Chapter 19 (Updated)

Despite Christmas being the happiest holiday around, a black cloud began to loom over the McLaggen Mansion. During the holidays the home was filled with celebration and joyful moments but for his particular holiday has turned dull and dreadful. Everyone inside the home felt it looming above them. Everyone was careful and anxious. One morning the master of the home had collapsed during lunch. It's been days since and he still hasn't recovered in fact he was growing paler and paler each passing day. Everyone feared the worst.

"How is he?" Hermione asked as the healer closed the guest room door. They had turned one of the spare rooms into Cormac's resting area as per his request. He didn't want to remain in their bedroom in his state.

The doctor pulled something out of his case and handed it to Hermione. "The tests we found were conclusive of poison."

"And the muggle tests?"

"We did as you asked. The muggle doctors have not deciphered anything. They are stumped as we are." The healers explained.

Hermione leaned on the wall and contained the tears in her eyes. Life has some way of bringing her misery at the most opportune moment. This can't be happening.

"However," The healer's voice had a hint of hope. "Based on Mr. McLaggen's travel history, he might have been in contact with the poison in Egypt."

"We funded an excavation in Egypt in January. We were informed that they had found a tomb and went to Egypt weeks before Christmas." Hermione explained remembering how excited they both were about the find. "There was an incident that caused a panic. One of the assistants had gone on her way and forcibly opened the sarcophagus."

"Was he present when it was opened?"

"He was the one who tried to stop him. After that health protocols were activated. He was cleared. Why did it manifest only now?"

"If we were to find an antidote for this it could take weeks or months that he doesn't have." The healer explained. They were all stumped. Despite modern wizard and muggle medicine, they couldn't find a cure. They could delay it but it was not enough.

"M-May I see him?" She asked her voice shaking in the realization of what the healer had said. Death. Another death. Karma. Maybe it was karma or simply punishment.

"I advise you to bring everyone together. I'm sorry Mrs. McLaggen."

"Thank you, healer."

They could only delay the pain. She couldn't do anything. Brightest Witch of her Age? What a load of dragon dung. She couldn't even save someone she cared for. She badly wanted to find that amateur and show her what she had done out of her foolishness but the young girl also had the same fate as Cormac if not worse. She had heard from sources that the young woman had died a week ago.

Hermione's eyes fluttered open when she felt something brush against her cheeks. She looked to Cormac and saw him awake.

"I'm sorry I woke you." He apologized. Hermione simply smiled and held his hand.

"It's alright. Do you need anything? Thirsty?" She asked. She rose from her seat and quickly filled a glass of water. She cradled his head carefully and held the glass to his lips. Every day he was growing weaker and it has come to the point where sitting up was a struggle.

She had spent nights sleeping in the armchair beside Cormac's bed. She wanted to be at his side as long as she possibly can. They both know what his fate was. All the money or the magic in the world couldn't fix this one.

"Hermione." Cormac's hoarse voice tugged her attention. He weakly held out his arm for her to hold. "You've made me so happy. Those years together were the best."

"They were. I never imagined I'd smile like that after what happened."

"I know you still love him and despite that, you gave me a piece of your heart. I'll treasure that always." This moment felt like it was the last conversation they were going to have. Her eyes watered at the thought when memories filled her mind and this weak man she loved smiled at her as if he wasn't feeling any pain.

"Cormac, you can't. No." Tears streamed down her face as she held his hand on her cheek trying to feel what's left of his warmth.

Cormac was about to speak but a violent cough had erupted from his lungs. Hermione lunged forward to try and comfort him. "I feel like this is my karma for forcing you to marry me."

"You didn't force me. It was my choice." She corrected him.

"That or maybe all of those ill advances I made back at school."

"You were an ass." She mused trying to fight off more tears. She placed her hand on his heart and felt his heartbeat weakening. "You can't leave me. I'm still weak."

"No, you're not. I've watched you blossom and grow. You abandoned your broken shell and forged a new one out of your own strength." He was assuring her but he knew she was ready. "Fight. Fight for what you believe in. You are Hermione Granger after all."

"N-No. Who will I talk to? Who will I confide in?"

"Shh. Look at me." Cormac wiped the trail of tears from her cheeks as he urged her to open her eyes to look at him. Hermione opened her eyes and met Cormac's comforting gaze. "You can still talk to me. I can't promise that you'll hear me but I'll still be with you. You started this alone but remember that in your journey you were never alone."

She felt the last beat. It was like slow motion but the sound of the muggle heart monitor echoed inside the room. She sobbed on his chest. This was really her punishment. It felt like another piece of her heart withered like a flower. Memories of their time together flowed through her mind. Cormac's persistence to make her believe he changed, the way he treated her when she was fragile, his warm smile every time he talked about Egypt and his proposal. A part of her heart loved him. She was thankful for everything he did.

She lifted her head from his chest and placed a soft kiss on his forehead and connected her forehead to his. "Thank you. You will forever stay in my heart."

She thought.


Cormac's wake stayed intimate. Only friends, family, and a few business partners were allowed to attend. For the rest of the week, she had to be present to receive condolences from everyone who regarded her husband as a friend and family. People could see her bloodshot eyes despite her strong composure. She was trying hard to stay in control but they knew behind closed doors her tears wouldn't stop falling. On the day of the funeral, she was approached by the family lawyer about Cormac's Last Will and Testament.