Chapter 25

Alicia Granger was rushed to St. Mungo’s Hospital because of a fever not even the school nurse could cure. Her fever was so high it wasn’t the normal fever anyone could have. She was just there, lying on the white sheets of St. Mungo’s, she looked so weak, her lips ran out of color, and every blond ringlets of her hair had lost its volume and bounce.

Draco Malfoy, the potions master of Hogwarts had been there to watching over her. Harry and the others had been owled about Alicia’s condition and now, they are on their way there.

Draco was sitting on the chair beside Alicia’s bed, he kept looking at her. He didn’t know why he felt so worried with her; she was just Hermione’s daughter, well possibly his to, but he was still has to find out. He slowly placed a damp cloth on Alicia’s forehead to help with the fever going down.

“Mr. Malfoy, May I?”

He turned around and saw a nurse with a clip board hugged on her chest. The nurse gave a small smile and walked over to Alicia’s bedside. She placed the clipboard on the table and took out her wand, with a simple wave of her wand Alicia’s temperature appeared in the arm with red letters.

“Oh my, her temperature has risen.” Said the nurse which caused Draco to worry more. “This is not good.” Added the nurse and looked at the worried Draco behind her.

“What is the cause?” Draco asked his voice filled with concern.

“I’m sorry Mr. Malfoy, but the tests are not yet finished.” The nurse replied as she was collecting her clip board and held it with her left arm. She scribbled something on the clipboard and tucked a strand of her hair.

“When will the test be finished?” Draco asked as he watched the nurse the nurse tucked the clipboard in her arm.

“Hopefully in a few minutes.” The nurse answered looking at her wristwatch. “Don’t worry Mr. Malfoy I’m sure your daughter will be fine.”

Draco eyes widen with astonishment. Why the people in this hospital does are think Alicia was his daughter? Did they really look so alike that they could be mistaken as a family?

“She is not my daughter.” He said softly.

“What was that sir?” the young nurse looked at Draco with innocent eyes.

“Just get the results.” Draco snapped at the nurse.

The nurse was a bit taken back by his tone of voice. She slowly bowed and move out of Alicia’s private room. Draco sat on the chair once more breathing the hospital air in Alicia’s room. Closing his eyes a memory flashed back on his mind.

His memory going back to the time he saw Hermione after 2 years. But he was still engaged to Astoria.

“What have you done to her?”

A cold voice that was once so warm disturbed his memory and caused him to stand and turn around to see who just entered the room.

His eyes widen upon the woman who was standing near the door. It was her.