Chapter 36

Hermione was looking out the window that was on Alicia’s hospital room. The view was rather pleasing despite the gloomy aura present in the room. Hermione was doing her best to ignore Draco’s presence but it was too much for her to handle. Draco’s presence was just so strong.

 Draco was on the chair looking gloomy as ever. He glanced over to Hermione from time to time but he tried not to stare for too long or else he would get caught staring. You could feel the tension and awkwardness between them.

Hermione had enough of the calming sight and sighed. She turned her back from the window and walked back to Alicia’s bed. Taking a seat on the edge of Alicia’s bed. She ran her fingers over Alicia’s perfect blonde hair trying to untangle some hair strands that weren’t combed for the last few days. Even with the condition Alicia was in right now her hair was still silky but her curls lost its life and bounce.

“You left her and she’s hurt you know.” Draco broke the silence but he wasn’t looking at Hermione’s way.

Hermione stopped midway through Alicia’s hair and let out a heavy sigh. Guilt was eating her ever since she left that note fifteen years ago and when she talked to Pansy in Orchid Garden that guilt resurfaced and started to eat her alive. She had guilt run through her body as she remembered what Pansy had said to her that day. She knew she was wrong but that’s why she came back to get her daughter back righ? She closed her eyes and inhaled the smell of mixed potions and the flowers that were on the tables.

“I know that Malfoy. You don’t need to rub it in.” She said in gritted teeth. She tried to control her anger towards the once arrogant blonde boy.

She already tried to contain herself from hexing him while she was in the room with him. She didn’t know why even if she was in a room with him it felt like her years at Hogwarts all over again. She couldn’t stand seeing him or even being a room with him, but it was for Alicia. Everything was for her one and only daughter, everything was for Alicia.

“Then why did you leave her?” He asked standing up and advancing towards her. “Did you leave for a reason?”

“Of course I left for a reason Malfoy, unlike some people. “ Hermione rolled her eyes as Venom emerged from her words.

“I left for a reason Granger!” Draco snapped using Hermione’s maiden name. He knew that Hermione was directing the sentence to him.

“McLaggen!” Hermione corrected. Her fists clenching her face fuming with anger. She was only one insult away from grabbing her wand and hexing him.

“What?” Draco questioned.

“I married Cromac remember.” She said flashing the wedding ring that was now round a chain around her neck.  “Meaning I am a McLaggen.” Hermione explained and crossed her arms on her chest.

“McLaggen or not you’re still a Granger to me.” He said and smirks.

“Whatever Malfoy.”  Hermione said and sat down on the chair that was just behind her. “Ferret.” She added and smirked.

“I heard that!” Draco exclaimed as he turned his back.

“Glad you heard it.” She said and crossed her long legs.

“You are such a bi-“

  Draco didn’t finish his sentence since someone had just cleared their throat which caused him to cut off mid-sentence.

Hermione popped her head out because Draco was blocking the view from the door. She saw James looking amused with a folder tucked under his arm.

“Ah! James.” Hermione exclaimed with glee. Draco also turned around when he heard the name “I presume you have the results?” Hermione asked and walked towards him, her heels hitting the floor gently.

“Yes. I have them.” James said and showed them the brown folder with a blue and red logo on it.

“That was fast.” Draco commented and knitted his eye brows together.

“Helen Calder helped to get the results fast.” She explained.

“Who?” Draco asked looking slightly confused.

“She’s the woman who almost got me killed in Azkaban.” Hermione said sarcastically and opened the envelope.

“Never mind.” Draco was about to say something but he just left it as is.

“Well, what does it say?” James asked as he watched Hermione read the words with the speed of a real book worm.

“Ha!” Hermione exclaimed her pride taking over her body by the minute.

 “Is this solid proof enough for you Malfoy?” She said and threw the folder towards Draco. He caught it instantly.

 Draco looked at her eye widen. He took the paper and read it over and over again making sure he didn’t miss a word. He instantly turned around and looked at the girl that was going to die if he didn’t give her his blood.

 “She’s mine.” He whispered with a mixture of happiness and sadness taking over his eyes.

 “Actually you also have a son.” Hermione suddenly said which caused him to look at her.

 “Two? Twins?” He asked and sniffled.

 “Yes.” Hermione sighed. It was a very sensitive topic for her but since he already knew might as well tell him.

 “But he died after her was out. I have him buried in a cemetery not far from Hogsmeade.” She explained and Draco traced sadness in her voice.

 “C-can I visit him? “He asked.

 Hermione was caught off guard by his question. “S-sure.” She answered.


 He couldn’t think at the moment. He had just known another child but he had lost a long time ago. He swallowed a lump that formed on his throat and narrowed his eyes on Alicia then to Hermione. He had to admit he left Hermione because he was scared to fight, to fight for their love. He couldn’t believe he went away and marry Astoria. He felt bad for both women. Astoria was a good woman but how was she going to react if she knew about Alicia being his daughter. This was only the start, the start of the drama of his life of their life.

  He mentally cursed at himself. He was literally screwed.