Chapter 41

 I am seriously the happiest girl alive right now! I’m here in McLaggen manor with my mum having tea. It was really weird to be near her at first but I quickly got used to her. She was caring, loving, sweet and really motherly. 15 years she lost but I could see she was doing everything so she could catch up with the lost years.

 Ever woke up from my comma and the first faces I saw were my mom’s and my can you believe it my Dad! I know I must look like an idiot right now. I am smiling and it seems I can’t take it off. Mom had a wide smile on her face and she can’t stop saying that she loved me and she was sorry. Dad on the other hand was happy and he couldn’t stop saying he loved me too. I am so happy right now that my parents are here with me alive and well.

 Uncle Harry and the others seem to be happy too. Once they heard the news that I was alive they had rushed to St. Mungo’s and they gave me bone crushing hugs. I missed them so much and they cried when they saw me smiling at them. I missed them too but I haven’t seen Scorpius come to the hospital. Odd if you ask me.

 “Do you want more tea darling?” I snapped out of my trance and look at my mom, her beautiful brown eyes studying me carefully.

 “No thank you mom.” I replied and gave her an assuring smile. She nodded and placed the tea pot on the silver tray.

 “I just noticed this.” She spoke and sat up straight on the arm chair. “Since we left the hospital you seem off sometimes.” She said and scotched beside me.

 Despite the yellow aura that was inside me I had been thinking of Scprpius all this time. He didn’t come visit me ever since I left St. Mungos. I assumed he was busy but when Dad talked to him to come see me at the McLaggen Manor he never came. I felt a little hurt that he didn’t come.  I tried owled him but I never got a reply.

 It has been two days since I was discharged from the hospital and if you ask me it was the best two days of my life, family wise. Why you ask, Mom and Dad had spent their time with me. I wasn’t able to go out yet I was still in my medications and bed rest because Healer Payne said that I needed to recover fully. I didn’t argue I was tired as hell I felt my whole body ache each time I tried to move or do something big like carrying a chair or something. I was beyond the effects of the cruciatus curse. 

 “I was just thinking about some things.” I replied and took a sip of my tea.

 “Care to share?” Mom asked and placed her hand on my small one.

  Should I tell her? She is my mum anyway.

 “Well you see mum.” I started. She was really interested in listening to me.  “Sco-“I was cut off by the double doors of the parlor open and reveal dad on his phone and the newspaper gripped in his other hand.

 “I’m sorry Miss Skeeter whatever you say it’s still a , until she is fully recovers.” Dad said. I could he was pissed at someone from the other end of the line and pressed the call end button. He didn’t seem to notice that we were there until he saw mom stand up.

 “Is everything okay Ma-Draco?” Mom asked her eyes softening at the sight of me.

 I sure mom got used to call Dad Malfoy since she hated him then loved him but she was used to it. Saying his name was quite different for Mom. I could tell I could also see a small blush appear on her cheeks.

 “I’m afraid not, Hermione.” Dad replied as a soft sigh escape his lips. “It seems Rita Skeeter wants an interview with us.” Dad added and gestured at us.

 “Absolutely not!” Mom suddenly raised her voice and crossed her arms. “That Skeeter woman will just destroy her, like what she did to me.” Mom exclaimed.

 Yes I know what Rita Skeeter did to mom. That Skeeter woman destroyed my mom during the Triwizard Tournament when she was in the fourth year. Mom had been pissed about it ever since. I know all of this because I read the journal she left in the Hogwarts library.

 “Alicia can you please go to your room.” I heard mom said as she looked at me with soft eyes. I raised an eye brow but I just stood up and went up to my bed room.

 I slumped on my powder blue bed and stared at the ceiling. I wonder what mom and dad are talking about. I may not be a kid with parents for a while but I could swear I could hear shouting and yelling from down stairs. I knew they were fighting, I hope they could fix it. I only had two days to bond with them and I don’t want them to bond with me separately.

 A waved my wand in the air to cut off the noise from my room. I don’t like hearing them shouting at each other. With that I tucked myself in bed and slowly drifted to sleep.


 After I heard Alicia’s door close I instantly faced Draco with red rage in my eyes. How could he be so stupid with things like this? There is no way I’m going to expose Alicia to the media after with all she had been through. Even if she gets better I won’t bring her out in the media.

 “Why don’t you want her to be known?” He asked. His eyes fixed on his phone.

 Is he this stupid and careless? Doesn’t he care about his reputation? Because hell I cared for mine and Alicia's

 “Because Draco, if she will be known as our daughter then it will destroy your marriage with Astoria and your relationship with your son.” I explained to him.

 I don’t want anybody else getting hurt in this process. That is not me. I still had my conscience thank you very much. My heart wasn’t all that ice, I was blinded by anger and so half of my heart turned to ice.

And I respected Astoria’s and Draco’s marriage meaning I can’t go public with them because they might spread the word that he is cheating on Astoria.

 “Well to bad Hermione, the word has been already spread around the whole Wizarding world.” Draco said and showed me the daily prophet.

 “Give me that.” I said annoyed and snatched the paper from his grip.

 My eyes widen as I saw the headline and the picture with it. It was me, Draco and Alicia leaving St. Mungo’s two days ago. How can the media know about it so fast? We were even sure that there was no media when we exited the hospital.  This is bad.

 “And how come my mother has something to do with this?” He asked.

 I didn’t know what to tell him. Will he even listen to me? Or would he just defend his mother again and convince me that he is right. I really don’t know what to do. And for the last few days I had observed that he hadn’t been himself, like he was hiding something. I know him very well and I know that he was hiding something from me and Alicia.

 “Don’t ask me that question Draco. It’s pointless when you’ll just defend her over and over again.” I said as I sat down on the chair. “Ask her instead.” I added.

 If I told him he’ll just think that I was lying again. He was a momma’s boys so he was much closer to his mother and he’ll defend her even he knows his mother is wrong. I just want Narcissa to be caught in the act for him to believe me. Is that even hard to ask for?