Chapter 38

“These combined bloods will save her for sure.” healer McLaggen’s assistant said as she held the two full vials of blood in her hands.

 “Thank you healer--” Hermione trailed off. She just noticed that the lovely healer wasn’t wearing a name tag or an identification card.

 “Payne, healer Payne.” Said the healer and extended her hand for both adults to shake.

 “Thank you Healer Payne for attending us.” Draco said his voice filled with gratitude as he shook healer Payne’s small hand.

 “You’re very welcome. Sir, madam.” Healer Payne smiled and took out two small bottles from her clean white robes.  “Here, this potion will help you regain the lost blood.” She added and gave the one bottle each before leaving them.

 Hermione looked at the potion with disgust. Modern potions were really getting disgusting by each passing year. She pulled out the piece of cork and smelled the potion, the scent was like gym socks and old molds tickled her nostrils that made her want to puke. Even Muggle medicine was much better that this. Muggle medicine had flavors that made them easier to consume but this, this black goo was pure torture.

 “You have to drink that you know.” Draco whispered, his husky voice sending chills down Hermione’s back but she didn’t want to make it obvious.

 “I know Malfoy!” Hermione hissed in a silent whisper, Draco on the other hand chuckled with amusement. he thought.

 “Drink it then.” He said daring her to drink the disgusting potion.

 Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat and glanced back at Draco who was just beside her. She watched Draco drink the bottle as if he was just drinking bottoms up. She shivered with disgust as Draco placed the cork back on the empty bottle.

 “How was it?’ She asked and inhaled the scent of her own hair.

 “Terrible actually, but when it reaches your throat it’s quite minty as if you never drank something so horrible.”  He commented and made tasting sounds with his mouth.

 “I have to brush my teeth ten times after this.” Hermione said and brought the bottle tip on her pink plump lips.

 Closing her eyes she titled her head backwards and allowed the mawkish goo enter her mouth and pass her throat. She swallowed all the contents and shivered with disgust, but to her surprise it really tastes minty and sweet. She actually wanted more.

 “See, what I tell you?” Draco’s voice erupted in the room which caused Hermione to look at his smiling face.

 “You were right. It does taste minty.” Hermione replied as a genuine smile appearing on her face.

 It had been years since she smiled like this, so genuine, so sweet, so beautiful and innocent. Draco had to admit he missed Hermione even what he said to himself years ago before the wedding started. Hermione’s smile was very rare and it could never be copied. Her smile makes every problem melt away. Draco had finally seen those familiar perfect hazel nut eyes that he knew for so long.

 “So, do you want to have coffee?” Hermione asked, but she suddenly slapped herself mentally.

 “Sur-“ Draco was about to accept but a glowing silver fox appeared right in front of him. This was Astoria’s Patronus Charm.

 “Whose is that?” Hermione asked ad he examined the perfectly conjured Patronus Charm.

 “Astoria’s.” He replied. “Something must be up.” Draco said and pulled out his wand. He pointed at the silver fox.

 Astoria’s voice was somewhat quivering

And with that the fox disappeared not leaving a sign that it just appeared there.

 Hermione felt a little bit hurt when Astoria said those three words to Draco. She didn’t know why she would feel jealous. She was a grown woman with more accurate feelings she was no longer the little Gryffindor Princess that was weak and fragile. Yes, she had a relationship with him but the past has passed right?

 “I guess the coffee could wait?” Draco said bringing Hermione back to the present.

 “Huh?-Ah, yes, yes, of course.”  She spoke trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

 “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Draco asked as he stuffed his wand under his coat.

 “Of course, Alicia would be operated around 3 in the afternoon. “ Hermione informed her frown turning back into a smile.

 They both waved good bye to each other and had gone their separate ways. But both felt something was missing like they forgotten something very important.  Suddenly, at the same time they remembered it.

 Hermione and Draco both turned around and ran back to Alicia’s room. They both reached for the door knob at the same time which caused their hands to brush with each other. Sparks instantly run through their hands and they can’t help it but to look at each other trying to find a sign that they both felt it. They haven’t noticed that they were looking at each other’s eyes for so long.

 They started to lean in not one of them trying to stop it. Their lips were only a few inches away from each other. Slowing closing the gap with each other, Hermione started at Draco lips. She missed those lips but those lips made her suffer. The painful memory flashed back in her head and caused her to pull away.

 “Uhm, I forgot to kiss Alicia goodbye.” Hermione said trying to sound normal and what was about to happen was just nothing and uneventful.  Hermione instantly opened the door and walked pass Draco.

 “M-me too.” Draco said which came out very awkward for his part and he didn't know why. But what he was about to do was something he had done before he even got out of the room.

 He walked inside and saw Hermione bending to giving Alicia a kiss on the forehead and whispered something that Draco didn’t understand because of his distance. But a faint I love you escaped Hermione’s lips as she placed her lips on Alicia’s forehead.