Chapter 34

Hermione paced back and forth on her office floor. That approach wasn’t the best that she thought of, but at least she was getting closer in saving her daughter. Slowly, she was realizing that revenge on someone she loved wasn’t easy but she had to do her best to let Draco feel what she felt during those years of pain in her heart.

 “You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep thinking so deep.”

 Hermione stopped pacing and saw James standing near the door with his arms crossed and a small smirk on his face. Hermione let out a small giggle and place her hands on her hips. James always knew how to make her smile even it was in the time of her sadness.

 “If I ever have wrinkles that would mean I’m getting old and not that I am problematic.” Hermione said and sat down in her big leather chair.

 “Are you sure about the test?” James asked, the brown folder with a red logo was safely in his hands.

 “Yes.” Hermione said and a smirk played on her lips.

 “I know that smirk.” James started and sat on the chair in Hermione’s office. “Let me guess you found an advantage for the DNA test?” James asked and placed the folder on Hermione’s desk.

 “You know me so well James.” Hermione answered and leaned on her chair.

 Hermione may have been stuck in a problem but her great mind always found an advantage in every tactic she had. All those hours of thinking weren’t for nothing, she had thought of a way to have that advantage in a plan. Having the DNA test could bring her closer to getting her daughter back and she could take revenge on Draco easier.

 “Prepare the floo network, I’m going to Hogwarts.” Hermione said and grabbed her bag from the drawer and slung it over her shoulder.

 Green flames danced violently on the head mistress’ office fire place as she was reading the daily prophet. A familiar brunette stepped out and walked directly to the old head mistress.

 “Do you have his DNA?” Hermione asked. Professor McGonagall simply pulled out a vial from her drawer and held it with her fingers. “Excellent.”

 A vial containing blond hair was just playing on Hermione’s fingers as she waited for James inside her car. If this hair proves that her DNA matches it then she would really bring Narcissa down. Revenge taste so sweet but needs to taste hardships before it could ripen.

 “You know how I hate hospitals.” She heard Anne’s voice from outside and caused Hermione to smile.

 “You’re such a baby.” James’ voice instantly filled Hermione’s ears and chuckled.

 “Am not!” Anne yelled in annoyance.

 “If you two are done arguing I would want to get this over with.” Hermione said as she opened the car door and she stepped out fixing her skirt.

 “Moine! I didn’t see you there.” Anne said and quickly kissed Hermione’s rosy cheek.

 “You were busy whining about how you hated hospitals, how could you not see me.” Hermione said in between giggles.

 “Shall we?” James cleared his throat and gesture for the two women to follow him.

 “Such a kill joy.” Anne whispered to Hermione which caused her to giggle and playfully hit Anne’s shoulder.

 “I heard that.” James yelled and caused them to laugh harder.  “And Anne it’s a lab not a Hospital.” James added which caused Anne to fume in anger.

 “I don’t care!” Anne yelled. “It still looks like one.”

 Hermione just laughed and smiled with the enjoyment of being with her friends. She would never show this kind of smile to anybody else unless it was necessary. How she missed being able to laugh and smile with her old friends, if only she wasn’t destroyed years ago she could have been with them all this time.

 Sighing she entered the lab and talked with the person who was in charge of handling the DNA samples. She handed him a releasable bag to the man and he nodded that he would be on it immediately. Thank goodness that the Magical World had adapted some muggle technologies and made them better. Now DNA tests in the magical world would only take about 3 days while in the muggle world it would take weeks.

 “The faster the better.” Hermione thought and paid the needed amount and signed some waivers.

 “Well, well, well.” Hermione suddenly stopped signing the papers and felt the hairs behind her neck stand.

 She stiffened as she could feel the presence of the person. The voice was belonged to a person that she had feared when she was in Azkaban. It was no ordinary prisoner there but it was one of the worst ones.