Chapter 27

“She came here?!” Harry Potter the once known as the Boy-who-lived during his days, half yelled at his friend.

“Yes.” Draco answered and looked up his friend. “She pointed her wand at me. Like what she did during the third year.” Draco continued and arms crossed on his chest.

Draco suddenly let out a small chuckled that made Harry stare at him like he was a maniac.  Harry raised an eye brow and watched Draco jerked his head and look at the sleeping figure of Alicia Granger. He was a bit shocked that Hermione came to see her and acted as a mother would do.

Suddenly they heard Alicia soft voice calling their names. Harry and Draco turned around and ran next to her. She was still so weak, her lips were still so pale and her eyes had lost its sparkle. But still she managed to smile at her uncle and her Professor.

“What happened to me?” Alicia asked weakly as if all her energy was drained from a magic fight.

“You came to my office then you suddenly collapsed.” Draco explained.

 Draco looked at Alicia’s gray pools.  He felt something when he looked at those eyes. He felt like he was looking at his own child, he had been thinking about the possibility that she was his daughter but he wanted to be sure.

“I’m sorry I made you all worry.” Alicia said her voice was gentle and sweet.

“Just don’t do that again okay?” Harry said and enveloped her in a hug. Alicia nodded with a small smile on her face. She slowly hugged back and said sorry once more.

Draco looked at the scene before him, he was jealous at Harry at the moment, and he didn’t know why. Slowly his eyes focused on Alicia’s smiling face, he was happy that she was okay and she was smiling.

“Excuse me?” He heard a voice from behind him.

The turned around and saw the nurse that had talked to him earlier. But now she was holding a paper that he thinks are the results to Alicia’s test. The nurse signaled him to follow her outside and he followed. Draco closed the door and followed the nurse to another room.   

“Ah, Draco.” Resita McLaggen’s voice echoed in her blue office.

“The results?” Draco said his voice semi cold.

“Ah yes, yes.” Healer McLaggen said and stood up and the nurse gave the paper to the healer.

Resita studied the paper and read every line carefully. Suddenly her eyes widen as her eyes drifted to the final test results.

“This can’t be.” She whispered with fear and let herself drop on the chair.

“What?” Draco asked as he watched her drop on her chair.

“Alicia Granger is very sick, she is losing blood as we speak.” Resita said and looked at Draco with worried eyes.

“WHAT?!” Draco yelled which caused the nurse and Resita slightly jump.

“She needs the blood of both parents to survive. She only has a few days left.”

Hermione was looking out the window of her office on the top floor of the company building. It was the most magnificent building anyone had ever seen. You could call it muggle inspired but it still had the taste of Magic in every corner of the building. Being the owner of a large building Hermione had to check every department in the morning and before the other workers would go home. She wanted to do the inspection to ensure the best quality in their products.

She sighed and sat down on her leather chair. Ever since she had that Draco she could never stop spacing out when she was alone. She couldn’t believe she almost melted when she was so close to him. She could never let that happen again. The last encounter was in Hogwarts, thank Merlin she wasn’t looking at him. That was the first time they saw each other after 15 years. She never though being so cold in front of Draco was hard.

“I must be careful next time.” She said to herself and poured herself red wine. She took a small sip and leaned on the chair. She swirled the wine in the glass and took another sip.

Her thoughts were disturbed when the knock on her door echoed in her office. She placed the wine glass on the table and cleared her throat.

“Come in.” Her voice was still the same old sweet, caring, and warm tone. But only revealed around her employees and other people she wanted to talk to.

The door slowly opened and revealed James, her body guard and her part assistant. He is tall man with curly black hair and his face was much like an angel. No one would suspect that he was a body guard, but even being a body guard he was educated with business and accountancy. He helped Hermione with the money and finances of the company.

“James.” She acknowledged “wine?” Hermione said as she accio’ed a glass form the cabinet.

“No, Thank you Mistress.” Said James as he approached her and gave her papers that he was holding earlier. “They are here.” He added.

Hermione looked up and smirked at her assistant. This was the day she was going to get her pay back and she was finally going to show herself to the world. Well she was known by half of the wizarding world as another person and only people who knew that she was alive were the Ministry and some important people.

“Perfect.” Hermione said and stood up. She turned around and faced the window once more, she saw Narcissa Malfoy getting off the black car and walking confidently towards the lobby.

“Go ahead James. I will be with you shortly.” Hermione said not bothering to turn around and look at him.

“I’ll tell Anne to get ready then.” James said as he knew what his Mistress was going to do. Well, partly only.

“Yes, go do that.” Hermione said and smiled at her reflection on the window. “Now would you excuse me, I need to use the loo.” She added and walked pass him.

Hermione was walking down the hall, being constantly greeted by her employees she walked inside the loo with a big word FEMALE on the door. She faced the vintage mirror and looked at herself. She couldn’t believe she had actually looked so elegant even with simple clothing and her face not eaten by makeup. She looks so young for her age, because she didn’t relay herself on makeup. Make up might be helpful to some but a too much could destroy the skin. Good thing she was still the simple Hermione Granger during Hogwarts.

She ran her finger on her silky brown hair and fixed her dress. She had to agree what people were saying, she was beautiful. Twisting the faucet she let the cold water run down her hands, taking off all the dirt that was on her hands.

Hermione shot up when the person who entered spoke. The voice was familiar

The other voice was not familiar. “ Hermione moved her eye ball and saw Astoria Greengrass.

Hermione saw Narcissa Malfoy from the corner of her eye and she partly panicked. She didn’t know what to do; it was still early for them to meet. But because of her fast mind she came up with an idea that would really put the plan into much more damage.

She collected herself and she stared at her mirror. Her lips forming a smirk she watched Narcissa fix her hair in front of the mirror just beside her. Astoria on the other hand went outside. Once Hermione saw Astoria close the door behind her she cleared her throat. Narcissa stopped applying makeup and looked at Hermione.

“Hello Narcissa.” Hermione said her voice with confidence and sarcasm.

Narcissa’s eyes widen with fear as she laid eyes on the person she hated for years. She dropped the tube of her lipstick and stare at Hermione.

“Y-you’re alive?” Narcissa managed to speak.

“Of course I am. What did you expect?” Hermione said she was smiling sweetly but her tone of voice was cold and rather sinister which was really out of her character.

Everything flashback in Narcissa’s head. She was sure Hermione was dead but what’s this? Is it dark magic but no magic could ever do that except the resurrection stone but still the woman she fear is standing in front of her, looking alive and well.

“Something wrong Narcissa?” Hermione asked faking her concern.

“I-wh-th-“ Narcissa was speechless she couldn’t even utter a whole word.

Hermione just smirked and let her arms fall on her sides. “I’ll be going now.” Hermione said leaving Narcissa in the ladies lavatory shocked and speechless.