Chapter 51 (Book 2)


 “What do you want?” His piercing cold tone echoed the stone covered dungeon of his home. But his eyes not leaving the chained down Hermione Granger.

 Hermione’s hands were chained and charmed to be unbreakable. He hands were loosely hanging with the chain.  The force of the metal rod was too much that it made her unconscious. But she was slowly waking up. James Singers was with her the whole day watching and appreciating the beauty that is soon to be his.

 “Mrs. Malfoy wants to talk to you.” Said one of his henchmen that day.

 “Bring her in.” James said and sighed. He was sure Narcissa was going to bargain with him.

 The henchman nodded and opened the door wider letting Narcissa in. Narcissa looked worse that before but at least her faith was not like Draco and the others. She was a weak woman and she needed to be treated with care even she was a prisoner, besides, James didn’t want more bodies to dump and dispose.

 “James, please let them go.” Narcissa pleaded her voice weak and rough.

 James looked at Narcissa with twinkling eyes. He chuckled at Narcissa remark and simple drank his tea. This was the seventh time this day Narcissa went to him asking him to let them go and take her instead. But even how many times she asks him, his answer remains to be a no. James needed Hermione and the children but he couldn’t care less about Draco. But since Draco has Hermione’s heart he will stop at nothing to separate them even it cost killing him.

 “Don’t you ever get tired of asking me that?” James asked between chuckles.

 “No, and I never will.” Narcissa replied. She was really determined to keep asking him even at her weak state.

 “I can’t answer a question I keep on hearing, Narcissa.” Added James and informed just so Narcissa could shut up.

 “Are they okay?” Narcissa asked hoping her family was alright and out of harm’s way.

 “Ah, that I can answer.” He started and placed the tea cup on the table. He stood up and circled Narcissa. “Draco and the children are in the basement and yes they are okay.” He replied. Something in Narcissa’s gut is saying that they aren’t okay.

 “Can I see them?” She asked. She really wanted to know if they were okay and if Draco was even alive.

 “Sure.” He said and snapped his fingers two henchmen came closer to him and he instructed something.

 Narcissa watched James as he said something to his henchmen. If she was lucky maybe she could use her sneer skills and try to control the minds of the henchmen. It would be risky of course since she hasn’t used that skill for almost 20 years. She closed her eyes trying to recall those lessons she had and the meditation tips that she used. She reopened her eyes and saw James looking at her with confusion.

 “What are you doing?” He asked.

 “I suddenly felt dizzy.” She lied and placed her hand on her forehead. “But I’m fine now.” She added not wanting him to cancel the visit.

 “Okay then, let’s go.” He announced.

 “What-Oh, okay.” Narcissa replied and followed them down to the basement where Draco and the children were locked in.

 Narcissa cursed under her breath. She couldn’t use her sneer powers to the limit she might be severely hurt or worse she might die. But it’s not worse to try right? She was really hoping she could take three full grown wizards in her head.

 As they were walking down the stair leading to the Dungeons Narcissa felt something wrong and she didn’t know what. She carefully descended the stair not want to fall. The dungeons were pitch black nobody could see a thing. James and the two henchmen pulled out their wands and murmured a spell. The tips of their wands lit up and lit the dungeon corridors. James grabbed Narcissa wrist and slowly dragged her to the direction of the cells.

 “You let them stay in a cold dark dungeon?” Narcissa half snapped at James.

 “Calm down Narcissa I have them in place well lit.” Replied James as he continued to drag Narcissa with him.

 With that Narcissa had the perfect opportunity of concentrate and harness enough power so she could fight. She took a deep breath and concentrated at the henchman walking behind her. She tried to tap inside his mind so she could get the wand and use it against James.

 She said in her mind as she was trying to penetrate the mind of the grown wizard behind her. She kept repeating it until finally she felt a wand being slipped into her cloak pocket. A small smile appeared on her face.

 “W-what in the world?” James suddenly said causing Narcissa to lose concentration and open her eyes.

 The cell where Draco and the children were was empty, chains were scattered on the floor and the cell door was widely open. James raised his wand and searched for them.

 “Homenum Revelio” He muttered but there was no response with the spell. No one was in the room except them of course.

“What did you do?” He faced Narcissa, his face red and angered.

“I did nothing.” Narcissa defended. She was even confused with what happened.

“Stupfey!” A unison of three voice came out of nowhere and a 3 blue rays of light appeared from the darkness and hit James and the other henchmen. Narcissa ducked to avoid any contact with other spells that might come next.

“Mother?” Narcissa looked up and saw Draco hovering above her.

 “Oh my Merlin. Thank goodness you’re alright.” Narcissa automatically pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

 She looked behind Draco’s shoulder and found her grandchildren standing with their wands pointed at each henchman. They really looked like twins, the straight face they were identical but except for Alicia she had a much colder face than Scorpius.

 She didn’t care anymore she instantly went to them and swoop them into a bone crushing hug. Alicia was a bit surprised but she melted in the hug of her grandmother. It was the first hug from her grandmother in years and it felt so comforting. Alicia could feel a tear running down her cheek as she returned the hug.

 “Come on, we need to free your mother.” Said Narcissa and let of the hug. She grabbed the stolen wand on her cloak pocket and pointed it at James. She summoned her real wand and it appeared before her.

 They ran up the stairs and followed the sound of the fire crackling since they knew only one place to keep Hermione warm. Draco’s eyes widen at the sight of Hermione chained on the ceiling and her clothes almost revealing her body. He gripped his wand tight and pointed at the chains. With a loud spell coming from his wand the chains fell on the floor and so did Hermione. Alicia and Scorpius tried to wake their mother while Draco and Narcissa were trying to break the other chains.

 “W-Wha-“ Alicia and Scorpius managed to wake Hermione because she just tried to speak.

 “Grandmum look out!” Alicia screamed and pointed something behind them.

 James had shot a spell towards Narcissa and Draco but they quickly blocked it. A duel to the death was engaging. While Alicia and Scorpius freed their mother Narcissa and Draco were fighting off James. There was no doubt that James was powerful even if the duel was 2 to 1 he was good and powerful. Draco tried his best to pull off the most advance spell he could think off to bring James down but it wasn’t strong enough, he needed to do a curse but he can’t he might be sent to Azakaban for it.

 “Expelliarmus!” Draco shouted but he failed to disarm him.

 They were losing and they knew it but suddenly..