Chapter 133

(This is also smut)

Alex nervously looks up at her smirking wife, who's looking at her like she wants to devour her, and begins rambling nervously. "You can say no, of course, Mags. It was just something stuck in my head. I'm find if you don't want to, we could always make love or-"

Maggie presses one finger to Alex's lips. "Shh. This is something you want, yeah?" Alex nods hesitantly. "This is something I want too. Allie, I would be more than happy to sit on your face."

Alex lets out a shy squeaking sound and presses her hands to her cheeks in an attempt to hide her blush from her wife. Maggie kisses the backs of her hands, alternating between them until Alex lowers them from her face. Then Maggie kisses her cheeks for good measure.

"You'll let me know if I'm making you uncomfortable in a bad way, right Allie?" Maggie says softly.

"I will," Alex promises.

Maggie nods and leans down to capture Alex's lips again, kissing her deeply and thoroughly in an attempt to calm her down and make her more comfortable. Maggie shifts so she's practically sitting on Alex (not her face, not yet, just on her abs) and it takes an impressive amount of willpower not to start grinding again. Because holy crap, Maggie doesn't think she'll ever get used to seeing or feeling her wife's abs.

Alex kisses her back, one hand moving to tangle in her hair and pull her closer. Maggie hums against her lips as Alex begins to kiss her more enthusiastically. Alex pulls back to meet Maggie's gaze and bites her lower lip at how turned on her wife looks.

Alex takes a deep breath to give herself the confidence she needs, which just so happens to raise her stomach up just enough that it grazes Maggie's wetness. She can see Maggie's eyes flutter slightly at the sudden pleasure and can feel the wetness against her abdomen.

Alex feels the answering tug of pleasure and grips Maggie's hips, silently telling her she wants her to move forward. Maggie presses one hand down on Alex's shoulder and she lets herself be pushed back down onto the bed, not having noticed that her shoulders were raised. Alex wiggles a bit in place, finding the comfiest position and spot to lie in. She pulls one of the pillows that are on the skinnier side, rather than poofier. It makes for a nice neck rest, and it'll be a good place for Maggie's knees to rest on.

Alex gently squeezes Maggie's hips, tugging her forward but she doesn't use much of her strength to do so. Maggie complies and carefully moves up Alex's body. She settles herself over Alex's mouth and can feel her heart rate already increase noticeably. Gods, they haven't done this position in a while.

"It's my turn next Allie," Maggie breathes out.

Alex's thighs clench together, wondering what wonderful things Maggie has in store for her. She refocuses on her beautiful wife hovering over her. This is one of her favorite positions, because Maggie can easily take control. She can grind and give herself as much pressure as she wants, she can tug at Alex's hair, and Alex can watch her body arch and her breasts heave as she breathes hard with the pleasure of it all.

Alex taps Maggie's hips to indicate she's ready but Maggie hesitates for a moment.

"Babe, you remember our safe code?"

Alex nods and taps Maggie's hips twice with three fingers. That's a signal so Maggie knows if Alex needs air or a short break. Then Alex pats three times with her palm, which is their silent signal for an immediate stop.

Maggie nods. "Okay, good. And you also remember how to ask me if I'm good?"

Alex pokes Maggie in the stomach with two fingers, making her wife twitch and giggle.

"Now are you done stalling?" Alex asks.

"Cheeky," Maggie teases. She taps Alex's nose. "I would be more than happy to have your mouth doing more fun things than talking."

Maggie lowers herself slowly and lets out a surprised squeal when Alex pulls her down the rest of the way. Alex doesn't waste any time, getting right to work. Maggie's hips jolt and flex as her wife explores her, not dipping in yet and avoiding her clit, but gathering the wetness.

Maggie gets impatient and begins grinding against Alex's tongue. She looks down to see Alex's eyes fixated on the rise and fall of her breasts as she grinds and knows this is probably exactly what her wife wanted. So Maggie reaches down to tangle her fingers in Alex's short hair to bring her closer.

Alex moans at that and Maggie's hips jolt again as she lets out an answering moan. Alex begins to work in earnest, sliding her tongue inside her wife and beginning to thrust it. It doesn't take long before her jaw starts to ache slightly, but Maggie is making such delicious noises that Alex doesn't mind in the least.

Maggie taps Alex's forehead to get her attention and Alex slows her movements, focusing on her wife.

"Fingers please," Maggie gasps out.

Alex understands what she wants immediately and removes her tongue, only to press two fingers inside of her. The high pitched moan Maggie makes in response causes a shiver run down Alex's spine. Maggie braces herself on the headboard with her hand that's not in Alex's hair and her back arches when those fingers curl inside of her.

Maggie can feel herself getting close and knows that Alex can tell. Alex can always tell. Maggie grinds her clit against her wife's outstretched tongue, each thrust of Alex's hand inside of her curling against her g-spot and driving her higher. Maggie can barely think about anything at the moment except the pleasure, and all the attempts to gasp out Alex's name turn out indecipherable.

Alex latches onto Maggie's clit with one last thrust and sucks just as she curls her fingers, nearly coming herself as Maggie topples over the edge into an intense orgasm shouting out Alex's name.

Aah, I hope this is good! Please let me know if anything is weird or incorrect, because have never done anything like that irl... I've never even kissed someone lol. Anywho! I figured I would let you guys know that in heading out of town early Friday and I don't expect to be back until late Sunday, and I have no idea when or if I'll have time to write... I will when I can! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!