Chapter 132

(**more smut)

Alex tries not to show how affected she is by Maggie's grinding. Not that it really matters, since Maggie is so distracted. Alex puts her hands on Maggie's hips and lightly pushes down, adding more strength to her movements. Maggie's back arches and her breath hitches, her hips bucking before she resumes her grind.

Alex can feel the wetness against her thigh increase as Maggie's pace does. Alex can tell that no matter how desperate her movements are, it won't be enough to make her come. Maggie doesn't always need penetration in order to come, but Alex can usually tells when she does.

Alex's hands tense and tighten slightly against Maggie's hips, forcing her to a stop. Her hips twitch once automatically in protest against the removal of the pressure. Maggie lets out a shuddering breath and Alex meets her eyes. She bites her lower lip, ignoring the wetness between her own thighs in favor of Maggie's.

Alex removes one hand from Maggie's hips but she stays compliant, not continuing to grind in its absence. Alex lets her fingers slowly slide across Maggie's body until they reach the center of her front, then she lets them slide down through dark curls until she touches her wetness.

Maggie's hips jolt, her eyes half lidded and her mouth slightly open. Alex looks back down and lets her fingers trace around Maggie's clit, not giving her the pressure she desperately wants. Yet. Her fingers slide down more until Alex's fingers are right at her entrance. She can feel Maggie clench around nothing when she gets close.

"How many?" Alex asks, knowing her voice is raspy and giving away how turned on she is.

"Two," Maggie breathes out.

Alex nods and slips two fingers inside. Sometimes Alex needs to pause to let her adjust and get used to the feeling, but not tonight. She's wet enough that there's practically no resistance. And Gods, if that isn't one of the hottest things.

Alex can feels Maggie's walls tremble around her, clenching and gripping her tightly like she wants to make sure Alex stays inside and wants Alex deeper. Maggie's eyes are closed and she lets out a shuddering breath, her hips twitching like she's resisting the urge to start grinding again. Alex can't deny that she really wants to see that. So she decides to stop denying herself the sight.

"Take what you need, Mags."

Maggie complies immediately, her hips thrusting, raising and lowering herself over Alex's fingers. The sounds of their lovemaking fill the air and Alex sits up so she can kiss her wife. The kiss is sloppy, and Alex can tell how close Maggie is, teetering on the edge.

"Allie," Maggie gasps.

Alex knows what she needs and maneuvers her thumb so it can put pressure on her clit. Maggie's back goes ramrod straight and her head tips back slightly, giving Alex the perfect angle to kiss her neck. Alex sucks a hickey into Maggie's neck as she grinds down one last time. She cries out loudly, her hands grasping and scratching at Alex's back. Alex doesn't mind the sting and pulls back to watch Maggie's face as she thrusts her fingers slowly to work her down. Alex removes her thumb from its position, not wanting to overstimulate her.

Maggie's body slumps and relaxes, resting her sweaty forehead against Alex's shoulder as she breathes hard. She presses a kiss to Alex's collarbone and then uses the leftover adrenaline and energy to pull her wife into a bruising kiss.

"You were wonderful, Allie." Maggie praises with a raspy voice. "I wasn't sure you had that in you."

"Actually Mags, I think I had it in you."

Alex gives her wife a dorky wink and grin. Maggie chuckles softly and pecks her. Alex grins and lies back on the bed, resting the back of her head on her arms, waiting as Maggie catches her breath.

Maggie leans down and plants her elbows on either side of Alex's head. She smirks, knowing how her wife thinks it's sexy when she does.

"What now, baby?" Maggie says, her voice low and husky.

Alex shivers. "I want- I want you."

"In what way? I could see the look in your eyes, Allie. I know that you know what you want."

"We can do it tomorrow, Mags." Alex says, shaking her head softly. "It's our wedding night, we should be making love."

Maggie's eyes light up slightly, both at the prospect of her shy wife verbally acknowledging wanting something other than making love and at the curiosity as to what she considers to not be making love. She leans down until her breath is hitting Alex's ear, knowing how much that turns her on.

"Exactly, Allie. It's our wedding night. So we should do whatever the hell we want."

Alex's hands flex where they're pressed against her back. She bites her lip, the way she does when she's almost convinced but needs another push.

"¿Qué quieres mi amor (what do you want my love)?"

Alex lets out a breath. "I didn't know you could speak Spanish."

"Mm. It's what we spoke at home, as well as English. Both of my parents knew it as their first language. Over time as a knight, I lost my accent. Mostly because having a female knight was bad enough, let alone one with a foreign accent. I miss it sometimes," Maggie admits.

"I would love to hear it more. Could you teach me?" Alex asks.

"I would love to. But that's not the point. Allie, what sexy thing did that brilliant brain of yours cook up?" Maggie smiles down at her, using Alex's weakness, her double dimples.

Maggie leans down so she can hear Alex easier without making her raise her voice. She knows her wife gets shy about these kinds of things.

Alex clears her throat, her face pink. "Nothing."

"It's not nothing. Allie, you know you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable, right?" Maggie says.

Alex nods and takes a deep breath. She murmurs in Maggie's ear and watches her face to turn to a mixture of pleasant surprise and confusion to her smirk.

I was going to reveal what Alex said but I think this'll be more interesting... What do you think she said? ;) And I know some of you are here for Supercorp, and I'm sorry but Sanvers just got married so they're going to have their moment! Afterwards, I'll get back to Supercorp! And I promise the same thing will happen when Supercorp gets married too ;) Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!