Chapter 35

 “The faster the better.” I thought and paid the needed amount and signed some waivers.

  “Well, well, well.” I suddenly stopped signing the papers and felt the hairs behind my neck stand.

  That voice. Oh Merlin please tell me it’s not .

 I stiffened as I could feel the presence of person behind me. I never thought in my whole life that I would encounter her again. But what surprised me is, how in the world did she leave Azkaban? She was a level four threat in the world. In other words she was just below the rank of Voldermort who was a level six threat.

  “Well, isn’t it Miss Granger.” She purred.

 I was literally frozen.  I was too afraid to turn around. I was afraid to see that face again. But I was no longer Hermione Granger, I was Jean McLaggen now. And I dare say Jean McLaggen does not fear anything.

 I swallowed the large lump and silently took a deep breath. Anne and James went ahead and I had no protection, but I had to face her again. This was bad. If I remember correctly she was crazy and she almost got me killed.

 “Helen.” I said and bravely turned around to face the crazy woman but to my surprise she didn’t look like a crazy person anymore, instead she looked elegant, well groomed and well educated.

 “I knew it!” She suddenly exclaimed like a little girl. “I knew it! I know those curls from anywhere.” She added which really made me confused.

Okay, she was my cell mate in Azkaban and she almost tried to kill me. Good thing Harry was there doing his inspection and he saw what Helen was about to do to me. Thank Merlin Harry was there because if he wasn’t I’d be dead or worse Alicia would not have been born.

Helen was my cell mate during that time, she knew all my secrets, and my story and I told her everything about my life. She was normal at first at least that’s what I thought. What I didn’t know that she had a sickness that without her control she could kill.



 “Don’t worry Hermione, I’m cured.” Helen said and snapped me out of my trance. She knew I was having a flash back in my head.

  “I-I m just surprised to see you.” I said and tried to bring out a small smile.

  “I can see that.” Helen replied and waved her hand for her body guards to leave so we could have a private talk.

  “What brings you here?” I asked and shifted my weight on the other foot.

  “I work here dear.” She replied with a bright warm smile.  “I should be the one asking you the question actually.”

  “Oh.” I started with a surprised voice. “Well, I’m just here for a DNA test.” I finished.

 “Ah. For whom? Maybe I can help you with that.” She smiled leading to a small office.

  I sat on the chair just across her table. To my surprise Anne and James were already there waiting. Helen sat on her chair and pulled out some papers from her desk drawer.

  “Okay. Whose DNA is it?” She asked as she wore her spectacles.

  “My Daughter and Draco Malfoy.” I replied. She dropped her papers and she was gaping.

  “Does he not know?” She asked. “You haven’t told him?”

  “I told him Helen.” I spoke. “It’s just he needs as he calls it .” I quoted.

  “Oh. Then that would not be a problem anymore. Since the girl is really his. Is she not?” Seriously. Is she really asking that?

  “Of course!” I exclaimed.

  “Okay, okay. Calm yourself Hermione.” Anne stepped in holding me back from actually lashing out.

  I sat down and folded my arms on my chest. “You actually think I’ll stray. The only person who ever touch me---I am not having this conversation with you.” I said upon realizing my whole reply.

  “Anyway.” Helen stepped in breaking the silence. “Do you have both their DNAs?”

  “Yes.” I told her and got two vials form my bag. One vial contained Draco’s hair and the other vial contained Alicia’s blood.  I gave Helen the vials and examined it.

  “This should be enough.”

  “When will be getting the results?” I asked.

  “3-4 days at the most.” She replied. 4 days? That long? “But for you dear I’ll make it 3.” She smiled.

  “Thank you.” I say and got up adjusting my bag on my shoulder. “I’ll have James pick it up in three days.” I added and gestured to James who was quietly leaning on the wall.

  “Will do.” He replied.