Chapter 37

The soft melody of Chopin’s best pieces played in the background as Astoria skimmed through the pictures of all the models of witch weekly. She was satisfied with all the pictures she and her group had taken for the last year. Chuckling, she placed the picture of Kayla Gregory, an Irish blonde teen on the pile of picture she had already seen. What success she had with her own magazine and her life.

Suddenly a frown formed on her lips as she saw Alicia’s first picture. Alicia really reminded her about Hermione and the memory that she heard Draco and Hermione yelling at each other in the Hospital Hall. She loved Alicia, yes, and she treated her as if she was her own and it hurt that she was only taken as a backup lover. She sighed and shook the idea off her head. She placed Alicia’s picture on the pile and proceeded to look at her picture. She stumbled on the picture of Alicia and Scorpius together during Christmas.

 “They are so alike.” She murmured to herself and ran her fingers on Scorpius smirking picture. “If only you knew.”

 Astoria was weak when she finished Labor 15 years ago, she was weak but she could still hear and see things. A tear ran down her cheeks as she heard the words of the healer. She knew the baby couldn’t survive the fall they went through but she had to stay positive. Astoria had been telling herself for years that everything was just her imagination.  Everything was her imagination but she was wrong.




 Astoria felt a tear run down her cheek as the memory of that day filled her mind. She tried to erase that memory but it always came back to her in time. In times she would try to use the mind erasing charm to satisfy her but she couldn’t, it was guilt eating her. 

 “Astoria?” Astoria looked up and saw her mother in law entering her office.

 “Mother.” Astoria said as she wiped the fallen tear from her cheeks.

 “Are you alright dear?” Narcissa asked when she saw Astoria wiped the tear from her cheeks. “Why are you crying?”

 “It’s nothing mother.” Astoria replied and tried to place a smile on her charming face.

 “Now, now, I’ve know you Astoria and I know when my children are troubled.” Narcissa cooed and hugged her daughter in law.

 “It’s just-It's nothing“

 “What is it dear?” Narcissa held Astoria’s hands waiting for her to speak.

 “Don’t be mad mother.” Astoria pleaded.

 “Of course I won’t.” Narcissa said once more bringing her into another hug.

 “Scorpius is not ours.” Astoria blurted, Narcissa’s eyes dilated and just stared at her daughter-in-law.


“Mother?” Astoria waved her hand over Narcissa’s frozen face.

 “Mother?” Astoria said one more time and waved her hand over her mother’s face faster. Her eye brows knitted together in confusion.