Chapter 52 (Book 2)

“Sectumsempra!”  The last words that the victims heard before James Singers fell on the floor bleeding.

Draco and Narcissa were surprised. They lowered their wands and looked at each other.  No one spoke on who cast the spell. Hermione was weak and still being supported by Alicia and Scorpius. There was no way one of them could cast the spell or even raise a wand.

“Is everyone okay?” Draco asked as he was catching his breath.

“Yes, but mum is still weak.” Scorpius announced. Draco and Alicia looked surprise with his choice of words. Scorpius just called Hermione his mother.

“Here let me.” Draco stuffed his wand in his pocket and help Scorpius carry Hermione. He scooped her up and looked at the fragile body.

“We have to take her to St. Mungo’s immediately” Lucius Malfoy appeared along with Ministry officials, Harry Potter and Ron behind him. It was him who cast the spell.

They all agreed and collected themselves. Lucius immediately went to a weakened Narcissa, Scorpius helps his sister walk since Alicia had sprained her ankle during the sprint and finally Draco was carrying a dying Hermione.

The hit in Hermione’s head had affected her greatly. Even she was a witch she was still human, meaning physical pain can still affect her. Hermione was growing paler and paler by the minute, not only was blood loosing but also her consciousness.

“We’ll take over here.” Harry said to Draco and placed a comforting hand on Draco’s shoulder.

“Thank you Harry.” Draco thanked.  “Come on let’s go.” He announced.

The Malfoys gathered in a circle and quickly apparated to St. Mungo’s. Once they had landed on the stone floor of the hospital Draco screamed for someone to help them. Healers had arrived and tended to Hermione. She was getting weaker by the second; something might have been hit on her head to cause such an effect on her whole body. Alicia and Scorpius were crying since they didn’t know if Hermione would survive.

“Hang in there Hermione.” Draco whispered as they were pushing Hermione’s bed to the emergency room. He held her hand asking her to fight.

“D-Draco, t-take care of t-them. I-I love you” Hermione managed to speak before closing her eyes.

“NO! HERMIONE STAY WITH ME!” Draco shouted, his tears pouring down his cheek. His hand holding Hermione’s hand tightly.

“MUM! Stay with us please.” Alicia pleaded.

“I’m sorry but we can’t let you in the healing room.” Said one healer that blocked them from following Hermione.

“Why the bloody Hell Not?!” Scorpius shouted his voice demanding like his father.

The healer ignored them and followed the others to the healing room. This was St. Mungo’s meaning there is nothing to worry about, potions will cure everything. But the deep down they knew St. Mungo’s can’t cure everything. Thinking positive wasn’t enough to save Hermione they needed to be together for Hermione to fight.

Draco turned around and faced his kids. He came to them and hugged them, telling them that Hermione was going to be alright. Even he knew something bad was going to happen. He comforted them by telling their mother is strong and she can get through this. Narcissa and Lucius were in the background watching the scene before them. It hurts them as much it hurts the kids. Narcissa had the highest guilt present to them. If it was strong enough she could have fought the mind spell and nothing of these could happen.

They watched Hermione as the healers placed tubes in her so she could breathe and survive the operation. Healers surrounded her bed with different potions and muggle devices to operate her. Just because of single blow to the head could do so much damage? Maybe it wasn’t only the head injury Hermione suffered.

“Blood Pressure dropping.” Announced one healer and made the other healers work faster.

The electronic monitor that was rating the heart beat and respiratory system was slowly dropping. It didn’t look good. Alicia was praying her heart out so that her mother would be saved. This was not looking good the heart meter was dropping and the lines were curving it was no longer a zigzag shaped. Suddenly a straight tone echoed in the room. The heart monitor was straight, Hermione was gone.

“Time of Death, 5:28 am.”

“It’s too late.” Alicia whispered. Tears came down her eyes like a water fall.

“NO!” both Draco and Scorpius shouted at the same time.

It’s over Hermione is dead and no potion or muggle medicine can cure her. She’s dead for real this time. Everything was darkening, the surroundings, the auras and the feelings that were present. It was a sad and depressing day. It felt like the world was ending, like everything was ending.

“NO!!!!!!!” Draco shouted once more. He had just had Hermione and his family and he didn’t want it to end now.


“Draco? Wake up love.”

Draco suddenly shot up, his forehead filled with beads of sweat and his whole body shaking from his dream. He looked beside him and met beautiful brown eyes that he though he wouldn’t see again. He pulled her into a huge hug and cried softly.

“Draco, what’s wrong love?”

“I-I thought I lost you Hermione.” Draco mumbled on her long brown hair.

“I’m always here Draco, I’ll never leave you.” Hermione comforted and hugged Draco back.

“I know. You are my everything.” He added as he placed a kiss on Hermione’s blushing cheeks.

“By the way Draco, what did you dream about?” Hermione asked and shifted her position so she would be facing him.

“I dreamt that you died and there was nothing I could do.” Draco explained and ran his hand over his messy blonde hair.

Suddenly he felt Hermione’s hand go under is jaw and slowly forced him to look at her. Her brown eyes were twinkling with love. She leaned in and kissed Draco full on the lips. How he loved Hermione’s kisses it always calmed him down.

“Draco it’s just a dream, I’m safe, Alicia and Scorpius are safe.” Hermione said sweetly and smiled at him.

“I just love you so much.” Draco said, his eyes looking directly at her brown ones. Those eyes broke the hard cold exterior that he had pulled up for so long.

“I love you too. We are a family and nothing it going to change that.” Hermione’s voice was comforting. She was right, it was only one nightmare. Everything would be alright since it was only a bad dream. Everything was a bad dream, a nightmare and it was all over. Everything was all over. Finally.