Chapter 18 (Updated)

Alicia Granger woke up surprisingly early on Christmas Day. The events from last night had her feeling a bit anxious. It hadn't dawned on her that yesterday's photo shoot was for a magazine cover Astoria had been working on. It was only when they were at dinner that she was informed of the plan. There was a plan for Astoria to launch a teen fashion magazine in the coming year. The clothes Alicia had worn were from a famous brand, M&L. They were also launching a teen clothing line. It was a perfect opportunity to market the collection.

After taking a shower and putting on her favorite brown jumper that Mrs. Weasley had given her a few Christmas ago. She paired it with her warm leggings and fuzzy socks. Since it was just around six in the morning she decided to wear something more comfortable. She would later change into an appropriate outfit if need be when Jewel fetches her for Christmas morning rituals.

When she exited the bathroom she was surprised to see a pile of presents sitting on the foot of her bed and an elf slowly arranging them by size.

"Hello." She greeted the small elf.

"Ah. Miss!" The tiny elf jumped not expecting to be seen by the young guest. "Rinky is sorry for intruding. The elder has ordered Rinky to send this to Miss Alicia's room."

"It's alright." Alicia smiled. "Thank you for bringing them, Rinky."

"Rinky also bought tea and something to eat." Rinky hopped on the reading nook and pointed at the tray filled with a variety of food. It was like an all in one mini breakfast tray. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, blueberries, hot tea, and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Alicia thought.

"Does Miss not like?" Rinky's eyes showed panic and his ears started to droop down.

"No-ah-I mean, I like it. It's wonderful, Rinky. It seems I spaced out. I am indeed hungry." Alica immediately said not wanting to upset the little hard worker. Rinky's ears pointed back and a smile appeared.

"Rinky must leave now. Does Miss need anything else?"

"Is everyone still asleep?" She asked.

"Only elder and elves are awake," Rinky answered. "But everyone will be awake in a little while."

"Alright. Thank you, Rinky. Happy Christmas." Alicia patted his head which the little elf did not expect. His smile widened. He wasn't used to this kind of affection. He was treated well since he was born but this was so different.

"Happy Christmas Miss." With that, he left the room.

Alica took a sip from the tea enjoying the warmth. She approached the presents and crouched down to read a few cards. She had gifts from Harry, Ginny, Pansy, Blaise, Mrs. Weasley, and from a few others. She picked up a stack of letters and placed them on the reading nook near the window. She drew her curtains and opened the window letting the cold breeze enter the room. The fireplace was still lit up so the room still remained warm despite the opened window. The first letter was from Destiny.

Alicia had decided to give her best friend a skincare set she found in a small boutique. It wasn't anything fancy but it was perfect for her friend. She also bought the same items for her roommates but added something different for each one. For Destiny, the other item was an earring with small white flowers adorned the golden hoop. It was perfect for the fashionable Destiny.

She opened another letter and this time it was from Ginny. Attached to the letter was a photo of everyone back home smiling and waving. At some point, she felt bad not going home for the holidays but she knew Ginny and Harry supported her 100% with her decision to spend the holidays with the Malfoys. It was surprising at first but it seems that her Uncle Harry was alright with it.

Ginny explained in the letter. Her uncle Ron had always been overprotective with her and based on her mother's diary entries Ron wasn't silent about his displeasure towards the Malfoys especially Draco. Alicia laughed and made to ask if a floo call was available after breakfast. She wouldn't want to see her uncle storming in with a wand pointing at her Professor's throat. Come to think of it James Potter spends too much time with him.

After reading all of the letters sent to her she took a sip of her tea and realized that it had cooled to room temperature indicating she had been reading for a while and not noticed the time. She looked at the clock and it was a little past eight. Last night she was informed that they would meet in the living room at 8:45. She placed the letters inside the pocket of her case. She didn't want to lose anything. Those letters would be transferred to an Egyptian ornate box Ron had bought when he was in an assignment in Egypt. It wasn't anything fancy but he had asked the merchant if it would be possible to add a cartouche bearing Alicia's name in Hieroglyphics. Alicia loved it and used it to store small keepsakes and that includes letters.

A faint knock alerted her that Jewel had come to fetch her.

"Good Morning, Jewel." She greeted her with a warm smile. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, Miss Alicia." Jewel smiled warmly. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"Is this appropriate?" Alicia asked, gesturing at her plain outfit. She was planning on changing but she didn't recall a dress code for the morning festivities.

"It is." Jewel approved.

"Alright. Let me get my shoes and presents." Alicia grabbed her warm boots and the pile of gifts sitting near her door.


"The family room is on the next left." Jewel instructed. "Also this came in." Jewel handed her an envelope with a red seal. There was no return address or a name from who it was from. Only her name was written.

"Thank you, Jewel." Alicia thanked gratefully.

Alicia had noticed that the hallway leading to the family room was decorated with photographs. She stopped at one photograph that caught her attention. She was sure this was in the Astronomy Tower back at Hogwarts. Three silhouettes were looking out to the sunset. She looked at the corner and it was dated a year after the Battle of Hogwarts. She might have thought that these photos were Astoria's. The woman was a photographer after all.