Chapter 23 (Updated)



On busy days like these, Cormac and Hermione would be in his office tackling papers and last-minute proposals. However, she had already completed everything before the new year. After Cormac's death, she busied herself with work and other matters. She didn't realize that the bulk of work she did beforehand had left her with nothing else to do but sign papers. Her mind was now open to thinking about other things like her daughter. Alicia's new photo was sitting on her desk along with photos of Cormac, group photos with her friends back at Hogwarts, her friend from Auror training, and her parents.

After the war, she had searched for her parents. When she found them she also found out that the magic she used to erase herself from their memories was too powerful and driven by emotions upon casting. After consulting with medi-witches and wizards from her travels she had come to a conclusion to not reverse the magic. According to all the consultations she had, it would render part of their brain to become unresponsive. Their bodies would be in a vegetive state. It was one of the most difficult decisions she had made. How she missed them dearly.

All she wanted to do was to curl up and lay her head on her mother's lap forgetting everything. Her mother would run her fingers through her curls and hum a sweet song as she drifted to sleep. Her father would be sitting on the armchair beside them reading a book enjoying a peaceful time with his family.

"Mummy, daddy, I hope both of you are well." She whispered to herself as a tear rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Jean. I thought you were out. No one answered when I knocked."

Hermione didn't need to turn around to see who snapped her out of her nostalgia. Anne, Cormac's cousin from his mother's side, is one of Hermione's trusted friends. She, along with Cormac and Anne grew the McLaggen Group into what it was today, a family-run business with multiple investments and subsidiaries both muggle and magical. They ventured into real estate, private schools, fashion, and many more. It's safe to say that they were inside each industry even with the growing muggle technology.

"Anne, what brings you here?" Hermione asked as she dabbed her wet eyes.

"Are you alright?" Anne's face softened when she saw the sorrow in Hermione's eyes. No matter how hard Hermione would brush it off, she along with Cormac knew that she was thinking of the past. To a stranger, it was nothing but to them who saw it many times, it was a red flag.

"Yes. It's nothing serious, don't worry." Hermione smiled assuring her cousin-in-law.

Anne knew not to press further. "I wanted to check in with you regarding the guest list and the invitation details." She handed Hermione a beautiful black cardboard invitation with intricate gold designs on the cover and in the middle was the McLaggen Group logo sealing the double door folds of the invitation. Upon opening, she was greeted by a thin gold plate with the details of the event beautifully carved.

"This is breathtaking."

"Designed by yours truly." Anne giggled.

"The honor of your presence is requested at the McLaggen Group's Annual Masquerade Ball." Hermione read the heading.

"It's perfect, Anne. Thank you."

"I know it's a bit early for a party after Cormac's death but I figured he wouldn't even want you to miss this."

Hermione smiled at the thought. She could picture Cormac's gentle smile urging her on to continue despite all the hardships.

"He would."

"I'm sorry to intrude, Madame." Hermione's assistant had entered the room with an envelope she was tightly hugging on her chest. Her tone had a sense of urgency thus the sudden entrance to her office.

"It's alright. What is it?"

The assistant didn't say anything but she handed Hermione the envelope. Hermione's eyes widened when she realized what the contents of the envelope might be. She quickly opened it and pulled out the documents. She scanned the documents and once she reached the signatories she couldn't help but smirk. Anne too was smirking beside her when she saw the signatures.

"Oh my. The last 10% is yours. You're at par with their shares." Anne pointed out.

"My negotiation team needs a bonus. Please see to it." Hermione instructed her assistant.