Chapter 105

Maggie and Lena work together to practically pry their girlfriends apart. With one last hug, the sisters pull apart. Both have so many tears streaming down their faces that it's a miracle they can see anything at all.

Maggie nods to them and Lena purses her lips, her jaw trembling slightly. They're already off-schedule. They should be going. But Gods, this is harder than she thought. And that's saying something.

"You two take care of each other too, okay?" Lena says.

"We will," Maggie promises. She knows Alex is probably in no shape to be answering questions. "She's stuck with me forever now," she jokes.

Maggie nudges her fiancée lightly, earning a small smile from her. She takes Alex's hand and tries not to break down into tears again.

"One last hug? Please?" Kara asks them, her voice small.

"Get over here," Alex demands. Her voice is raw in a way Kara has never heard before.

Kara's lower lip wobbles again as fresh tears streak down her cheeks. She hugs Alex and Maggie again, lifting one arm to indicate that she wants Lena to join. Lena complies and it's one tight hug between the Danvers sisters and their partners.

They all murmur out "I love you"s before they pull away one last time, all of them messes. Lena wipes her eyes and takes Kara's hand again.

"Come on, darling. We need to get going."

Kara nods but her body doesn't comply, staying in place and giving her sister and future sister-in-law the saddest puppy dog eyes they have ever seen.

"We'll visit them soon, love. I promise. We can even come visit them while we're on our way to the Luthor Kingdom," Lena promises.

Kara nods again and lets herself be pulled towards the horses and wagons nearby. She snaps out of it enough to move her feet and turn her head away from looking at her friends and family, all gathered to see her and her girlfriend off.

She's confused when she sees Lena leading them to the wagon with their stuff in it.


"We're in no state to ride and steer horses at the moment," Lena says softly. "The horses will be lead, I talked to a guard about it yesterday. There are spots in the wagon where we can sit. We can cuddle." Lena nudges her girlfriend, earning a small smile in return, which she considers a success.

Kara smiles softly. "Okay." Lena climbs up first and extends her hand to help Kara up. "You know I can fly, right? You don't have to help me up."

"I resent that remark," Lena sniffs haughtily. "I'm a gentlewoman, Kara."

Kara laughs as she climbs up as well, using Lena's hand. She sits next to Lena, at the spot where they can look out the back. Her quick scan of the area told her there's a more comfortable place to sit, but Lena probably wants to let her look at her friends and family as they go. Knowing that, Kara falls for Lena a little bit more. She leans against her and squeezes Lena's hand.

The clopping noise of hooves tells Kara that they're starting to move. She bites her lower lip in an attempt to not start crying again, but it's futile. Tears fall down her already wet cheeks. If she were human, Kara knows she would have to worry about becoming dehydrated. The wagon jolts as the horses pulling it begin to move and they both wave to the others as they slowly become smaller. They wave back and Kara watches as they fade into the distance, especially once they pass through the castle gates. It's hard to see anyone through a wall. Unless you're Kara, and have X-ray vision, of course.

Once even Kara can't see them anymore, she turns to Lena and rests her head in Lena's lap. She's all cried out, but still sad about leaving her friends and family. Lena runs her fingers through Kara's hair.

"You can change your mind anytime, darling. You don't need to stay with me."

Kara opens her eyes and flips over onto her back so she can look her girlfriend in the eyes. "Lee, I want to be here. I want to be with you. I want to come to the Luthor Kingdom. I want to see your castle and where you grew up. I'm just going to miss my family."

Lena smiles sadly. "I know, love. I'm going to miss them too."

Kara can see the truth of that statement in her eyes and sits up. She wraps Lena up in a hug. Lena clings to her, no tears falling anymore but just as emotional. They hold each other until Lena shifts.

"My legs are getting cramped up," she explains. Kara lifts Lena up and then deposits her at the comfier seat, causing Lena to chuckle. "I could have gotten up. Get over here, you goof."

Lena opens her arms and Kara sits next to her, cuddling up to Lena's side. With the rocking motion of the wagon and the emotional mess their day has been, they fall asleep easily.


There's a light knocking noise, the sound of a fist banging against wood with purpose. Lena can hear murmurs but she's not conscious enough to be able to tell what they're saying. She inhales and shifts, cuddling up against Kara further as her mind pushes through the haze of sleep. She yawns and rubs at her eyes before opening them.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Kara says fondly.

Lena sits up with a jolt. "It's morning?"

"No, Lee. But you did sleep for a long time. We're stopping for the night. We managed to get to the spot you marked as the goal for today. And I'll be sure to tease you about the fact you made such a detailed map later."

Lena chuckles. "I would expect nothing less, darling. Now let's go set up our tent."

"You're the Queen, I'm a Princess. We can technically get people to do that for us."

"But if we let someone else do it, you'll stare longingly at the food the entire time the chef is making dinner," Lena points out.


"You know it's true, darling."


Next chapter will have some stuff from Alex and Maggie, since I have so cruelly deprived you all from their lovely relationship for so long! And this morning was weird, guys. My rude body decided to wake up at six am to get me to go to the bathroom. And when I did... There was a girl showering and playing music. At six am. And then the song switched, and you know what played? Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko. Who I have been in love with since her Lemonade Mouth days btw. Little gay me had a huge crush on her! Didn't know that yet though... And I may have stuck around longer than necessary to see who was listening to it haha. I swear I can't make this stuff up! Then I went to bed and slept for three more hours. Anyway! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!