Chapter 106

Maggie and Alex stay where they are, long after everyone else has left to do other things. The others stay until Lena and Kara are out of sight, but Alex can't bring herself to move quite yet. Her sister is gone. For now, but still. She knows Kara can handle herself, but she's still Alex's baby sister. She's always going to worry about her.

Maggie puts a hand on Alex's arm. Alex looks away from the empty road and meets her fiancée's eyes. Her lower lip wobbles, the tears long since having dried but it seems like she has some left to shed. Maggie gives her a soft smile.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's go back to our room," Maggie murmurs.

"I don't really want up talk about it, babe," Alex says.

"That's fine, Al. We can cuddle and I'll bring you chocolate from the kitchen."

Alex frowns. "But Lyra has banned Kara and I from taking chocolate without supervision after Kara ate a month's worth of chocolate in an hour."

Maggie blinks in surprise at the story. "You need to tell me that story some time. That's actually really impressive."

Alex chuckles. "I think Lyra would have thought the same thing if she weren't as horrified and angry."

Maggie and Alex begin walking, Alex feeling slightly less sad about Kara being gone. She misses her, and as long as she's gone Alex will always miss her. But it's comforting to know that Alex has Maggie and that Kara has Lena in the same way. She knows that together, they'll be able to anything. Which also concerns her. Because together, they can do anything.

Maggie holds the front door for Alex, bowing deeply with an exaggerated "m'lady" to make her laugh. The guards stare after them, still not used to seeing Alex let anyone do something for her. They walk down the hallways hand in hand, Alex holding on tighter than she normally would. Maggie holds their bedroom door open for Alex as well, earning a soft thank you from her fiancée.

Alex immediately walks to the bed and flops down on it face first. Maggie chuckles and quietly closes the door behind her. She gently puts her hand on Alex's back, causing her to turn her head to the side to look at Maggie.

"You stay here and relax, sweetie. I'm going to go get some chocolate from the kitchen," Maggie says.

"And beer?" Alex asks, her eyes wide and hopeful.

"One beer for you, one for me Danvers. You shouldn't be getting drunk tonight."

"It isn't tonight yet." At Maggie's stern look. "Okay mom," she says teasingly.

"Kinky, Danvers."

The door is shutting behind her before Alex can power through her shock and stutter out an answer. Maggie hums the Kryptonian tune Alex had sung last night as she walks to the kitchens.

"Chocolate?" Lyra asks, looking up from where she's making lunch.

"Yeah. I guess you know the Danvers sisters pretty well by now, huh?"

"I know that both have a tendency to eat their feelings. And drown their feelings, in Alex's case. Are you going to get her alcohol?" Lyra asks.

"One beer, yeah. I think she needs it after today and yesterday. I'll keep a eye on her," Maggie promises.

Lyra purses her lips and nods. "Alright. But she will need more sustenance than  just chocolate. Here." She walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a plate with the food covered with a napkin. "I was saving this for tonight, but she might as well have it now. Maybe it will cheer her up."

Maggie lifts the napkin carefully and grins, her dimples showing. "You're really sweet, Lyra."

"Don't tell anyone or I'll skin you alive," Lyra threatens.

"You wouldn't," Maggie says confidently. "Plus, I'm sure Winn already knows."

Lyra shrugs. "He figured that out long ago, Maggie."

Maggie chuckles and puts the plate on the resting spot above the fire, specifically designed to put plates on. She waits for steam to come off of it and then heads back to Alex's and her room.

Alex is still on the bed when she returns, but she's on her back. Alex smiles at her fiancée, her eyes lighting up when she sees her struggling to carry what looks like an array of her favorite things. She sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed, hopping out to help Maggie.

Maggie gives her an amused look when what Alex grabs is the two beers. Alex sets them down on the bedside table and helps Maggie with the other things. The plate is still covered when she sets it down and she gives Maggie a curious look.

"This is warm, so I know that this probably isn't chocolate. Can I look?" Alex asks.

"Go ahead."

Alex lifts the napkin and a lot of steam rushes out. When she sees what's underneath, she gasps and looks up at Maggie.

"Oh my god. I love you, babe. Thank you!"

"You should be thanking Lyra, not me. And I know that they're Kara's favorite food, but that you like them too."

"Yeah, Kara usually hogs all of them." Alex says with a soft, wistful smile.

"I promise not to hog them if you share them with me."

Maggie gives her fiancée an innocent smile as they both settle into bed, Maggie holding the plate of chocolate and Alex holding a plate of potstickers. Alex hesitates for a moment and then complies, holding out the plate for Maggie to grab some.

Maggie takes a couple, leaving the rest for Alex. She bites into one and hums happily. Maggie reaches over and grabs the beers, handing one to Alex. They both twist the caps to the glass bottles off and it hisses as foam appears. Alex takes a swig and sighs happily. She relaxes and takes a piece of chocolate, popping it into her mouth. Once she swallows that, she leans over and pecks Maggie's lips.

"Mm," she hums. "Three of my favorite things."

"Chocolate, booze, and kissing me?" Maggie asks.

"Hm. I wasn't counting the alcohol, but yeah. Good food, chocolate, alcohol, and you."

"Good thing to know I'm like chocolate to you," Maggie jokes.

"You are. You look good, you taste even better, and you make my brain release dopamine."

Maggie beams, her dimples showing. "That's the nerdiest way I've ever heard to tell someone you they make you happy. I love you too, Danvers."

Aww, I've missed writing sappy stuff about Sanvers :) And someone brought this up recently and I figured I would ease your guys' fears.... I will NOT be breaking up Sanvers! They're endgame in this! Screw canon! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!