Chapter 39

Draco pushed the church doors open and the scent of candles, flowers and incense entered his nostrils. It had been years since he had set foot on this church sixteen years to be exact. It was painful to think about some parts of the memory so, He pushed those memories back in his mind and continued to walk down the aisle as the red carpet contrasting with his black shoes.

 He walked down the aisle and he noticed that as he was nearing, he can see Astoria seating on one of the benches that were hidden in the side. Slowly walking up to her he saw her tear stained face and her hair in a messy bun. Astoria was busy looking at the cross she didn’t notice Draco sit beside her.

 “What’s wrong?” Draco asked, he saw her blink but he didn’t bother to look at him. She just wiped the smeared make up and the left over tears on her face.

 “What is it you wanted to talk about that you needed to speak to me here?” He added but Astoria remained quiet. Draco thought.

 He tried to catch Astoria’s eyes but she kept her face away from his. He needed a little more time to register the words that were going to come out of her mouth.  Slowly she was parting her red lips and closed her eyes blocking the image of Draco form the corner of her eyes.

 “M-My Father once told me ’”  She spoke softly but Draco heard her.

 “What are you talking about Astoria?” Draco asked in confusion as he moved closer to her and draped his arm over her shoulder.

 Astoria tried to bit her lip to prevent more tears from falling from her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing but deep inside she knew she needed to do this. She had to. She couldn’t live with secrets anymore. The earlier encounter with Narcissa made her realize that it was time to tell the truth.

 “S-Scorpius.” Astoria whispered and instantly looked at her lap. Her voice was quivering with pain and fear.

 Draco’s eyes widened as his body stiffened when he heard name escape Astoria’s red lips. He just thought of something so bad it almost killed him to know what really happened.

 “What about Scorp? Is he alright? Did something happen to him?” Draco asked his tone filled with concern and fear that something bad might have something to his only son.

 “No. Nothing happened to him.” Astoria immediately said which made Draco feel relieved and let out a sigh. He didn’t notice he had been holding his breath all this time.

 “Then what’s wrong?” He asked once more.

 Astoria placed her perfectly manicured hands on Draco’s large ones and stared at his grey eyes. She had fallen for those grey eyes but she knew that Draco’s heart was with Hermione all this time. She was an arranged wife and she had accepted it.

 Draco on the other hand looked at his wife. He stared at those blue eyes she had that made him feel better all the time but the image of brown orbs kept blocking those eyes that he was staring at. He learned to love Astoria but it was still different from Hermione’s love.

 “Astoria w-“

 “Scorpius is not my son.” Astoria blurted which made Draco jumped and narrowed his eyes at Astoria who was already sobbing on her hands.

 But suddenly Draco chuckled with amusement. “Very funny Astoria.” Draco said he admit she got him there. “Now tell me what’s really wrong?” Draco said between chuckles.

 “I’m not kidding Draco!” Astoria scolded like a real mother would do but he hit his shoulder.

 “Of course you are Astoria. We both know that Scorpius is both ours.” Draco said but Astoria nodded her head in disagreement.

 Something told Draco that she was serious about it. His smile dropped instantly when he saw Astoria’s red puffy eyes looking at him with an emotionless expression but he knew she was indicating seriousness.

 “He is yours but not mine.”  She said which only made Draco more confused than ever.

 “Wait- what? “ He really couldn’t understand what Astoria was trying to say to him.

 It was impossible that Scorpius was not Astoria’s I mean Draco was there when Scorpius was born. When Astoria fell from the flight of stairs Draco was the one who rushed her to St. Mungos. It was really confusing since Draco was Astoria’s first and how can Scorpius not come from Astoria?

 When he rushed Astoria to the hospital the healers said that she needed to under c-section because if she didn’t then the baby would die. Even though it was a month earlier baby the healers had to take the risk of taking it out before it will die.

 “I don’t understand, I was there when Scropius was bor-“Suddenly Draco cut his sentence short when he realized what the healers told him that time and the condition of the baby.

 “He didn’t make it did he?” Draco asked trying to confirm the theory that formed in his head.

 Draco looked back at Astoria and she gave him a sad yes. He swallowed the lump on his throat and leaned on the chairs wooden support. He couldn’t believe that their baby was dead. But Astoria did say that Scorpius was still Draco’s. There was also one thing he didn’t know. Who was the mother?

 “If he isn’t yours, then who is the biological mother?” Draco asked but turned his attention back at the Altar of the church.

 “You know her Draco. It’s Hermione Granger.” Draco’s eyes widened in shock.

 If Scorpius was Hermione’s then who was the baby that was buried in Hogsmeade?  Hermione did say she had another but he died.

 “Hermione did tell me that Alicia’s twin died.” Draco said and raised an eyebrow.

 “No, He is alive and he is Scorpius. The healer that gave the c-section was the one who exchanged our baby. “She explained.