Chapter 22 (Updated)

Malfoy Manor. It housed many generations of Malfoys. From Armand Malfoy, the first Malfoy to arrive in England to Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and now heir, Draco Lucius Malfoy has resided in the Elizabethan home. Not only was it a part of history it also showed the prestige of the old family. The Malfoys have always prided themselves in their pure lineage but the pride of the family came with a price. As the Second Wizarding War reached its climax the home housed one of the most dangerous wizards. Instead of a home that showed the elegance of pure life, it has been tainted by the powers of darkness. The halls that once entertained parties and soirees are now tainted with the memory of a massacre. It took a total of three years to completely rid the home of its bloody history.

Despite clearing the place, one could faintly hear the screams of agony and torture. The walls nor the paintings have not completely forgotten what they witnessed. The only way it could be fully clear is to let the light it but Draco had to move out leaving Lucius, Narcissa, and house elves to occupy and roam the manor. On this particular day, however, Lucius was out of the manor for business. Narcissa Malfoy was inside her own study holding yet another red envelope. Every day a new one came but it had the same message. The letter she was holding however was from yesterday's mail.

"Another letter, Mistress." The house elf slowly approached the desk and placed the tray of letters.

Upon seeing the red envelopes, Narcissa snarled. Without uttering a single syllable the tray of red letters erupted into flames startling the little elf. The elf panicked and quickly threw the burning envelope into the fireplace. Narcissa noticed the elf still glued in front of the fireplace. She stood from her chair and to her horror, the envelopes, and their contents were still intact. The words written on charmed stationery glowed in the fire.

You Can Never Run From What You Did.

Skilled. Whoever was behind these letters was clearly skilled in magic. It's best not to underestimate the culprit. Someone knows. The past was slowly creeping into the present.