Epilogue: The Final Chapter

“Alicia! Scorpius!” Hermione yelled from the kitchen as she was packing lunch for their weekly family bonding time.

 “Bloody hell Hermione, don’t need to shout.” Draco suddenly appeared from the living room with a brown basket clenched in his hand. “Good morning sweetheart.” Draco added and kissed Hermione on the cheek.

 “Well, we have to leave early.” Hermione smiled and stuffed the food in the basket.

 “Why is that?” Draco asked and grabbed a green apple from the fruit bowl in front of Hermione.

 “Hmm, because Mr. Malfoy the sun rays in the morning are healthy they are also vitamins for the skin.” Hermione said a matter of fact and giggled.

 “Know it all.” Draco whispered which made Hermione throw a cloth at him.

 “Whatever Malfoy.” Hermione said sarcastically and walked towards Draco’s towering figure. She tip toed and kissed Draco’s cheek. “At least I’m not bleached.” Hermione whispered in his ear and giggled like a mad man.

 “Oh it’s on Granger.” Draco said using her maiden name which caused Hermione to run around the kitchen with Draco chasing her from behind.

 Laughter filled their home as Draco chased Hermione around the kitchen. Finally he had caught up to her and lifted her up in the air. Hermione’s giggles were angelic and cheerful; no wonder Draco Malfoy fell in love with her. Draco placed Hermione on the floor and kissed her full on the lips. It was a kiss of true love, lot lust, but passion. It was true love. A kiss most people want to experience but only some could experience it.

 “Mum!” Scorpius suddenly shouted as he came in with the pet dog beside him.

 “Dad!” Alicia came with a book tucked in her hand.

 “Sorry kids.” Draco apologized and let go of Hermione.

 “Shall we go?” Hermione asked and grabbed the picnic basket from the counter.

 They all nodded and held out their hands. On the count of three they all apparated to a grassy meadow. Draco recalled that this was the meadow he had seen his dream. This place meant something to him and his family. He smiled at the sight of his family having fun and being together. It was really like what he saw in his dream, Alicia and Scorpius running around with the pet dog. He saw Hermione placing a blue blanket on the grassy ground.  He walked over to her and helped her. Hermione smiled at him and pulled out her wand. She cast a small spell so the blanket won’t get flown away by the wind.

 “Ah!!” Alicia screamed with joy as Scorpius chased her. Even they were 16 years old they still acted like children.

 Hermione and Draco watched them as they were leaning on the tree trunk. It was really beautiful to watch your family like that. The peace that it creates and the unity it makes. It was truly beautiful.

 “I love you Hermione.” Draco said and kissed Hermione’s head.

 “Do you realize how many times you said that to me today?” Hermione asked giggling.

 “You don’t like it?” Draco pouted his thin lips forming a curve. “I want to tell you I love you because I want to, and I won’t stop telling you that even it is 24/7.” He added which made Hermione smile.

 “That dream of yours really got into you.” Hermione said and poked Draco’s cheeks

 “You have no idea.” He replied recalling everything that happened in his dream.

 “Mum! Dad! Come on!” Alicia and Scorpius said in unison and waved at them.

 “Coming dear.” Hermione replied and stood up fixing her dress.

 Hermione started to walk towards her children. She reached them but Draco was still seated under the tree watching them play. He loved this sight; it was the only thing that made him happy. A complete and happy family.  

 “Go join them Draco.” Draco suddenly looked up and saw Sarah sitting on the branched of the tree.

 “Sarah, what are you doing here?” Draco asked and stood up.

 “Well, to encourage you. The dream you had was not only a dream it’s a lesson for you to take care of them and don’t make such foolish choices.” Sarah explained and jumped off the branch.

 “How did you know about the dream?” Draco asked as he watched Sarah walked forward to see a clearer view of the three playing.

 “I saw it.” She replied and turned around with a smile on her face. “Take care of them Draco, this is the family destined to be for you.”

 “Thanks Sarah.” Draco said and hugged Sarah.

 “No problem.” Sarah replied and let go of the hug.

 “DAD!” Draco turned around and saw them waving at him to come.

 “Draco!” Hermione also shouted.

 “Now go and be with your family.” Sarah added and smiled. Draco nodded and ran towards his family.

The Drama of My daughter has finally ended and it was all just a dream. But remember all dreams mean something either a lesson or a warning. Dreams come and go but each is important, sometimes dreams are like mirrors, they reflect what your heart desires. The story of My Daughter doesn’t only revolve of family Drama but it also revolves around truth, trust, friendship, and change. These are but some of the things that life itself revolves around and I hope you’ve learned something in the story.

 I am Sarah Gramer and I am the one telling this story. This is the story of my best friend and his family.

Family will always be there no matter what. Lovely telling you this story. This is goodbye.