon tied on both ears.

“Master has called for Nissy.” The house elf squeaked.

“Yes, Nissy. Please assist miss Granger in packing for our departure to France.” Draco ordered in a warm tone.

“Of course! Of course!” Nissy clapped her hands excitedly.

“Also do make sure to bring any potions she needs.”

“Yes master.” Nissy grabbed Alicia’s hand and with a pop they disappeared to her dorm room to pack everything she needed for the holidays.

“I am worried.” Professor McGonagall admitted her eyes following Draco Malfoy’s movement through a real time pensive. She watched as Draco conversed with Harry Potter through floo call.

“Do not worry, Professor. Everything is going well.” The lady relaxing on one of the armchairs replied before taking a sip of her freshly poured tea.

“Are you sure this is the best way for both of the find out?” Minerva turned and waved for the pensive to float back on her desk.

“He asked her to got with him to France. That’s a good sign.” Neville pointed out as he strolled towards the two women.

“Perfect.” The lady grinned and finally took of her glasses.

Neville and headmistress watched as the woman placed her sunglasses on the coffee table and turn to them with a sweet smile. A smile so familiar it was almost disappearing into a devious smirk.

“It’s good to see you, Neville.” The woman spoke with such familiarity.

“Welcome back, Hermione.”

“It’s good to be back.”
