Chapter 40

 The sun was already up and it hit Alicia’s hospital room quite well. I was just there reading a book and having tea while I watched over my 15 year old daughter. I slightly shivered when I felt the cold morning breeze pass my body. Today was Alicia’s blood operation and I wanted to be there for her. I had James take over the company for today. He knew all the directions of the company so I had nothing to worry about.

 It had been three hours since I was here but I didn’t mind all I wanted was to be with Alicia even if she couldn’t see me or hear me for that matter. I just wanted to be there in case she wakes up.

 I looked up from my book and saw that her bed sheets were messy. I placed a marker on my book and closed it. Slowly, I wakled over to Alicia and fixed her sheets. Thoughts suddenly filled my head when I did this. Loads of statements filled my head.


More what ifs filled my head and I couldn’t push them back behind my head since they kept coming back. If I pushed one back them a much worse scenario would replace it. I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. I stared at my daughter with awe; she looks so beautiful and so innocent. She had my curly hair but she also had Draco’s platinum blonde hair. But my sight was ruined with the tubes connected to her, those tubes and wires were keeping her alive. I felt a tear run down my face when I look at the tubes connected to her. She was dying, even the healer said that she was responding to the other medications I couldn’t stop thinking about the worst case scenario.

 Slowly, I ran my fingers over her blonde hair and smiled. She and Draco look so alike, form the hair color to her skin to her eyes. I remember the first time I saw those grey eyes; it was both my happiest and darkest day of my life. I placed my hand on her cheek and started to caress her cheek with my thumb. I bit my lip to control myself from crying but I lost the battle between tears and I.

 “I’m so sorry Alicia.” I said between sobs and tears streaming down my face. I was really sorry that I left her. “I love you so much.”

 More tears poured down my face but I tried to smile.  I was so happy that she was with me but I was sad because I couldn’t speak to her or even see her smile. I miss her so much.

 I wanted her to feel that I was there for her no matter what.

 “Hermione?” I turned around and saw Draco holding flowers and his face filled with concern.

 He placed the flowers on the table and came closer. He was so concern and he looked as if he seen a ghost and not like the ghost back at Hogwarts.

 “Is everything alright?” he asked and sat beside me watching me crying.

 “Yes, it’s just, what if Alicia can’t make it? What if we were too late?” I said trying to imagine the worst case scenario.

 Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me. I knew it was Draco he knew me too well and if I was crying I wanted someone to hug. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back like he used to when I was crying. He kept making shushing sounds just to make me feel better but I only buried my face deeper into his chest.

 “She’ll make it. I’m sure she will. She is our daughter after all. She’s a fighter.” He said which made me cry harder.

 I was happy at the moment that he had accepted her as a daughter. I was rejoicing in his arms that I felt his hugs and have accepted our daughter.

 “I love you Alicia.” I heard him say which made me smile on his chest.


 I kept running and running even I was in a dress I didn’t care. I could not see anything. All I could see was a pitch dark room. Nothing was coming nearer and I kept running into nowhere. I was exhausted and I hated it here. It was too depressing in the dark. I tried to catch my breath but when I looked up I saw a faint light in a distance. I started to run again and the light came closer and closer.

 I slowed down when I realized it was just a spot light. I stepped inside the spot light and examined it. It was odd, this wasn’t a stage that had to have spotlights but I wanted to be in the light so what choice did I have. But something occurred to me once I stepped into the light, Am I already dead?

 “Hello?” I spoke, maybe someone is in here. Where ever here is.

 “Hello?” I repeated but all I heard was my echo.

 Now it feels so weird. Where was I? I was starting to feel scared. I hated being alone especially in the dark. I tried to say hello again but still nothing. I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees.  I want to be out of here! I want to go back home. I wanted to be with mom, she is alive and I don’t know how that could be possible.

 For the past few days since I woke up in this dark place I could hear people speaking and I knew that it was my family and my friends. But how can I hear them but not see them? If I could hear them then I’m not dead right? I hugged my knees tighter and cried. I don’t like it anymore I wanted to be out of here. Suddenly I felt someone touch my hair, I shot up instantly and tried to see who it was but I was still alone in the room. I felt goose bumps on my arm I was scared. Then I felt someone touch my cheek but instead that I feel scared I felt safe and it made me calm. I touched my cheek and I felt safe.

 “What’s going on?” I asked myself and tried to look around again but it was still pitch dark.

 “It’s just your mom touching your physical body.” I jumped when I heard the voice and instantly searched for my wand but I noticed it was gone.

 “Damn it.” I softly cursed and looked around, I only stayed inside the spot light I didn’t know what just spoke but I knew it was a girl.

 “Who are you?” I asked, I began to be cautious with my surroundings.