Chapter 26

 Hermione Granger was in the Headmistress’s office pacing around the room with her heels hitting the marble floor. Even though she wasn’t the person who helped Alicia grow up but she watched her grow into the most beautiful young lady that she was now.

“She is fine Hermione.” Professor McGonagall said and placed a comforting pat on Hermione’s shoulder.

“What happened to her?” Hermione said her voice filled with concern and the cold features she had become soft and caring.

“Poppy will be going back to St. Mungo’s to see the results.” McGonagall replied and gestured for Hermione to sit back.

“Wait. If Madam Pomfrey is here?” Hermione started and her mind filling her with questions on who is watching over Alicia. “Then who is watching Alicia?” she asked.

“I-I don’t know.”  Professor McGonagall replied. She forgot to ask Madam Pomfrey who watched over Alicia while she was here to tend the other students.

“WHAT?!” Hermione yelled in outrage. What if Alicia woke up and no one was there for her?

“But, I am sure Poppy has someone sent there.” Professor Mcgonagall tried to calm Hermione down with assurance that Poppy did send someone over to St. Mungo’s.

But it seems Hermione wasn’t listening and grabbed her bag. She passed the headmistress and made her way to the fireplace. Before Professor Mcgonagall could speak the green flames had enveloped Hermione and transported her to St. Mungo’s.

The old headmistress sighed and sat on her high chair. This was one of the things she didn’t like about Hermione. She hated seeing the once bushy head girl run off without letting her finish what she was saying. Sighing she heard a faint knock on her office door.

“Come in.” She said and watched the brown oak door open and revealed Madam Pomfrey with a small faint smile on her lips.

“So?” Professor McGonagall started which made Madam Pomfrey look at her. “How are the students?” she asked.

“O-oh, well they are fine. 4th years are very immature.” Madam Pomfrey replied and sat down on the couch in the head mistress’ office.

“Anyway. Who is with Alicia Granger at St. Mungo’s?” the old transfiguration professor asked as she looked at the school nurse.

“Draco Malfoy.” Madam Pomfrey replied.

 “Hermione just floo’ed to St. Mungo’s! Alicia doesn’t know that her mother is alive!” The headmistress cried and almost dropped all the things on her desk.

“Oh my…”

“I’m going to St. Mungo’s. I have to stop Hermione from entering that room.” The headmistress said and with a pop she was gone.

“I’m looking for Alicia Granger’s room.” Hermione asked the nurse that was behind the desk.

“D 401.” Said the nurse, her eyes not even looking at Hermione.

“Thank you.” Hermione thanked and made her way to Alicia’s room.

She loved Alicia and she wanted the best for her, that’s why she left Alicia to her friends. She didn’t want Alicia to grow with a cold mother that is out for revenge, she left for her daughter’s sake. But through the years she had watched over Alicia, sent presents every year but she wasn’t recognized as the sender.

She walked fast as she saw loads of people filling the corridor and she wanted to be next to her daughter at this moment. There was no moment to lose when it came to Alicia.

Finally, she found the room and opened the door quietly. She wasn’t sure if she was going to reveal herself to her daughter or was she going to wait again. Her heart was beating fast as her small hand covered the silver knob. She swallowed the large lump in her throat and pushed the door open.

The soft features she had become cold again as her eyes fluttered to the white dot that was seating on the chair next to her daughter. The breeze had entered the room which caused the intoxicating cologne enter her nostrils causing her knees to weaken. She knew that scent from anywhere.

“What have you done to her?” she asked her tone was harsh and cold.

Her cold voice that was once so warm disturbed his memory and caused him to stand and turn around to see who just entered the room.

“Hermione?” Draco said in shock.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER?!” Hermione said and pulled out her wand. “ANSWER ME!” She demanded and advanced towards her ex-lover.

“Calm down Hermione.” Draco said his voice was calm as possible.

“YOU LOATHSOME EVIL LITTLE COCKRAOCH!” Hermione yelled as her wand was buried on his neck.

It was an exact replay of what happened during their 3rd year but Draco was a lot calmer than before.

“That is old Hermione.” Draco said with a smirk playing on his lips.

“I don’t bloody care! What did you do to her?!” Hermione was demanding at the moment.

“I didn’t do anything to her. She came to me and she collapsed.” Draco explained as he felt the wand on his neck slowly leave his neck.

“You’re not lying.” Hermione said and let her wand and her arm drop on her side and hung her head.

“I never lie on things like this Hermione.” He said and slowly lifted Hermione’s head for him to look at those hazelnut eyes he missed.

Hermione on the other hand was also enjoying it, but a frown was still plastered on her face. She jerked her head away from his gaze and turn around. It has been years since Draco had last touched her and she missed the familiar sensation every time Draco would touch her skin.

“Hermione?” Draco said softly as he tried to reach out for Hermione’s shoulder.

“I-I have to go.” Hermione said her voice almost shuttering.

She started to walk away but she felt someone grab her wrist causing her to stop. She wasn’t sure if she was still going to listen or leave.

“No. She needs you now.” Draco said as he waited Hermione to face him.

“Harry and the others would be here any moment. They will take care of her.” Hermione replied her face filled with emotions but she was afraid to show it in front of Draco.

Hermione slipped her hand from Draco’s grip and walked out of the room. She didn’t know why the wall she created between her emotions had suddenly cracked and allowed emotions to pass through. She never felt that feeling since the day she started to be cold.

“He is just using his charms, don’t let him get to you.” She said to herself and apparated back to her house.

Upon landing on her sitting room, she saw Anne Vain her blue dress waiting for her with papers in her hands. Hermione totally forgot that today was the merger meeting with the Malfoys.  She quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up before they would apparate to the M.L building.

“This is going to be fun.” Hermione told herself as she applied the last coat of her lip stick.

Even she showed emotion earlier she wasn’t going to show it in front of Narcissa Malfoy. She wasn’t going to; she was going to enjoy Naricissa Malfoy’s face when she is revealed.